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View Full Version : Can you recognize members on their writing style?

November 28th, 2013, 14:31
Can you recognize members on their writing style?

I often start reading a post without looking at the avatar, and after a line or two I think "that must be ...", and usually I am right. It's not just non-standard (I am being generous) punctuation, spelling and grammar, it's more. Do you experience the same?

November 28th, 2013, 16:02
Often from just the post title. If it's a question it's frequently Bucknaway, an often negative comment from MFOS and a tale of where to find more sex from NIrish.

November 28th, 2013, 19:34
if its someone replying to a new member and they are being called a hydra it will be arsenal.

November 28th, 2013, 19:41
timmberty: Thank-you, I'm glad my sterling work is being recognised.

November 28th, 2013, 19:47
Surely the distinguishing and immediately recognisable feature of NIrish's posts is his antipathy towards the full stop? This, for example...

So, with reports on the BBC and other media today of up to either 10's of Thousands or up to 100,000 people (depending on who you believe) on the streets protesting ( which in a large city isn't as many as it sounds perhaps anyway ) and quotes ( in the BBC article below such as the following) are things actually quickly escalating or is this more going to be a long slow (and peaceful) campaign or tensions more likely to rise quickly and things kick off unexpectedly and maybe kick off bang in the middle of high season / holiday time for us tourists flying in to Kb perhaps ?

November 28th, 2013, 21:51
In general I cannot recognize persons because of their writing style although exceptions. LMTU was obvious! And NIrishguy is also recognizable due to lengthy posts sans punctuation. And if undecipherable then it must be Pong. (~~)

November 28th, 2013, 23:48
I notice when certain people use there, their and they're or your and you're incorrectly....for starters.
There are unique expressions that are specific to people from specific countries.
And certain individuals have their own unique expressions.
How people use punctuation is another.


November 29th, 2013, 10:55
Thank you, Marsilius. I had NIrish in mind when I started this topic, but couldn't put my finger on it because it's neither unconventional grammar or spelling, but now that you pointed out lack of full stops I can see it.

A point I forgot in my op is specific expressions ("fuckstick" and "dart up the arse").

November 29th, 2013, 12:20
A point I forgot in my op is specific expressions ("fuckstick" and "dart up the arse").

Fuckstick the fav word of Beachlover; is it some sort of colloquialism?

November 29th, 2013, 12:44
Well now Surfcrest weren't you telling us all a few months ago about this great little tool you have (I use that phrase advisedly) to identify hydras?

I think Sooty and a447 are hydras of the same individual. Half their comments refer to each other. Mind you it's almost impossible to emulate a447's unique style. His posts usually go on for page after page after page where he quotes at length from the lifetime posting history of some poster in order to "prove" some point or other he's attempting to make. If he's not posting in that way it's because he's been nursing some supposed slight he's received. Take for example my light-hearted riposte a few weeks ago that he shouldn't feel so sensitive when Thais call him fat. After the resentment had been left smouldering for a few days he suddenly pops a total non-sequitur into another thread, about how I had omitted to attribute to dear Oscar the saying about knowing the price of everything and the cost of nothing. It is of course very important to a447's style that others' words are correctly attributed because, after all, most of a447's posts are him quoting other members. He reminds me somewhat of Richard Nixon with his "Enemies List". As for Sooty, I point to the incestuous relationship with a447 for evidence of that hydra.

November 29th, 2013, 13:06
A point I forgot in my op is specific expressions ("fuckstick" and "dart up the arse").

Fuckstick the fav word of Beachlover; is it some sort of colloquialism?

fuckstick is a lesbian phrase to describe penis. It was always a dead giveaway for those who know lesbians.

Dart up the arse is an old jail expression.That was an obvious giveaway about BBB ,357sussexst and many other of his names over all boards

November 29th, 2013, 14:13
A point I forgot in my op is specific expressions ("fuckstick" and "dart up the arse").

Fuckstick the fav word of Beachlover; is it some sort of colloquialism?

fuckstick is a lesbian phrase to describe penis. It was always a dead giveaway for those who know lesbians.

Dart up the arse is an old jail expression.That was an obvious giveaway about BBB ,357sussexst and many other of his names over all boards

fuckstick is a word not a phrase.

November 29th, 2013, 16:14
What do they call that bar where the drunks go and quietly jerk off at the boys they cannot afford. Is it still called Stuarts .
I used to call it green chairs, not sure what happened. Maybe the owner may have given up on the old poofs who never bought a second beer.

November 29th, 2013, 21:44
If in Sunee Plaza, one bar was often referred to as Plastic Chairs.

November 30th, 2013, 08:48
If I'm on my mobile and forever scrolling own through a post with no punctuation, then it's obviously Nirishguy. But then again, if you are having so much fun, punctuation is superfluous!

If it's a sad, miserable negative post - usually just one line - , contains factually incorrect information and it mentions me (even though I am not even participating in the thread) then it has to be bitter old Sooty.

In fact, add Kommentariat to that description, too.

Gee guys, I didn't realise I'd gotten to you that much. Sorry

Not! :)) Your making me feal sorta speshul.

(Oops...how did Brisbaneguy get into this?)

If it's a 3 line positive post, then it has to be joe.

If the phrases are separated by.... then it has to be Latin.

If it is a short, sharp riposte that gives me a good laugh for the day, then it's Scottish Guy.

Yep, for these and others, there is no need to look at the poster's name.

November 30th, 2013, 09:16
Yep, for these and others, there is no need to look at the poster's name.There are other posters? Who are they? What are their names? (Attribution: Margaret Thatcher)

December 1st, 2013, 18:05
A point I forgot in my op is specific expressions ("fuckstick" and "dart up the arse").

Fuckstick the fav word of Beachlover; is it some sort of colloquialism?

Yes - it's Australian for "Dildo"

...and so is Russell Crowe.


December 3rd, 2013, 01:49
Yes - it's Australian for "Dildo"

...and so is Russell Crowe.


Godlike wealth of information a person can learn here.