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November 11th, 2013, 01:54
One night while doing the tourist walk through Soi Twilight in Bangkok, I saw a very pretty woman holding a baby outside a gogo bar located towards the end of the sio near the turn. Soon a handsome barechested guy wearing nothing more than tennis shoes, a number and crotch bulging shorts that would be considered obscene if worn outside of the gay gogo area, approached the Baby and mother. Gave the mother a loving and intimate full kiss on the lips before turning his attention to the child she was holding. The child leaned towards the gogo guy with open arms who was all to happy to embrace the child and lightly bounce him in his arms while planting several kisses on his cheek.

As the flashing lights of the bars danced around them, I could not help but think that only in Thailand would a scene like this play out. For a moment the father and son disappeared inside the bar only to be followed out by more gogo guys who all seem to vie for position to be seen by the child and acknowledged with a smile or a laugh.

As I came closer, I could not help but to pay more attention to the man holding the child and less of the event I was witnessing. I thought what a lucky child to have such a handsome father with a big bulge, sexy legs and handsome ass.... Then I began to think more of the situation I was witnessing.

Here was a man with a child and maybe a wife or girlfriend working as a gogo boy having sex with any person who has the money to off them from the bar and and tip them for their time. When someone asked him if that was his child he seem to be proud to tell them that it was his son. There was no shame of him being seen by his son or the childs mother..... seeing him in his uniform while at work.

While walking away, I thought how that scene would never happen in the USA without child protection services being called.

November 11th, 2013, 02:13
We just had a power failure here so I won't be able to make much edits to my post since all I have at my disposal is my iPhone.

November 11th, 2013, 03:03
buckyboy.......honestly...how long have u been travelling to Thailand????.......I only discovered the place 10 years ago and even I know that many gogo boys are straight and in it for the cash only....but yes do see the weirdness of the whole situation!!

November 11th, 2013, 03:23
Yeah but seeing a Gogo guy in his shorts holding his baby son outside the bar made the reality of it so real at that moment

November 11th, 2013, 03:53
For a moment the father and son disappeared inside the bar
I thought you had to be 20 to go into to Gogo Bar?

Here was a man with a child and maybe a wife or girlfriend working as a gogo boy having sex with any person who has the money to off them
You need to re-word that...

November 11th, 2013, 03:57
My power is still out so the post will not be reworded
Sorry :ymhug:

November 11th, 2013, 04:32
egel stop being "cute"....try to post something useful.

November 11th, 2013, 04:35
...and buckyboy..I know what u mean...I guess seeing hom there in his working outfit with his family was a bit like too much reality...for me actually would be a major turm on....closest I came was fucking a beach massage boy in my hotel room (Tui's) while his wife/girlfriend hung aroung on the beach waiting....

November 11th, 2013, 06:53
What further evidence do you need Bucky that itтАЩs all business?

Have you read Bangkok Boy by Chai Pinit, the confessions of a straight, gay-for-pay, married with a child, Thai go-go boy? If not, I recommend it. From memory I think he also had a boyfriend while still married.

Remember тАж This is Thailand! :)

November 11th, 2013, 13:20
Yeah but seeing a Gogo guy in his shorts holding his baby son outside the bar made the reality of it so real at that momentNo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Real Reality??!!!!!

November 11th, 2013, 15:28
Well, I doubt it's what Bucky meant- but in my experience there is "real reality" and "gay reality", and they are very, very different.


PS: Certainly more than once have I heard that evening's "long-time" sitting in the hotel room toilet phoning his wife/gf to explain he won't be home tonight!

November 11th, 2013, 17:49
...now gay for pay isnt that unusual in the rest of the world, the only big difference in Thailand is how many are quite prepared to bottom...delicious!!

November 11th, 2013, 20:14
This happens many places in the world . Brazil , Cuba, Colombia etc etc etc are all the same . In fact in Brazil you would be lucky to find a Gay Boy in the saunas. And they all Bottom once you get them in the room!!

November 11th, 2013, 21:37
I have seen them almost every time I goto boyztown, wifes and kids waiting for their husbands working in gay and go go bars. This is not strange for a Thai person , business is business and money will keep the family alive.

And yes at least 50% of the boys are straight with wifes and kids.

November 12th, 2013, 01:44
And yes at least 50% of the boys are straight with wifes and kids.
My personal research (i might add mostly in pattaya and not Bkk) does not tally with your statistic...
Perhaps in Bars like A-bomb or BBB the stat might be right... but certainly not for the rest...
In my opinion the gay boys usually far out number the straight boys... probably by a factor of 3 or or even 4 to 1
Perhaps you are not pushing the right buttons when you get them back to the room! X(

November 12th, 2013, 04:05
...Perhaps you are not pushing the right buttons when you get them back to the room! X(

The best (and kindest) button some of us can push is the one that turns the light off.

November 12th, 2013, 04:15
When I off a 'boy', I'm not only paying for the fantasy that he wants to have sex with me, but that he's gay. An obvious reminder that he's straight would be an instant turnoff.

November 12th, 2013, 04:57
An interesting topic, but I fear there is a lot of applying European / American perspectives of sexuality onto Thai culture that is mis-placed.

A married gay male is not only prevalent in the "gay for pay" or commercial sex realm. I have several acquaintances that are in a gay relationship (Thai/Thai), yet are married / have kids / whatever. They speak openly about it, proudly discuss their kids activities and accomplishments...just like any other parent.

I am not an expert on Thai culture (by a long shot), but I am observant and work to set aside preconceived notions about how things work. Maybe some others that have lived in Thailand for a long time could explain more eloquently, but there are definitely nuances to Thai sexuality that are not so easily dismissed as "it is all business" or straight boys working the bar only for money.

November 12th, 2013, 05:21
Really not sure about how many are straight...guess lots of the younger ones, that is under 25 are not married with kids and all...difficult to tell...lots of thais can be pretty effiminate and still be straight.

November 12th, 2013, 13:40
Thats one of the very oldest of portraits: a gogogirl happily-for the time- being ''married'' with a same style gogo boy. Must be 100s of them in the Silom area alone.
The usual thing is that the girls will then tell the boys to keep some enduring spirit for them and not waete it all to their customers. Or maybe this now explains why some boys only parade and wont be offed....

November 12th, 2013, 14:10
No different to the married man who keeps telling his mistress he will "soon" be leaving his wife for her. Fact is that there are lots and lots and lots of bisexual men everfywhere in the world and gay guys done want to aknowlege that.

November 13th, 2013, 02:12
...don't know how many straight boys are happy to get analised for small money....even in other poor/developing countries most of the straight/bi rent boys will only play the top role.

November 13th, 2013, 05:58
egel stop being "cute"....try to post something useful.
After you .......

November 13th, 2013, 19:03
...don't know how many straight boys are happy to get analised for small money....even in other poor/developing countries most of the straight/bi rent boys will only play the top role.

Sorry you don't know what you are talking about. Go to Brazil or until you can go to www.boytoy.com (http://www.boytoy.com) and the Forum and read trip reports from Brazil. They are extensive and detailed.

November 14th, 2013, 01:13
One night while doing the tourist walk through Soi Twilight in Bangkok, I saw a very pretty woman holding a baby outside a gogo bar located towards the end of the sio near the turn. Soon a handsome barechested guy wearing nothing more than tennis shoes, a number and crotch bulging shorts that would be considered obscene if worn outside of the gay gogo area, approached the Baby and mother. Gave the mother a loving and intimate full kiss on the lips before turning his attention to the child she was holding. The child leaned towards the gogo guy with open arms who was all to happy to embrace the child and lightly bounce him in his arms while planting several kisses on his cheek.

As the flashing lights of the bars danced around them, I could not help but think that only in Thailand would a scene like this play out. For a moment the father and son disappeared inside the bar only to be followed out by more gogo guys who all seem to vie for position to be seen by the child and acknowledged with a smile or a laugh.

As I came closer, I could not help but to pay more attention to the man holding the child and less of the event I was witnessing. I thought what a lucky child to have such a handsome father with a big bulge, sexy legs and handsome ass.... Then I began to think more of the situation I was witnessing.

Here was a man with a child and maybe a wife or girlfriend working as a gogo boy having sex with any person who has the money to off them from the bar and and tip them for their time. When someone asked him if that was his child he seem to be proud to tell them that it was his son. There was no shame of him being seen by his son or the childs mother..... seeing him in his uniform while at work.

While walking away, I thought how that scene would never happen in the USA without child protection services being called.

The USA, Britain, Australia, Canada, western Europe and a few other places have become witch-hunt territories when it comes to anything to do with normal adult/child relationships.
For example a grandfather taking his grandson home from a primary school in Perth last year was stopped and questioned on the street by a 'concerned' couple resulting in the grandfather facing assault charges when he (rightly) broke the jaw of the busybody 'concerned' male- he should have broken the female jaw as well-may as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb. Thankfully this western perversion has not taken hold in Asia as yet where it still takes a village to rear a child. (Don't hold your breath though-the wingnut christian evangelicals are alive and well in Thailand, Cambodia, Korea. Vietnam etc. funded by their wing-nut western backers.)
I saw in Sunnee plaza last year two wives of the boys BREASTFEEDING their children on the terrace of Krazy Dragon night after night while the more active toddlers ran around outside. I was critical of the non-professional aspect of this but I couldn't help but be touched by the confidence the mothers and fathers had in the locality. And they were right-nobody ever harmed their kids. Can you imagine the reaction in evangelical America if a secret camera had recorded this situation and put it out there on the media?

November 14th, 2013, 02:42
thaiguest...have u completely lost control of your senses, in what world is it ok to expose children to the sordid world of sleaze and prostitution. As adults we have a choice. They dont. Cant the mothers keep their children in a safer, morally cleaner enviornment?? or are u trying to push an agenda I would not even dare to mention???

November 14th, 2013, 03:59
thaiguest...have u completely lost control of your senses, in what world is it ok to expose children to the sordid world of sleaze and prostitution. As adults we have a choice. They dont. Cant the mothers keep their children in a safer, morally cleaner enviornment?? or are u trying to push an agenda I would not even dare to mention???

I try not to reply to a post just to agree, but I am logging into this post just to say I agree with Latin. Sex for sale bars and hotels that neighbor sex shops in adult red light areas are no place for children.

November 14th, 2013, 13:07
ah time for the do gooders who go to thailand 100% to shag anything that moves for 2 or 3 weeks, to get on their high horses.

heres an idea, stop going to thailand then the red light areas will dissapear, and you can sleep soundly in your beds knowing children will no longer be exposed to dirty old men like yourselves.

as for someone trying to push an agenda, nicely trolled.

November 14th, 2013, 14:31
timmytroll....your reputation precedes you, this is exactly the type of output i would expect from you.....and by the way last time I looked shagging/sex/promiscuity was not illegal...maybe frowned upon....but exposing children to these activities is to put it mildly revolting...so agin please take the time to think before hitting the keys...

November 14th, 2013, 15:09
latintroll .. in the western world i agree its 100% disgustion not just a mildly revolting as you put it.
sadly the 3rd world has far different values to that of the west, being as you are meant to be a man who travells far and wide i thought you might have known this ?
you really think a child who sits outside a go go bar in its mothers is at risk of anything, other than your sick imagination ?

maybe you should get back to riding your ponies and horses sheep etc, as trying to become all rightious really doesnt work for you.

November 14th, 2013, 18:04
thaiguest...have u completely lost control of your senses, in what world is it ok to expose children to the sordid world of sleaze and prostitution. As adults we have a choice. They dont. Cant the mothers keep their children in a safer, morally cleaner enviornment?? or are u trying to push an agenda I would not even dare to mention???

I notice that the more 'mouthy' the poster here the the less logic. Is not the theme being discussed the attitude of thais to sexuality? My post included an account of the OBSERVED behaviour of thai sex workers and their family members in Sunnee at a particular point in time. The parents didn't seem to perceive any risk to their kids-I'm not saying I agree with their perception but it's not about me is it? But bringing logic to bear on a topic with you is throwing pearls to swine-apologies to Porky Pig.

November 14th, 2013, 18:47
When I off a 'boy', I'm not only paying for the fantasy that he wants to have sex with me, but that he's gay. An obvious reminder that he's straight would be an instant turnoff.

If the boys is gay or is not is one of my least concerns. Some of my best sexual experiences were with straight boys. I even have sexual phantasies watching and touching straight boys while they fuck their girlfriend/wife/prostitute I provide for them.

November 14th, 2013, 18:58
This is one of the "unique" traits of LOS and that is... to be less judgemental than those countries that are painted under the Christian, Jewish, or Moslem brush. Some sights I see and make a questionable comment about, my Thai bf (of 8 years) will say, "it is up to them-none of our business." If I saw this scene of the dad with his son outside the go-go bar, it would catch my attention but I would also realize, heck- this is easier money than working in a rented rice farm planting rice and getting drunk every night.

November 14th, 2013, 19:39
thaiguest...have u completely lost control of your senses, in what world is it ok to expose children to the sordid world of sleaze and prostitution. As adults we have a choice. They dont. Cant the mothers keep their children in a safer, morally cleaner enviornment?? or are u trying to push an agenda I would not even dare to mention???

I try not to reply to a post just to agree, but I am logging into this post just to say I agree with Latin. Sex for sale bars and hotels that neighbor sex shops in adult red light areas are no place for children.
Don't hesitate to post to agree-it's called affirmation of the positive. But try not to post when there's a rush of blood to the right brain area.

November 14th, 2013, 20:33
What further evidence do you need Bucky that itтАЩs all business?

Have you read Bangkok Boy by Chai Pinit, the confessions of a straight, gay-for-pay, married with a child, Thai go-go boy? If not, I recommend it. From memory I think he also had a boyfriend while still married.

Remember тАж This is Thailand! :)

I met Chai last year working in a beer bar on Soi Twilight, Suriwong.
He had a laptop on the counter of the bar and every customer that came in was dragged over to read an on-line review of his "autobiography" "Bangkok Boy" while he cried into his beer.
According to him the book is more or less a fiction written by a foreign husband and wife team for which he received a very small once off payment on condition that he sign off on all royalties. He did so because he was broke and thought the payment he received was good compensation for a few short interviews while not fully understanding that his name was to be used in a book.
I'm not making a judgment on the issue but that's what he told me and about 5 other customers.
He may still be working in the same bar. ...I forget the name but it's on the right side as you walk towards Balls Bar and almost at the end. Next time you're there ask for Chai-everybody knows him now by this name-it may not be his real name. Report back Jellybean please.

November 15th, 2013, 14:49
And yes at least 50% of the boys are straight with wifes and kids.
My personal research (i might add mostly in pattaya and not Bkk) does not tally with your statistic...
Perhaps in Bars like A-bomb or BBB the stat might be right... but certainly not for the rest...
In my opinion the gay boys usually far out number the straight boys... probably by a factor of 3 or or even 4 to 1
Perhaps you are not pushing the right buttons when you get them back to the room! X(

I think you first need to know that when I say straight the boys can also be bisexual , of course when they work in the bar and have a wife and kids , and still can fuck or do anything sexual with you they are more bi than straight , but its a thin line .

So 50% who are straight or bi, maybe except in some sunne bars where 80% working are fem boys .

November 15th, 2013, 15:35
I met Chai last year working in a beer bar on Soi Twilight, Suriwong.
He had a laptop on the counter of the bar and every customer that came in was dragged over to read an on-line review of his "autobiography" "Bangkok Boy" while he cried into his beer.
According to him the book is more or less a fiction written by a foreign husband and wife team for which he received a very small once off payment on condition that he sign off on all royalties. He did so because he was broke and thought the payment he received was good compensation for a few short interviews while not fully understanding that his name was to be used in a book.
I'm not making a judgment on the issue but that's what he told me and about 5 other customers.
He may still be working in the same bar. ...I forget the name but it's on the right side as you walk towards Balls Bar and almost at the end. Next time you're there ask for Chai-everybody knows him now by this name-it may not be his real name. Report back Jellybean please.
Oh тАж that is a very sad story thaiguest. IтАЩm not sure what the figures are for the worldwide sale of the book, but from memory I think it ended up being pretty popular. IтАЩm sure it came to my attention through a review in the books section of тАЬThe Sunday TimesтАЭ magazine (a UK publication).

I donтАЩt think I was under any illusion that тАШChaiтАЩ actually wrote the book, in fact I think it was stated that it had been ghost written and may have even credited the real writer. I donтАЩt recall now and my copy of the book is back in the UK.

So he could, quite possibly, have made a small fortune in royalties, well, enough to see him financially secure for the rest of his life. ThatтАЩs a real shame if he was тАШpersuadedтАЩ to sign away his right to royalties. Of course it wouldnтАЩt be the first time in history someone has lost out to a fortune through not having proper representation when signing contracts. If indeed thatтАЩs what happened.

Yes, certainly, IтАЩll ask around the next time I am in тАШsoi TwilightтАЩ and report back if I manage to speak to тАШChaiтАЩ.

November 16th, 2013, 00:40
According to him the book is more or less a fiction written by a foreign husband and wife team for which he received a very small once off payment on condition that he sign off on all royalties.
If the book is "more or less fiction"... i don't see why he shoud be entitled to any royalties!
Sounds like he was more of a consultant than it being his biography!

November 16th, 2013, 01:17
Just an FYI, but this thread has made me start planning a trip to Brazil in April.
If anyone has any Brazil advice, could you private message me?

November 16th, 2013, 01:42
Just an FYI, but this thread has made me start planning a trip to Brazil in April.
If anyone has any Brazil advice, could you private message me?
But you started the thread. Over time you may even get to know yourself. Enjoy Brazil but remember the Chinese saying "no matter where you go there YOU are".

November 16th, 2013, 01:55
According to him the book is more or less a fiction written by a foreign husband and wife team for which he received a very small once off payment on condition that he sign off on all royalties.
If the book is "more or less fiction"... i don't see why he shoud be entitled to any royalties!
Sounds like he was more of a consultant than it being his biography!
My understanding is that this book was a commercial publication ghosted by a European couple and claimed to be the genuine life story of this guy Chai. His identity was the basis of the book's credibility but according to him he was used to give credibility to a piece of fiction and unknowingly signed away any claim to real compensation. This will not have been the first "bleeding heart" scam to have been created in Asia by western ghost writers. But I leave it to you to seek him out and check it out for yourself.

November 16th, 2013, 01:56
True, true, I'm going to cut my Thai vacation down to 2 weeks and do a week in Brazil and a week someplace else. Funny how a person can make a comment and it makes another person rethink and change events that were once thought to be set in stone. :-)

November 16th, 2013, 01:59
According to him the book is more or less a fiction written by a foreign husband and wife team for which he received a very small once off payment on condition that he sign off on all royalties.
If the book is "more or less fiction"... i don't see why he shoud be entitled to any royalties!
Sounds like he was more of a consultant than it being his biography!
My understanding is that this book was a commercial publication ghosted by a European couple and claimed to be the genuine life story of this guy Chai. His identity was the basis of the book's credibility but according to him he was used to give credibility to a piece of fiction and unknowingly signed away any claim to real compensation. This will not have been the first "bleeding heart" scam to have been created in Asia by western ghost writers. But I leave it to you to seek him out and check it out for yourself.

There is always the chance of him writing a book that sets the record straight and also reveals how he was hoodwinked by the hoodwinkers.

November 16th, 2013, 04:52
My understanding is that this book was a commercial publication ghosted by a European couple and claimed to be the genuine life story of this guy Chai. His identity was the basis of the book's credibility
From my understanding... he was never even identified as an individual in the book!

From my recollection it was always a case of: "if perhaps you meet someone working as a tout near soi twilight... it may be me"

And then a few months after the story got international recognition...this guy "chai" cashed in and started to claim that the book was based on him...

Of course i am not denying that the story may be based loosely on his life... but he is definately milking the part where he has been "robbed" of his story by the evil farang couple!

If anyone wants to offer my BF 2,000,000B i think the story of his life in Pattayaland from 14-18 may be just as interesting!

November 16th, 2013, 12:23
ah time for the do gooders who go to thailand 100% to shag anything that moves for 2 or 3 weeks, to get on their high horses.

Yes indeed timmberty! And have you also noticed that it is always the most disgusting and immoral perverts who resort to the highest horses as you have correctly observed.

Nirish guy
November 16th, 2013, 20:15
[ From my recollection it was always a case of: "if perhaps you meet someone working as a tout near soi twilight... it may be me"

No he is clearly named throughout the book and it's written solely as his actual life story and goes into VERY specific and graphic detail about his life and sex work in Bangkok / Soi Twilight etc - and nothing is left out ! And it certainly doesn't pull any punches about the amount of customers he was doing in a week and the money he was earning ( and blowing), plus a load of interesting behind the scenes other stuff about the sex trade in general and how things work, it's actually quite an interesting read and I doubt the ghost writers had to make a lot of it up as it's nearly too specific for that to have happened.

It also goes into a lot of detail about his battle with alcohol etc and how he treated his wife / GF ( badly) etc and covers HIV with his co-workers in the Soi etc and his staring in porn movies and just about every other kink his customers wanted him to partake in - actually I wonder if he has ever actually read the book as even though it is intended to be a warts and all story it really doesn't show him in a very good light throughout and also attributes some very candid views about what he / Thai people actually think / thought about the Farang customers who visit Soi Twilight etc and how they were / are considered low life's and mentally and emotionally retarded people etc (and I mean that in the literal sense - and when you read the crap he went through with them he may well have a point there !) but when I mentioned this to him when speaking to him in the bar he didn't quite grasp that ( or at least appeared not to of course) and I'm guessing that section was most defintely inserted by the ghost writers.

I also heard the "ripped off" story from him, but on the other hand as already stated by others he couldn't wait to point people to the poster on the wall and tell people how it was all about him etc - which usually lead on to a bigger conversation and the "you buy my a drink line" which was of course the whole point in his starting the conversation in the first place, so ripped off or not he still seemed quite proud of it which maybe as it ultimately ended up positive rather than negative is maybe fair enough - but when you read it you would really would wonder why you would want that out there perhaps ! but TIT I guess.

Oh and the last I heard was that he was no longer working in that bar in the Soi and was now touting / PR'ing for another ( ropey) bar just down the street from the Soi, actually I may have been told that it was his own new small bar in a joint ownership with someone else but I could be wrong about that, I just can't recall now but i seem to remember being told that his move it wasn't deemed to be a very upwards one for him so I hope things are still going ok for him. I do know that a lot of the guys in the Soi were / are not to happy at him for publishing the book as it reveals a little too much of what they would prefer we didn't know perhaps !

November 17th, 2013, 15:30
Back in October I reported that Chai was working at a bar called Nicky Bar and Massage. It's in the same soi as the old Heartbeat, according to Christian.
Has he moved yet again, or is he still "working" there?

When I met him he gave me the sob story but if, as the book apparently points out, he was making heaps of money, where did it all go? Did he piss it all up against the wall?
If so, no sympathy from me.
"Saving for a rainy day" doesn't seem to be high on the priority list of gogo boys.

November 18th, 2013, 20:07

from : http://bangkokbois-gay-thailand-blog.com/

(even if he does think **psychologists** smell like science) ;;)

November 19th, 2013, 12:58
"Saving for a rainy day" doesn't seem to be high on the priority list of gogo boys.But there are so many of them this time of year too.

November 19th, 2013, 14:01
...what do you mean by "but" ???, is this not good news?? an abundance of entertainment??