View Full Version : Dead Users Reanimated From Database

October 9th, 2013, 09:52
On my Backup board I've stripped out all the MODs and resurrected these usernames:

Smiles (http://www.sitesourcetech.com/sawatdee/forum/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=50527)

Elephantspike (http://www.sitesourcetech.com/sawatdee/forum/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=58004)

Check out the the post counts. Going all the way back to the ezboard days almost 10 years ago now and all the way up to literally last night.

So this is the backup I've been updating the post data on nightly (But stripped down of MODs or "Unplugged")


And this is the lab rat version I'm working on re-plugging into a Dr Moreau like chymera of WOrdpress and phpBB:


Please help me out if you look this over by logging in to the forum and clicking to the front Wordpress page and seeing if you are logged-in there. It will show your avatar at the top of the right sidebar on that page if you are. The syncing of the logins is really the whole point of that particular exercise- not the templates. Those are easy and plentiful and free. I need to test the login integration though.


October 9th, 2013, 13:32
Do the same for wowpow, teepee, boxer, lmtu, gaypattayan. merge them with the current 1 or 2 posts.

October 9th, 2013, 15:01
Log in status...yes.


I actually changed mine on your site :)

October 9th, 2013, 15:33
Oliver - I want more....

Can I have a "mark records as read" at the top as well as the bottom of the page PLEASE.

October 9th, 2013, 15:39
If you changed your avatar here in the last month or so it wouldn't show there because that's in the files and I just copied the files once when I started because its a huge upload/download. The daily updates are just database.

One thing about the resurrection thing is it gets undone as soon as you do a new database update from the live board and I can't do it on the live board without shutting it down for a few hours to strip-out the MODs and run the support toolkit- so I'm thinking this is something we can make live for the conversion rather than as soon as the migration.

October 9th, 2013, 15:46
On that simplicity template I've got up over there? sure but I'm still working on getting the styles to even display right after doing database updates now. I have to disconnect the WP Unite Mod on the WP and phpBB side each time so I'm going to save the fine tuning edits until I get the process down- Also there are bugs with the user integration gizmos in the WP admin dash. I need to get the engine running first then we can decorate and organize it.-----After we tow it to the new server of course.

October 9th, 2013, 16:27
No I went over there, logged on, changed my avatar....then I got your message, so maybe this is why it isn't showing any avatar now.

It is on the posts, but not on he front page log in area.

I notice the ACP functions the same as ours, except the buttons in the top right corner are different;

Your site says admin index / board index

This one says admin index / forum /portal

I use the forum button a lot to bounce back and forth, without opening up another window.

The rest looks quite slick...impressive!

Hey...our Admin Index button just takes us to the page we are already on...kind of useless, now that I've tried it.

October 10th, 2013, 00:44
All those extra buttons at the top right of our ACP here are from MODs and they've all been removed on my hoogoobook build. That's what the phpBB ACP looks like out-of-the-box. There is a whole separate admin area over there for the front-end WP website though. (called the "Dashboard" in WP jargon) the link is at the top left in the shaded bar overlaid over the very top of your browser. (only visible when logged-in to Wordpress) - If it isn't logging you in to Wordpress when you login using the box at the top right column (which takes you to the phpBB login)- then try logging in directly to the WP dashboard at this link:


It is on the posts, but not on he front page log in area.

That's the Wordpress part that's what I'm trying to trouble shoot. The phpBB is basically a regular standalone phpBB board with all our members and posts imported with only one really light MOD for WPUnite that is mostly just template edits to allow the forum pages display inside a wordpress page- so everything on the forum should function normally- the tricky part is on the Wordpress side where the plugin (that's a MOD in WP jargon) is supposed to display data from the phpBB including user login info and log you in to the WP at the same time as you login to the phpBB.

Does it show your username in that login box and just a missing image for the avatar? Or is it just a login form (meaning WP didn't log you in)?

October 10th, 2013, 07:25
Can I have a "mark records as read" at the top as well as the bottom of the page PLEASE.

You mean these?


Were they not there yesterday? Possible as I was playing with the template last night to try to squeeze the search bar in up top so I may have inadvertently obscured the "mark read" links.

October 10th, 2013, 14:47
It is on the posts, but not on he front page log in area.

Does it show your username in that login box and just a missing image for the avatar? Or is it just a login form (meaning WP didn't log you in)?

Yes, it shows I'm logged in...but no avatar.

October 10th, 2013, 15:26
For some reason it made a new WP user "Surfcrest1" for you. I just deleted "Surfcrest1" and added "Surfcrest" manually and integrated them and your forum avatar seems to have automatically integrated. The user integration function is buggy. I need to work on that. I don't want to have to do that manually for 600 users.

October 10th, 2013, 15:53
I think we'll get stuck with some of these mundane chores anyway....I'd like everyone's user names and history to be accurate.
I don't think we are really looking at a lot, I polled before you returned and it was only a handful...and I haven't even asked bobsaigon...who came and went on his own.
Even gaybutton said he was fine being a newbie and not being associated with his neal history.
Perhaps we could leave this on the "to do / wish list" until we figured it out, or magical help came our way.

October 10th, 2013, 16:31
Well every user that is in the phpBB is in the phpBB there, That's easy. Just copy the database. The buggy part is getting Wordpress to integrate them as users. That part is pretty experimental, but since everyone will be new on the wordpress it won't make any difference. It just makes up a new wordpress user to match the existing phpBB user- which it is doing but if it insists on adding a "1" to the phpBB name to make a WP username then it may mess-up the login syncing and importing ofthe phpBB avatar into the wordpress.

It is really 2 websites- a copy of our existing phpBB on one database and a new WP on another database. It isn't a converter like for the vBulletin conversion. It's a bridge that just allows synchronized user logins and profiles. When you login to the phpBB- The WP recognises you and also logs you in....theoretically.

October 10th, 2013, 23:44
...and it sounds as though this is compatible with vBulletin as well.


Would the same Wordpress portal unplug from phpbb and re-plug back into vBulletin when we convert over?

October 11th, 2013, 01:59
They have "plugins" for wordpress and they have "plugins" for vbulletin. I do not see any plugins on that page that are supposed to combine wordpress with vbulletin though. That doesn't mean it isn't there or that it doesn't exist. I just don't see it there. But yes the WPUnite plugin I am using can be easily disabled and it would leave you with seperate undamaged phpBB and Wordpress installations.

The word "Plugin" just means anything that you add to your software to give it added functionality - called "MODs" in phpBB because adding them usually requires some code editing- or "modification", while WP plugins are usually one click installs and don't edit any core files so they just plug-in or plug-out.

edit- I take it back. They do have that. This is what we would use- a bridge:


October 11th, 2013, 03:26
What about mapping the avatars over, instead of each member having to manually load them?
I know this whole files size restriction is an annoyance and is probably why we have so many without anything.
nude....shall we say.

October 11th, 2013, 03:36
we can adjust the allowed file sizes for avatars and attachments right in the phpBB ACP.

...WHen the WPUnite integration is working it does put user's phpBB avatars (and "mapping" is EXACTLY what it does) into their Wordpress profiles. It's just a matter of working out the bugs in the WPUnite plugin- nothing to do with file sizes.

CHeck your PM and email and Skype.

Let's get this baby off the ground!


October 13th, 2013, 00:07
I found a fix for the Support Toolkit. It seems the SEO MOD (That makes our urls into actual words instead of code at the end) needed a few lines of code to be adjusted in order to make the STK work. So I was able to restore my old username and merge it into my new one using that. Also did that for smiles. Let me know who else we should restore. I forget who is who or was who now.

October 13th, 2013, 00:11
Do the same for wowpow, teepee, boxer, lmtu, gaypattayan. merge them with the current 1 or 2 posts.

Wait those guys have current posts? aren't they all actually really dead in real life?

October 13th, 2013, 03:17
Yes, they are no longer of this world.

Old posts are in here, please merge wowpow and teepee - wowpow to remain, delete teepee, after giving his posts to wowpow.

Boxer and gaypattayan add their old posts.

LMTU ask Andrew !!!

October 13th, 2013, 03:47
I don't think Smiles has noticed his old posts are back. I'm thinking of photoshopping some zombie effects into his avatar :sign5:

October 13th, 2013, 07:05
I found and restored Boxer but only 196 posts on that account. Wowpow too but 0 posts on that. I guess they got deleted somehow. No TeePee or Gaypattayan in there.

edit- I went back in and found most of them but most of them don't have many posts.

October 13th, 2013, 09:18
My old buddy John, LMTU....absolutely, he and I had so much fun together several years back. What a clown.
I know he's probably still reading.....whatever dimension he's on now :)

Irish, Scotty....bobsaigon. I'm way up the coast for a few days golfing and eating Canadin thanksgiving dinner.

We'll need to keep an eye on Milton60....until he slips up.

October 13th, 2013, 14:23
Check out your network:


I moved the WP-United WP/PhpBB there. I'm goona try to make that one a multisite WP network next.

We need to make this:


say "Sawatdee Network" now. I'm not that good at logos.

October 13th, 2013, 14:30
Once the Gran Prix is over I'll have a go at Logos.

Re: the one above is it too big, too small or just about right?

For me, it is too deep, reducing the words to one line will cut the page depth before you get to the posts.

October 13th, 2013, 16:36
I think it's a little too tall but the main thing is this:

If you look at the header on the main site I have it set up like here where it's the one logo but with random background images. The logo looks fine against some of the backgrounds but on some the border transparency is lost. It's the same header on the forum part but phpBB caches everything so it doesn't reload different images each page load but if you just keep clicking on the logo it takes you to the front page and reloads different images each click and you'll see what I mean.

October 13th, 2013, 20:18
Does this format work ?
If so I'll make more with different fonts.

October 14th, 2013, 01:17
smaller....and "Sawatdee Network" and darker and I like the bamboo font.

October 14th, 2013, 22:40
No bamboo do you like pine?


October 15th, 2013, 01:54
Something about the WP theme I'm using- Suffusion- it doesn't display drop-shadow right in the header logo. It puts the shadow around the transparent background instead of around the font. Can you try some without drop shadow?

October 15th, 2013, 08:14
Ok never mind about the drop shadow. I fixed that by using Chrome Web Developer to locate the element .blogtitle img and added a CSS over-ride in my WP theme:
.blogtilte img:

But anyway I think something like the one we have or the one I posted above but "Sawatdee Network" instead of "Sawatdee Gay Thailand.com".