View Full Version : Best LGBT films of year Thai and international

December 20th, 2013, 04:38
Bangkpost Post has listed their top 5 International and top 5 Thai gay films for the year. There seems to be a copyright problem copying but the list is here
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The best LGBT films of 2013 From a Gallic lesbian romance to a Thai doc on transvestites, the movies have yielded many high moments in gender diversity Published: 20 Dec 2013 at 00.00 Newspaper...

Please credit and share this article with others using this linkhttp://www.bangkokpost.com/lifestyle/film/385784/the-best-lgbt-films-of-2013.

December 20th, 2013, 08:23
The deletion of posts from gaythailand to other forums, borders on stupidity

This thread was about the top 5 Gay Thai movies and the the top 5 international.

What justification is there for moving threads when you often only have one new thread in GayThailand per day.

Are you going mad or senile. This is stupid.