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November 26th, 2013, 06:52
I'm teetering now if I should go to Thailand this year. My boss will let me take only two weeks off this January. usually it's at least a month.

Since I fly from New York I waste several days from transport, so I'll have about 10 good days in Pattaya. The flight is a drag but I can take a tax deduction for the cost if I want.

I know I sound like Joe who I believe said that he will be going to the Canary Islands instead of Thailand this year, and I adamantly told him he was crazy for not going to Thailand,lol.

it might not take much arm twisting from you guys to convince me, not that anyone cares. Has anyone with a 20 hour flight gone for this short a time and was it worth it?

November 26th, 2013, 07:08
I have 4 to 5 weeks for vacation but this coming year I plan to only use 2 of those weeks to visit Thailand. I fly out of Philadelphia which is not far from NYC. I also plan to take my 2 weeks when it falls on a holiday so that I can use the added day off for travel time.

Will 2 weeks be enough for me? Yes. I don't want to wait till October to take another vacation so this year I plan to go to Brazil in April for a week. Thailand in July for 2 weeks and someplace else in October for 1 week and the 5th week I will sprinkle the days around.

November 26th, 2013, 07:19
My first visit to Thailand was for two weeks and it was my best trip.

November 26th, 2013, 07:53
Yes, I would definately go for ten days, even if the flight is a pain. Also, remember that if you include weekends (assuming you don't usually work them) then it geets up to 16 days. If money was no object I suspect most of us would travel to Thailand for a long weekend.

November 26th, 2013, 09:00
Some nice positive responses. Two weeks is a normal vacation for most people I guess. I have been very fortunate in the past with four and six week stays in lOS.

Will have to spend the same amount of money in half the time on the bois. That should be fun!

November 26th, 2013, 16:23

I take this trip a log (5 or 6 times a year) from the Eastern USA. 2 weeks is plenty of time. No better cure for jet lag then a relaxing massage and some TLC from a gogo boy.

Nirish guy
November 26th, 2013, 17:14
Likewise Rocket - I usually squeeze a two week trip in around Songkran usually and it works fine - actually in a way it's nearly more fun as it almost feels like a weekend break rather than the usual month or 6 week trip and so I end up squeezing just as much fun as I can into that time - and the added bonus always is that I FEEL like I've had a load of fun but DO come home with more money left than my longer trips where I end up spending money in spite of the "actual" fun to baht ratio sometimes. Also I find a two week trip is a great "refresher" in the middle of the working year and sets me up and keeps me ticking over nicely until my main get away to wherever that may be. So yes, I'm with everyone else, if you can afford it and don't really mind the flight then go for it as once you're lying on that massage table or sitting in a bar and hear some cute Thai guy utter those immortal words "Hello, what your name, I lie you" you'll be glad you did and will wonder why you ever even thought twice about it - life's short - so carpe diem !! :-)

PS - Joe - are we corrupting you and your other plans yet ???? lol

November 26th, 2013, 17:37
I've already booked my trip to the Canaries for June, so can't be corrupted this time NIrish. But if I had the money, then 2 weeks is long enough. I once went for week, but I was madly in love with a bar boy, so it was worth it.

Nirish guy
November 26th, 2013, 17:44
I once went for week, but I was madly in love with a bar boy, so it was worth it.

Oh well, we tried !! :-) And as for being madly in love with a bar boy, I know that feeling as I feel the same - with each and every one of them - until I meet the next one a few hours later and then I fall in love ALL OVER AGAIN he he - see, sometimes having a really bad memory can work in ones favour too it seems !! lol

November 27th, 2013, 00:31
If your only plan is to visit Pattaya then two weeks is more than enough.

November 27th, 2013, 05:02
Antonine, I will have to try that......just go out and find a guy right away and tell him about the jet lag situation and challenge him to snap me out of it. Normally I'm too lazy to drag myself out of my room until I've wasted away vacation time.

Nirish, how many times do you go to LOS in a year? It seems like you're always there. Thanks for the encouragement, my job is more stressful than usual and two weeks far away from it will do me some good. If I go I want to be a more committed butterfly this time and not get so Lovy dovy with any one boi like I did last trip. I have a problem with making promises I can't keep and end up hurting some of the guys I meet.

MFAllS, so you're not a fan of Pattaya I take it ?

Nirish guy
November 27th, 2013, 05:50
No rocket, not always there ( I was going to say unfortunately there but lately I'm not quite so sure about that) but to answer your question I was in Thailand on 4 different occasions in the last calendar year ( and the last few years before that too) for a total of just under 3 months (81 days I believe actually from a quick glance at my diary) give or take the odd day here or there for airport transfers / visa runs etc, so not that much.

I do normally try to take in a few other Countries whilst on the SE Asian leg of any holidays I manage to squeeze in but this year I got lazy / was enjoying myself so much in Thailand that I just ended up staying there for the entire duration this time round.

November 27th, 2013, 11:14
Rocket I am indeed a fan that's why I live here but being a resident and being a tourist are two very different things, as a tourist limited for time two weeks is adequate however, if you wanted to see more in Thailand I would tell you should have more time .

November 27th, 2013, 11:34
I have a problem with making promises I can't keep and end up hurting some of the guys I meet.

i doubt very much anyone gets hurt by the fact you cant keep a promise, but dont get to upset its a two way street. if you dont pay your lover your lover wont love you.

November 27th, 2013, 14:47
My first visit, seventeen years ago, had such an impact that I wanted desperately to return and couldn't wait for my next full holiday.
However, I was able to take a week off eight weeks after I got back. I left London on the Saturday 2140 EVA flight, arriving the next day in Bangkok and in Pattaya about four hours later- the roads weren't so fast then.
I then returned the following Saturday, arriving home in the late evening. Five full days in Pattaya and about forty hours of travel! worth it? for me- a younger me in those days- yes. And I did the same thing three months later.