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November 29th, 2013, 20:18
more posts bit the dust in a recent thread than any other, certain members defending the likes of jimmy savile, who just because he died can have nothing bad said about him.
other board owners defending the rights of pedos over victims.
call me old fashioned but death doesnt make someone who acted a cunt all their life to become a saint.

November 29th, 2013, 21:00
So, on top of being old fashioned, which of these two do you think best describes how you're thought of here?

Of all the complaints about the comments on that Monty thread, yours received the most.
Three times you tried to leave various.....questionable comments, on that thread.

Who the hell is jimmy savile and what has he got to do with Monty's passing?
What pedo allegation are you making now?

Tell us how you came to know Monty!


November 29th, 2013, 21:30
who is jimmy savile, he was a guy who raised millions for charity, he even helped to run a hospital for sick kids.
didnt monty employ underaged workers in his ventures? or was he just helping out these poor defencless mites ?
how did i come to know him ? probably the same as everyone else, by coming to pattaya.
you can defend the indefenciable all you want, but dont ask me to join in your crusade. next you'll be telling us what a great guy hilter was.

November 30th, 2013, 01:04
No one is asking you to join anything, in fact quite the contrary.

When did you meet Monty then timmberty and which one of his "ventures" are you talking about?


November 30th, 2013, 12:32
are you a policeman now ? questions questions.
if you didnt keep deleting posts you didnt like you would you probably already have the information you are after.
please dont waste my time asking me to post stuff again after you have already deleted it.

November 30th, 2013, 12:58
I have not deleted any of your posts. I am very keen to hear where and how you met Monty.

Please be specific I know you are not shy.

November 30th, 2013, 15:01
are you a policeman now ? questions questions.

please dont waste my time asking me to post stuff again after you have already deleted it.

You appear to be making some strong allegations about someone that isn't here to defend themselves anymore.
If you are going to make back handed comments about someone, you had better be prepared to back that up instead of skirting the questions...and timmberty, I don't see anyone asking you to post anything, let alone again.


December 1st, 2013, 12:08
No one is asking you to join anything, in fact quite the contrary.

When did you meet Monty then timmberty and which one of his "ventures" are you talking about?


right so that wasnt a question then and thats not a question mark at the end of it ? one of us is going mad and im pretty sure it aint me.
the old he isnt here to defend himself anymore, and of course if any of these boys came over to your place and told you what happened to them and how their lives have been fucked up, would you say the exact same to them?
oh and do tell me why i need to back anything up, one thing ive 'learnt' from board owners is, you are all great at making threats of legal action against people (each other) but do fuck all.
is witchunt another of your hydras he seems to be saying the exact same as you do.

just so you know i had a chat about buying the corner bar with monty after he mentioned on here that he was interested in buying it. i then spoke to several people i know about it, they all told me not to go within 10 miles of a deal with him. oh fuck you'll be wanting names now, well dont worry they are people in the real world, not this fucked up mini world you have invented for yourself to live in.
does that answer your question ? thats not a question bty.

December 1st, 2013, 16:46
just so you know i had a chat about buying the corner bar with monty after he mentioned on here that he was interested in buying it. i then spoke to several people i know about it, they all told me not to go within 10 miles of a deal with him. oh fuck you'll be wanting names now, well dont worry they are people in the real world, not this fucked up mini world you have invented
So you were going to buy the Corner Bar with Monty, but you didn't and somehow the business deal that (by your own admission didn't go anywhere) qualifies you as an expert on all the other venom you insist on laying out on this last thread for Monty? Did Monty fuck you over on the deal timmerty, or are you just going by what other people told you? What do you think they're saying about you? Four times now timmerty, I've had to delete your shit on that thread despite being told in advance that this would be the outcome. Boy, you're a stubborn one! You're compulsive...you just can't let things go.If you feel so strongly about making a scene at someone else's passing, go back to Monty's last thread!.That one went right in the ditch...so fill your boots, if you really think it's appropriate now.


December 1st, 2013, 18:00
Surfcrest, I don't know why you're trying to be so even-handed with the perpetually angry Timmberty - just ban the cunt

December 2nd, 2013, 00:43
I'm proud of the fact that I've only had to ban 4 members so far, Neal, Ron, kjun12 and Zebedee.

I have had to intercept 30 attempts by Neal, kjun12 and Ron to re-join Sawatdee...kjun12 is still here under one last user name and as long as he does not post...I won't deactivate that name yet.

There's no one I've had to moderate more than timmberty.....leaving only a handful of other occasions, most of those going to newalaan2.

I've had to delete some crap from the Monty post and I've had to move a Gay Romeo post into the garage based on some objections we received about the post.
And while timmberty did not make an official complaint about the Gay Romeo post...he did make enough noise about other posters comments on the thread.
To the point where he told us he was in contact with the boy, telling him what was being posted about him here.

Despite someone's ridiculous claims that we've / I've gone back and edited old posts...I haven't. Everything that was here May 1st is still here today December 1st....except any cut & past post where no one replied....that someone was making last year when this forum was just about dead.

Are there are more examples out there of this heavy handed, unreasonable moderating going on.....or censorship? I might be hearing about it...but I don't see it.


December 2nd, 2013, 12:47
Surfcrest, I don't know why you're trying to be so even-handed with the perpetually angry Timmberty - just ban the cunt

doest this not count as a personal attact ? tell you what shitty why dont you mind you're own fucking business. i am having an internet row with surfcrest and as you are so often keen on telling other readers if you dont wanna read it dont. theres a little button that stops you from being able to see what posters you dont like are saying why dont you click it.? oh i know why, you click that and all of a sudden you have nothing to post about do ya. cause i notice most of your posts seem to come in half way thru others threads that are nothing to do with you.
remember how you told me to butt out of one of your rows with a.n.other .. well take you're own advice and fuck off.

surfcrest yes i did take others advice about whether to do business with monty, people he has screwed over in the past. are you telling me i should have ignored them and carried on ? would i have had more of a reason to have a moan if i had lost 20 thousand pounds? as for what other people say about me, who cares. and do you know how much more upset they get when you ignor them ? how many more lies they tell about you and how bigger the lies become, it is rather funny to see just how mad it makes people when you dont give a stuff about them or their lies.
i mentioned jimmy saville, he was one of the worst peods in the history of the world, if the people who matter had taken your advice and ignored all that was being said about him, he would still be a saint and some people who are now in jail would still be walking the streets

oh scotty i'll put some money behind the bar for you on friday night, you will reconise the pub its got a big H painted on the top of it.

December 2nd, 2013, 13:32
surfcrest yes i did take others advice about whether to do business with monty, people he has screwed over in the past. are you telling me i should have ignored them and carried on ? would i have had more of a reason to have a moan if i had lost 20 thousand pounds?
So then, in actuality...you don't have any real experiences with Monty...you didn't "carry on"..and what you've said here is hearsay from others that you say may have been screwed over in the past, or have told you that they were.

Was this really worth all that effort? Have you ever considered acupuncture?


December 2nd, 2013, 14:04
no i have no actual experience with him because i was warned off by other that have had experience with him .. any chance of you grasping that ?

i seem to recall you had some dealing with the ex-owner of this board,would you advise anyone else to do business with him ? would you tell them what a great guy he is and everything is rosey?
or would you ignor anyone who asked you about doing business with him and tell them to find out for themselves?

for a man who buys property the world over you seem to have a lot of trouble working out what one and one is.

i notice on the monty thread other than copy and pasting a few pictues and posts from gaybuttons site you have not told of us of any of your dealings with monty. do i assume from this you never even met the man ?
i also notice you allow witchunt to slag off another dead member whilst defending another, is the niceness allowed to die the more time passes?.

amazes me how all board owners become a wealth of knowledge about anything and everything the moment they grasp the controls of a board.

December 2nd, 2013, 14:45
no i have no actual experience with him because i was warned off by other that have had experience with him .. any chance of you grasping that ?

i seem to recall you had some dealing with the ex-owner of this board,would you advise anyone else to do business with him ?

i notice on the monty thread other than copy and pasting a few pictues and posts from gaybuttons site you have not told of us of any of your dealings with monty. do i assume from this you never even met the man ?

amazes me how all board owners become a wealth of knowledge about anything and everything the moment they grasp the controls of a board.

[Monty, a long time member of Sawatdee and very active in the Gay Community in Pattaya passed away yesterday in Thailand.
Rest in Peace Monty, you will be missed.

Unlike you timmberty, the above quote is all I said about Monty. No wealth of knowledge, just a proper send off to someone that has been a member here on this Board for many years.

As for having some dealing with an ex-owner of this board...unlike you, I actually had dealings with the guy or we wouldn't be here having this conversation today.
While I may not have gone behind closed doors in his bar to prove or not prove something, I did go up to the guy at the beach and do what needed to be done to get rid of him.
And if I have something to say about him and those experiences after he is gone...it will be based on real experiences pal...not what might have been / could have been...such as in your case.


December 2nd, 2013, 15:30
.... scotty i'll put some money behind the bar for you on friday night, you will reconise the pub its got a big H painted on the top of it.

Now, this is REALLY going too far - the ultimate in bad taste - laughing at dead people, and reminiscent of your infamous ditty last year on PBB about Tim Durrell's suicide. What kind of a warped, sick, mind do you have?

I'm sure many reading this will have no idea what you are referring to in your "quip" about a pub with a big H painted on the roof- so let me enlighten them. Timmberty is making a joke over a Police helicopter falling out of the air and crashing into a packed pub in Glasgow last Friday night.

So far, the entire crew of the Police helicopter have been confirmed dead, together with 6 customers of the pub. Tens of people are injured and in hospital with some in Intensive Care.

Even as I type this, the helicopter is still lodged in the fabric of the building and is slowly being raised up so that mangled bodies can be pulled from under it.

And Timmberty considers that a joking matter? Completely disgraceful!!


December 3rd, 2013, 11:39
yes the gay community has stood as one on this board and said its farewells to monty. so we can take it that about 6 or 7 people are sorry to see him go, and the other 600 odd didnt give a shit.
i finally get you now, its taken a while but its happened. you are incapable of listening to people, if someone tells you a person isnt worth the time of day you will ignor them and them and find out for yourself, if you dont experience it yourself it doesnt happen. you stick with your virtual monty that you loved so dearly, i'll stick with the guy who i was told would have ripped me off for 20 grand and who liked his chicken raw.
well enlightened scotty. indeed disgraceful !!!

December 3rd, 2013, 13:44
Timmberty I assume that this was before the new owners took over and did the blue refurnish.

To be frank 20,000 pounds is over 1 million baht and it would have needed at least a minimum of 30,000 baht per month to keep it open during off season.

Judging on the areas you claim to socialize in when in Pattaya, that was a long way out from what you could afford or even think about.

Maybe they were thinking about you as much as Monty.

December 3rd, 2013, 14:55
i finally get you now, its taken a while but its happened. you are incapable of listening to people, if someone tells you a person isnt worth the time of day you will ignor them and them and find out for yourself, if you dont experience it yourself it doesnt happen. you stick with your virtual monty that you loved so dearly, i'll stick with the guy who i was told would have ripped me off for 20 grand and who liked his chicken raw.
well enlightened scotty. indeed disgraceful !!!
If you are referring to yourself as the "people", he who jumps on someone else's coffin to draw attention to himself, or laughs about Nelson Mandela going through the pains of growing old, or who makes jokes about people in Scotland being killed in a tragic helicopter accident...then yes, I don't have the time of day for you.

If your raw chicken reference is about anything more than his soup...then this is your third warning.

It would break my heart to ban you timmberty.


December 3rd, 2013, 21:21
im sure it would
you know its funny i have no time what-so-ever for the former owner of this board, but here you are bitching away at me like theres no tomorrow.
yet after having popped over there to read their latest pile of bullshit they mention the lastest sunday *funny*

do i take it its ok to mock the dead as long as you do it in pictures rather than words? i cant imagine you haven't seen it being as you approved of it being posted.

as for the other things its called black humour, of course its tragic, but just because something is tragic dont mean you cant laugh about it.
and as for dear old nelson hes getting old, i will get older i dont really care if people take the piss out of me when i do. some gays are just a little to sensitive.

December 3rd, 2013, 23:34
you know its funny i have no time what-so-ever for the former owner of this board, but here you are bitching away at me like theres no tomorrow..

No timmberty...you brought that topic up yourself on this thread...."Mr. No Tomorrow".

oh and do tell me why i need to back anything up, one thing ive 'learnt' from board owners is, you are all great at making threats of legal action against people (each other) but do fuck all.

i seem to recall you had some dealing with the ex-owner of this board,would you advise anyone else to do business with him ? would you tell them what a great guy he is and everything is rosey?
or would you ignor anyone who asked you about doing business with him and tell them to find out for themselves?

do i take it its ok to mock the dead as long as you do it in pictures rather than words? i cant imagine you haven't seen it being as you approved of it being posted.

No again timmberty, a smart person would know that the Sunday Funnies are having a laugh at you, at this...the entire Monty "reaction".

as for the other things its called black humour, of course its tragic, but just because something is tragic dont mean you cant laugh about it.
and as for dear old nelson hes getting old, i will get older i dont really care if people take the piss out of me when i do. some gays are just a little to sensitive.

This has nothing to do with gay, this has to do with knowing when, what you say is inappropriate....like all this crap.
For someone your age, you are learning many of these important life lessons far too late in life.
I would have thought all this interaction with adults here would have matured you somewhat by now.
At least here....we don't call you the names that they do.


December 4th, 2013, 12:20
the sunday funnies are laughing at 'me' at 'this' but not at YOU. funny how you are always right. or are you not a part of the whole monty situation.
and dont expect me to learn anything from you and your board. this is a place where i come for a little light hearted piss taking, i dont come here to learn.
tho you have taught me one thing. owning a board is about as much fun as owning a bar and only a nut job would do it.

you wanna know a secret ? i talk with adults a lot in the real world, you should try it sometime.

do tell me what names they call me, all these people you know that talk about me so much. cause i dont know many things you can call someone that is worse that calling them a cunt.
im sure no one on here would say such a thing huh pal.

black humour by its very name is saying stuff at the wrong time. once you get past nursery rhymes you will understand it a bit more.

December 4th, 2013, 14:26
By all means make "black" jokes well after the event - but not while torn bodies are being pulled out of a crash site.

Normal people find both the timing and the nature of that kind of "humour" distasteful and repellent - over 75,000 people have signed an online petition calling on some no-mark TV presenter to be sacked for making remarks which were milder than yours.


I didn't quite realise you're a poor, sensitive soul who "can't think of anything worse than being called a cunt" - well, as Surfy says, you want to take a look at what they call you elsewhere - and while you do that - here's a little collection of snippets from yourself:

....death doesnt make someone who acted a cunt all their life to become a saint.....the fat cunt who owns tbb has given me a 30 day suspension....Surfcrest twat is a kinder term for cunt as im sure you know....im flamming dodger cause hes acting a cunt....being as you are a crusy old cunt who's never wrong.....smiles is a miserable old cunt....

Oh dear, dear.


December 4th, 2013, 17:33
Timmberty, I don't know you and I didn't know the deceased expat you've been defaming in person, but for what it's worth, that's how I see it:

If you have proof for allegations such as yours, by all means use whatever evidence you can produce to have the perpetrator prosecuted while he's still alive.
If you don't yet have proof, but are convinced beyond a doubt for all the right reasons, collect proof and/or entrap the perpetrator - again, while he's still alive.

If you lack either the brains or the courage to do any of the former, it's probably best to simply keep your mouth shut.

At this point you cannot help any of the victims, if indeed there are any, or prevent any further crimes perpetrated by the same person from happening. It's simply too late. All you can achieve is to come across as a crude, bitter and delusional person. If that was your goal, please forgive me, because I think you did a really great job.

Your underlying problem might be that you consider yourself witty for writing something like the raw chicken reference, when in fact it's just distasteful and brutish. I had also read a number of your comments on the original thread before they were deleted; personally I think that the owner of this forum didn't even have a choice when pondering whether to delete them or let them stand.

December 4th, 2013, 21:23
well done scotty you almost got the being called a cunt thingy right. that was me taking the piss out of scurfcrest, almost got it.
black humour doesnt have time limits. i seem to recall someone on here making a joke about millions of jews being killed during the war. how long do you have to wait for it not to matter ?
as for what they call me elsewhere, i assume you mean the tbb the board that has no limits and has no deletions ? that would be the board where by my last 40 odd posts didnt get published because the fat one couldnt answer them. i would imagine that you dont believe to much of what he says, then again maybe you do?
and not sure if you realise they call you and surf some choice names too, but as i said i dont believe a word that comes out of his mouth, no matter who or what he's talking about.

as for lego, crude i admit to, bitter and delusional, for what? i dont cry crocodile tears. not sure why others feel the need too.
oh and if it was all true, no nothing can be changed nothing can come from it, but i think if your are going to remember someone you should do it as best you can.

December 5th, 2013, 01:06
... not sure if you realise they call you and surf some choice names too....

"Pissy Kilt" is my particular favourite, and shows a bit of humour I think - so much more inventive than Sewer Rat Timmberty.


December 5th, 2013, 11:48
yes one of uncle alberts better names for you, i'm called sewer rast for not paying the bet that i never lost as you well have read. can you not work it out yet ?
the more you show the fat man how much of a lier he is the more lies he tells about you.
i sent hisn an email he claims with my picture on it, is that even possible ?

December 5th, 2013, 15:18
I think, depending on your email provider, it IS possible - but only if you have opted to put a photo on your email profile.

I have a number of email contacts on Googlemail/Gmail where their photograph appears - not on the email itself but on the contacts column of the email page. A simple right-click and "save as" and .....BINGO!

That's not to say it's how your photograph was obtained of course - only one person knows that..

December 5th, 2013, 20:14
as for lego, crude i admit to, bitter and delusional, for what? i dont cry crocodile tears. not sure why others feel the need too.
oh and if it was all true, no nothing can be changed nothing can come from it, but i think if your are going to remember someone you should do it as best you can.
Bitter, because the vast majority of your posts are very negative. I'm actually feeling sorry for you, you must be a terribly unhappy person if you derive pleasure from pissing in a dead man's cornflakes. People who display such a blatant lack of manners usually hate themselves. I hope you can get help.

Delusional, because such posts don't achieve anything. Those who liked him will still like him, your posts got deleted, etc. etc. Why waste your time?

December 6th, 2013, 12:34
this is a board where nothing really means much. tho if reading about old men shagging young boys they pick up from go go bars then falling in love with them is your thing, carry on reading.
do you consider yourself to be delusional because you think your posts will change me ? or because you read my negative posts then take the time to reply to them ? i didnt like monty when he was alive nor did any of my friends, please dont expect me to like him just because he died, rather than being bitter i think its more a case of being real, as i said before i dont cry croccodile tears and never understand why others do.
nice of you to feel sorry for me, sadly as you are just some words on a screen i cant find it in my heart to have any feelings for you, i hope that doesnt upset you to much as you do seem to be a very sensative soul.

scotty two people know how my picture was used on his board, me and him, it comes from my facebook page. you may or maynot remember bucky posted a picture of me on here and i told him i had another facebook page with a different picture on it. well only one person was sad enough to go and look for it.

December 6th, 2013, 15:50
I'm more of an "eye for an eye" guy....it's a good deterrent for the next guy with similar ideas.
Why you didn't, with a membership over there, go back and give it back in spades to him...I don't know.
He's got a hell of a lot more out there than you timmberty!


December 6th, 2013, 16:36
To be fair, Timmberty DID hit back - but when your adversary is controlling everything that is posted, you're never going to be allowed to win.