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View Full Version : Tom Daley - British Diver comes out ( at last lol)

Nirish guy
December 2nd, 2013, 16:47
Tom Daley comes out ! ( Like we didn't all tell the world he would one day lol)

Olympic diving star Tom Daley has revealed he is in a relationship with a man in a YouTube broadcast.

The 19-year-old bronze medallist told fans: "In spring this year my life changed massively when I met someone, and they make me feel so happy, so safe and everything just feels great.

"That someone is a guy."


And such as sweet coming out video too, I'm sure it will help ease the pain of many guys hiss age who might be also struggling with their sexuality, good for you Tom, well done !

December 2nd, 2013, 18:24
I'm definitely in with a chance, then, having lusted after him during the Olympics.

Still, he's very brave to do what he's done, and I wish him well. As you say, NIrish, it may help other young guys who are struggling. Well done to him, I say.

December 3rd, 2013, 01:00
OMG. He's a little hottie. I'm surprised I heard this first here. I follow him on Twitter and Subscribe to his Youtube channel. But, yeah, no big surprise. lol.

December 3rd, 2013, 03:58
I opened the second door of my advent calendar and British diver Tom Daley came out.


December 3rd, 2013, 04:45
his boyfriend is quite cute too. seems to be generally positive reactions to the news.

December 3rd, 2013, 05:18
his boyfriend is quite cute too..
Thanks Joe
I never realised you felt that way about me! :)) :)) :))

December 3rd, 2013, 06:15
A headline of "Bear Shits in Woods" would elicit more surprise

Been predicting this moment for years - he's as camp as Christmas and always has been.

Anybody who imagined for one moment that he was str8 needs their head examined.


December 3rd, 2013, 09:41
I thought it was a dignified disclosure by Daley and a particularly brave thing to do early in his career. The relatively few sportsmen who have come out previously have usually done so after retirement. Good luck to him. The cause of gay rights has been given a welcome boost.

December 3rd, 2013, 11:59
Gonna kill two birds with one stone here: Celebrate Tom's beauty and play with my um.... geeky new lightbox slideshow gizmo:

[attachment=1:23qok7ny]Tom+Daley+European+Swimming+Championships+mE8s5z6o XSyx.jpg[/attachment:23qok7ny]


December 3rd, 2013, 13:17
the usual reaction to someone comming out is a bunch of old men all getting goose pimples and getting quite excited about it .... how stereo typical you all are.

December 3rd, 2013, 15:55
the usual reaction to someone comming out is a bunch of old men all getting goose pimples and getting quite excited about it .... how stereo typical you all are.

I think we as gay men should be encouraged to appreciate and celebrate the beauty of the human form and especially the male form....is,that stereotypical? Hmm..I thought that was being human.

Some of the most moving and beautiful photo images I have ever seen were by Lenard nimoy of large women that he had captured on film.

A diving hottie is nice also.

Oh timmberty you cranky thing.....

December 3rd, 2013, 15:57
Wow. Spock is a chubby chaser? I had no idea. :YMALIEN:

December 3rd, 2013, 17:41
Tom Daley said words to the effect that he "still fancied girls". Hmmm..... well unless they use a dildo, how are they going to fuck him up the arse?!

December 3rd, 2013, 19:23
Bit hard to believe that he'd never had anything with a guy before, and the "I still fancy girls" tidbit sounds like wanting to console his (many) female fans. Nevertheless, I think this video is quite endearing and probably the right thing to do nowadays (coming out on YouTube as a celebrity, I mean). I wish him all the best with his relationship & with growing to appreciate his gayness.

Nirish guy
December 3rd, 2013, 20:04
Wow. Spock is a chubby chaser? I had no idea. :YMALIEN:

Well now, it's funny you should say that as the "new" Spock in the latest Star Trek movies ( Zachery Quinto) IS actually gay and out and proud so perhaps you could be right about that ! :-)

Nirish guy
December 3rd, 2013, 20:13
And re Tom even nicer when his PR Company released a statement to confirm that they were neither advised of his coming out or advised him in any way how to handle it and in fact he made that youtube video on his phone at home the very night after he'd only told his own family as he wanted to get it out there so much and let everyone know - I'm guessing before his PR company and sponsors could perhaps talk him out of it as other gay sportsmen have lost their sponsors when they decided the countries that they sold into where being gay wasn't accepted wouldn't like it, so rather than address the homophobia there they simply dumped the athlete - nice :-(.

So, good for Tom, health and happiness to him and his ( probably not so new) boyfriend - who is also annoyingly cute and probably now on the death list of half the gays and girls across the globe. lol

December 3rd, 2013, 21:38
Tom Daley said words to the effect that he "still fancied girls"...

That's what's called "damage limitation" - he needs to keep all those teenage girls wondering what he keeps in his trunks and thinking they could turn him!

Basically he's taking an enormous risk with his "marketability" - there's a limit to how much perfume and calendars us raddled old queens will buy and, looking to the merchandising opportunities within "our" section of his fan base, to how many toupee, denture, and truss sponorships he will be able to get.

Maybe he is being very courageous and maybe I'm being extremely cynical - but I can't help feeling there was possibly a news expos├й about to break and he got in there first! Oo-er Missus!!

December 4th, 2013, 03:47
So who thinks Tom and Daniel Radcliffe would make a nice couple?

and Scottish-guy, I do think you're being a bit cynical

Nirish guy
December 4th, 2013, 03:57
I'm sure they would - but I'm not so sure Daniel Radcliffe might agree considering he's not gay ! :-). And whilst I grant you on first appearances one might certainly think so but he's been very clear about his sexuality many times and it's a real non issue for him.

He also by the way is and been has a VERY vocal supporter of gay rights and the gay community as a whole in many forms, very publicly for a long time now and as he has already said himself many times if he was gay he wouldn't hesitate in saying so as it wouldn't cause him a second thought.

Actually he has literally just this week won this years Attitude ( leading gay magazine) annual award for Best Actor for his role in the new gay interest murder drama film "Kill your Darlings" which is being released in the UK this very week actually and seems to be getting good reviews ( link for trailer etc below for any movie buffs), where he plays a young guy who amongst a heap of other stuff discovers his (gay) sexuality and whilst finding himself indulges in a full gay sex screen about him losing his gay virginity (not bad for a straight actor lol) but as well as the great acting some of the award was undoubtedly I think to thank him for his continuing overt support of gay rights.

Perhaps of course it's just that HIS contract doesn't allow him to come out, but I honestly don't think he would tolerate that sort of nonsense, but yes, if he "was" then a lovely couple indeed they would make - and hey who knows cause let's face it no one ever suspected Tom was gay - right !? Lol

Link to his new movie overview - complete with movie trailer.

December 4th, 2013, 09:45
Tom Daley said words to the effect that he "still fancied girls". Hmmm.....

You know what they say, 'Bi now, gay later'.

December 4th, 2013, 12:42
So someones been fucking his arse off have they? In Thailand?

December 4th, 2013, 15:01
The media seems pretty convinced that this is the new boyfriend...

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/ar ... ywood.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2517833/Is-Tom-Daley-relationship-39-year-old-Oscar-winning-screenwriter-LGBT-activist-Dustin-Lance-Black-Pair-pictured-going-coffee-Hollywood.html)

Nirish guy
December 4th, 2013, 15:31
Yeah I've read a few stories claiming that's the BF too, seems no one is 100% sure.

I just hope now that Tom has come out that he's fully embracing the stereotype and shagging them both, probably behind each other's back and all whilst nipping down to his local cruising spot AND hitting his nearest gay sauana and gay club darkroom too lol - then he will a full paid up member of gayuk!! Lol

December 4th, 2013, 16:43
Not all gay men are sluts, NIrish :ymparty:

still, it gives hope for us older guys