View Full Version : Property managemement real estates

June 10th, 2006, 09:45

June 10th, 2006, 10:22
" ... Usually I would ask this question on Thaivisa.com ... ".
But you're banned from Thai Visa.
If only . . . . :albino:

Cheers ....

June 10th, 2006, 10:24
God only knows why he's not banned from here, too.

June 10th, 2006, 11:14
" ... Usually I would ask this question on Thaivisa.com ... ".
But you're banned from Thai Visa.
If only . . . . :albino:

Cheers ....

what name him post thaivisa

June 10th, 2006, 18:37
Patty, the fatty meter maid?

June 11th, 2006, 02:05
No one really taking you serious on this BUT on another thread it was reported Monyt;s was for sale so here is your chance to buy a working proven business. Now put your money where your mouth has been and we'll see how long it tskes for you to fail at running a business.

June 11th, 2006, 05:44
No one really taking you serious on this BUT on another thread it was reported Monyt;s was for sale so here is your chance to buy a working proven business.

Now put your money where your mouth has been and we'll see how long it tskes for you to fail at running a business.

Do the rooms have stretch walls

June 11th, 2006, 11:58
BoyGeorge, you are so right to doubt the person you spoke with. I was looking for a short term condo rental in Jomtien/Pattaya and may well have gone for one of the many (and I mean absolutely huge numbers) of vacant rentals in the Baht15,000 - Baht25,000 monthly rental range. In the end I found a little difficulty going through agents that would rent out a condo for a limited time of 2 to 3 months, the ones I spoke with all wanted 6 month or longer rentals. In the end, a kind personage on this board contacted me and I found a property that suited my time frame, that is of a very decent standard and cost considerably less than the rental rates advertised at the agencies. Go with your instincts BG.

June 11th, 2006, 12:25
I suppose the real estate agents trying to get min 6 months lease which is good for the owner and themselves.But even in Australia I still think cheap small flats rent out quicker.The trouble is and I know what that Pattaya agent meant,is that if you have say 10 flats,then you have a lot of work to do with strata fees,maintenance,tenants etc.
I was initially interested in a commercial premises in Pattaya but I dont trust these company laws.The thing is in another 10 years if I can get about 60000 b income coming in a month plus my own flat in Pattaya ,and a something to do during the day I will be happy.
THE hardest part is getting the money to do it,you see most of these people on this board are all bloody rich people,they dont have to work shift work,they dont have to get up in the early hours of the morning to start at a freezing and rainy 6am shift and then do a 11pm start shift the following week.No they have their cozy 10am to 4pm office jobs.At least when i get to live in Pattaya I will know is been thru blood sweat and tears to earn it.
JUst last week they had me rostered on the 6am start shift and there i was walking to the train station on a rainy cold bloody morning at 5am ,muttering underneath my breathe "cunts" cunts" thinking about those bastards on this forum who dont work and have everything and have never flamin worked.

How do you know they have never worked.
It is just they see no point, complaining or bragging about what they have done
My heart bleeds for you whenyou ssuddenly find out that you have to work to achieve anything in life, next thing to learn
is to fucking shut up about it
You dont have a chip on your shoulder you have a telegraph pole.

June 11th, 2006, 14:20
Its bludgers like you on this forum who are lazy bastards with rich parents who havent worked a day in ya life.You and a few others on here who wouldnt know what a days work what was like.
There are people on this forum such as MONTY ,who has worked hard for everything he got.
Some posters on here have complained about MONTY being a little rough around the edges but thats because he has worked hard for what he s got and still gives it away to less fortunate.I bet you have never worked as hard as MONTY ,working on outback farm stations,shootin kangaroos,even though he must of missed you and working in pubs .
ITs people like him that i respect not these rich people who have done nothing but bludge and con their way to their riches and never got up at 5am on a rainy morning.I bet you dont ya bludger,i bet your in bed until bloody midday.

I never had parents and left school at 15 to support myself. Everything I have I have worked for. I am not a public servant never have been and have no regrets. I do not get paid holidays, overtime,sick leave, double time or triple times for holidays. You are a parasite on the government and therefore on the tax payer. All you can do is complain whilst you have your hand out for public monies.

Get a life. Give up paid employment. Have a go in the real world. Work where you make good money if you succeed or fail spectacular. Try it yourself and see how easy it is. Do in now. Today.Make a clean break from being a bludger and go to the self employed.

What a woolly moof.

June 11th, 2006, 16:56
The only one on this board to have ever said a bad thing about Monty is you boygeorge (remember the "Cross Monty off your list "posting you did). You are about the biggest (or is it shortest) backstabber I have ever seen on here.

June 11th, 2006, 17:07
The only one on this board to have ever said a bad thing about Monty is you boygeorge (remember the "Cross Monty off your list "posting you did). You are about the biggest (or is it shortest) backstabber I have ever seen on here.

Monty not need enemy when he has Boygeorge as frien