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View Full Version : Pattaya bars open or closed June 9th thru 12th or 13th....

June 10th, 2006, 10:24
Last nite, the 9th, Boyztown was open and one would never know there was a holiday.. Many boys from Sunee bars were
around Boyztown last nite but I wondered if Sunee was completely shut down or partially.. Anybody go to Sunee last nite?

Now, the big question: Are the bars open in Pattaya tonite the 10th or just the bars in Boyztown or in Sunee??
Also will the bars close on the 12th , which seems to be the big day?
What is happening in Bangkok, Chaing Mai and Phuket during this period??

June 10th, 2006, 10:27
Don't worry, it doesn't look like the prostitutes have been given a day's respite from selling their flesh, so they will be unable to participate like other Thai citizens in this once-in-a-lifetime outpouring of love for their King. Your entertainment is safe.

June 10th, 2006, 10:38
I have noticed you seem really uptight lately and your only pleasure seems to come from farangs losing their money because they
listened to bad advisors and bought illegally.. Thaiquila seems to have gotten your goat and my unrequested advise is for you to
take advantage of the boy prostitutes out there and get laid man...You need to unwind, maybe a massage at Aubury with a happy ending
would be even better...
This thread was started to obtain information which is the purpose of the forum.. Your snide comments are getting tiring and I really think
you need to get laid and quickly..

June 10th, 2006, 10:42
One day, HM the King will pass away, and the streets will be full of people wailing and crying, beating their chests, and tearing at their hair. And the only thing anyone here will care about is "are the bars open"? "Can I still fondle a young Thai boy's penis at Nature Boy tonight for the cost of a beer and a few baht tip"? Pathetic.

June 10th, 2006, 10:49
" ... (Boygeenyus) I have noticed you seem really uptight lately ... "
Catwampuscat, the answer to your query lies here.
Never let it be said that sanctimony does rest easily on one's sleeve. It's all about "EDUCATION", stupid!

" ... I don't like any of the posters here, so I would wear it as a medal of honor if none of them liked me. I'm here to tell the truth, as I see it, and burst their narrow-minded sex tourist view of the world whenever possible ... " ( From: http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... 9136#79136 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=79136#79136) )

Though I will concede this: In all my years on gay Thailand message boards, the one topic which never failed to show up was that regarding breathless horror of the possibility of the bars being closed on a Thai national holiday.
It takes on a certain unseemliness after addressing the same issue time after time . . . the very thought of not being able to order a martini (or beer in my case), or take off a GoGo boy for 12 hours or so.

Cheers ...

June 10th, 2006, 10:54
Thanks, Smiles. I said it, I'm glad I said it, and I stand by it. My only hope is that one day I'll be able to drum a conscience into at least one of you pathetic fucks.

June 10th, 2006, 10:58
Read on Big Guy ... there's an addenda (before your last post).

By the way, I enjoyed your unobtrusive little hedging in your statement: " ... I'm here to tell the truth, as I see it ... ". The "as I see it" essentially means not the "truth", but "in my opinion". Much better! At least you're humble enough to step back a little bit from the likes of Jesus Christ, or Allah.

Cheers ...

June 10th, 2006, 13:36
... Boygeenyus, could you let me know if you have been to Bangkok, Pattaya or Phuket? Could you also let me know if you have ever offed a boy or tipped a boy? Just interested.

June 10th, 2006, 15:17
One day, HM the King will pass away, and the streets will be full of people wailing and crying, beating their chests, and tearing at their hair.

Not only that; figure that everything--EVERYTHING--might close for a month of mourning.
But, I suppose; some few freelancers will still be at it...@ 2,000 baht...short time.

June 10th, 2006, 15:37
Don't worry, it doesn't look like the prostitutes have been given a day's respite from selling their flesh, so they will be unable to participate like other Thai citizens in this once-in-a-lifetime outpouring of love for their King.
I would like you to have the same amount of compassion for construction workers, hotel housemaids, street stall owners, and all those thai workers who will not have any respite as well (and for longer working and less-rewarding days than the so-called prostitutes)...

June 10th, 2006, 18:08
We are all on this board, to varying degrees, addicted to sex with young men. Some make it more obvious than others. Posts about whether bars will be open on a particular day might be innocent enough in intent, but they tend to convey the barely suppressed desperation of the out-and-out addict. This can be annoying to those of us not comfortable with the knowledge of our own addiction. To be honest, such posts tend to have just such an irritating effect on me. If one understands this, that it is one's own addiction that is the problem, it is easier to resist the impulse to lash out at others.

June 10th, 2006, 18:21
And what moral high ground do you occupy boygeenyus, that so entitles you to sit in judgment upon the people here? What are you trying to say to us; your shit don't stink? I don't think so honey.

June 11th, 2006, 11:28
In Pattaya, you wouldn't have known it was a holiday as all bars in Boyztown and Sunee Plaza were open except for Krazy Dragon
on the 9th..The 10th was a normal nite... I was curious to know the situation in Bangkok and Phuket but one poster got holier than thou and the thread
went off in another direction..

An aside to boygeeenyus: some farangs actually go to beer bars and go go bars just to have a drink with friends or pass time.. I would
dare to guess that over 90% of any one bars customers just have a drink and leave without offing a boy..Some farangs take 4 or 5 boys a day
and some don't off at all or rarely.. I enjoy watching beautiful men/boys in their undershorts and feel sorry for you that your moral values
preclude you from enjoying them.. Only a small percentage of farangs are fondling underage kids for little money and there are always
scumbags and cheap bastards who take advantage of the young and poor but the vast majority are out to have a good time and are generous with
the boys, some over-generous with motorbikes, high end mobiles and gold.. Nothing we can do about the abusers and the cheapskates...ligthen up man...

June 13th, 2006, 10:49
Seems lately boygeenyus and boygeorge have become as father and son sharing the same narrow minded views and filfthy mouthed attacks on people. Really boygeeyus you must pick better people as role models.