View Full Version : Central Festival area yesterday "apparently" ?

Nirish guy
October 26th, 2013, 00:54
Maybe the lovely autumn sunshine weather we had here today in the UK isn't so bad after all when you look at the apparent need for a scuba tank and a mask if going shopping outside the Central Festival area in Pattaya yesterday ( that is if my Thai friend who just sent me this pic is to be believed that he did actually take this pic yesterday of course - which knowing him is a 50 /50 possibility at best always ! :-) )

October 26th, 2013, 08:25
On the 24th in Pattaya that may have been an accurate photo but the 25th was beautiful!

Nirish guy
October 26th, 2013, 20:48
Yeah i did double check with him in case he was just telling me the first thing that came into his head when I'd originally asked " when did you take that pic?" but he did actually confirm that the shot was indeed taken on the 24th - so just as the songs goes it seems it's true..... "what a difference a day makes" !

October 28th, 2013, 13:15
Next time I have to check if the curb/kerb stone is indeed that high to allow such a level of water, before it flows over on the beach and into the ocean. This weekend (from Friday night), there was no rain in Pattaya.