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June 11th, 2006, 10:37
If you are not interested in Fox news or football, move on! I don't want to waste your time.

Ok, this feels like it is becoming a personal cruisade against Fox News but I really feel sorry for American's, or any other nation's peoples who are subjected to or believe that Fox News provides objective information or reports i.e. News.

As well as the freeway car chases, the morbid fascination with murders of pretty blonde teenage girls, the assumptions about court cases reported as facts, now comes the making up of news. Flipping stations along with my morning coffee came the tag line 'Riots & Racism' sour the World Cup. It's cutesy anchor went on to say that English fans led the rioting resulting in one person being injured to a pictorial backdrop of smiling and somewhat drunken English football fans. There then followed a stream of descriptions of rioting, nazi saluting and racist chanting with pictures to back this up. However, what they failed to mentioin was that apart from, I assume, the initial pic's of England fans drinking and smiling, every other piece of news footage was from other football events, and most were not of national teams but were local teams from the likes of Spain. None of the pic's were labelled as 'archive footage' and to anyone watching, this was news happening in the last few hours. No other news agency is reportiing any form of rioting (at least not yet in this world cup) nor reporting racism.

They make their sets and anchors shiny and attractive and provide headlines made to drag people in, or at least pause long enough to watch a bit of this tripe. They show bias in virtuallly everything they do. I caught the end of the item prior to the above 'rioting' tag. There was a report on some people (pictures of black Americans and arabs), protesting at the new abilities of police to stop and search anyone and then introduced a professor who stated that 'we' must racially target those people who are known to fit the terrorist profile (non whites, arabs). They didn't mention the yarmulke he was wearing. The item ended with the anchor preaching that we should all be sending our prayers and love to the hard working soldiers and military that are fighting the war against those nasty rag head terrorists to keep Ammerica safe. Ok so they didn't use the term 'rag head' but you know that this is what they would say if they could get away with it and what most of their audience are thinking.

Fox News, reporting to America and the world and claiming to be a news station when it is nothing more than a right wing propaganda machine, peddling to the masses, selling titilation, fear and patriotism in equal measure and making up stories to sell airtime. I believe that the Russian News Agency Pravda was ridiculed for it's bias in reporting and for being the puppet of government. The only thing that has changed is that now it's America who has these august and important organisations in their pocket.

Ok, it's my own fault, as Gary Shandling might say, 'no flipping', but when I do flip channnels, I really must remember to double click when it comes to Fox News (or CNN for that matter).

June 11th, 2006, 10:40
Yes. it is a sad state of affairs. Fun rant that.