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View Full Version : Start Your Own Blog

November 25th, 2013, 06:43
I put the link for this up in the header so it shows on the forum pages now, too. If anyone is interested in trying it out just click the link (You may have to click it twice because the URL for the blog creation page changes dynamically as an anti spambot measure)

The site creation wizard is pretty intuitive, I think. Once you get your blog there's a lot of settings to set to make it into YOUR blog though so feel free to shoot me an email with any questions via the "contact" button way up top between "Nicky's" and "Chat".

December 4th, 2013, 17:25
Well, the lure of the "start your own blog" button finally got too much....... Gay Chiang Mai by Bon Tong (http://bontong.sawatdeenetwork.com/)

Not sure quite where this will go, what you see so far is the result of thirty minutes playing around. Don't really like the theme I've picked, or the results of my experiments but its a start. Longer term the locked down wordpress implementation will probably drive me crazy but we'll see how it goes.

Anyway, you can all have a laugh now :)

December 4th, 2013, 23:14
Looks good for only a 30 minute job. You know you can change themes anytime and most of the themes are available even for the free basic blogs. The ones that are pro-only are marked as such in Appearance-themes.