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November 27th, 2013, 23:46
Looks like Google is already getting the idea that we moved.

Search for "Gay Thailand":


sawatdee-gay-thailand.com was dancing up and down between #4 and #7 for years. It's gone now and sawatdeenetwork.com is now #10. That may not seem like it's much to cheer about but it means:

a) Google knows that sawatdee-gay-thailand.com has been replaced with sawatdeenetwork.com and has begun to replace it's index of the site...and...

b) We have only been live for a week and we are debuting on page 1.

We are already #1 for "Gay Thailand Forum":


Number 5 for "Gay Thailand Blog":


(and this one is awesome!) Number 1 for "Gay Thailand Blogs":


#1 for "sawatdee-gay-thailand.com":


At only a week old we can only go up from here (except the ones where we are already #1- hard to improve on that) And soon there will be a whole section for us in each search results with a "see more form this site" link.

November 29th, 2013, 01:23
Traffic is up, close to 100% since the upgrade and lots of inactive members coming back. New membership (other than from the 3 amigos is also on the climb). We need new content on the front page soon to keep them all coming back.

Now it's time to sign up some new advertising space so we can start bringing in some money and to set us up nicely for another bigger ad drive in the new year. I'll publish (for us) financial statements so you can track when we start to make money and when it's time to work out paying you both.

We'll also need to drive and promote other paid services so that the membership knows they are available and so we can start counting this as revenue as well.

November 29th, 2013, 20:32
This is what we need to do in Google Webmaster tools:

https://support.google.com/webmasters/a ... 3106?hl=en (https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/83106?hl=en)

Looks pretty simple- you probably don't even need me to do it. We should do it ASAP though.

December 1st, 2013, 02:07


December 1st, 2013, 02:17
Good. Let's check our listings in Google daily by searching "site:sawatdeenetwork.com" along with searching for our keyword phrases like "gay Thailand". We should have thousands of pages listed within a week or two and be on page one for our keywords.

December 1st, 2013, 03:01
There shouldn't be two though....see the image above.




Let me know if I should delete one of these, as the both appear to be re-directing.

On the Google page, the beautiful "Pink Lady" re-appears :)


Wouldn't it be nice to not have to use photobucket...I've got so many in there now, it's more like photosmalllake :))

What can we do about this "Like" button idea? What are the options?

December 1st, 2013, 03:19
Facebook like buttons are easy to add to Wordpress but this crowd is afraid of social media. Probably some kind of internal like button could be added to phpBB but those are the kinds of MODs that tend to break things code-wise and are difficult to remove and work around when the PhpBB and Styles and MODs need version updates which is pretty much constantly. Also need to consider the disproportionately high asshole factor in this group. If we add something like that here, people will absolutely start abusing it and fighting over it immediately.

The www version should redirect as well unless you wanted to run a different site on http://www.sawatdeenetwork.com than on sawatdeenetwork.com so it looks like that is set correctly.