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October 2nd, 2013, 22:55
Anyone know if things in the Chiangmai Mai area are having flood issues? I'm going to be in the gay area but my friend will be going to the temples and umberella factory

October 3rd, 2013, 07:21
Rising tide of inane posts cresting here Oct 11 and not forecasted to go down until well after Nov 11.
Everyone here should have their hip waders on standby now.

October 4th, 2013, 05:44
Rising tide of inane posts cresting here Oct 11 and not forecasted to go down until well after Nov 11.
Everyone here should have their hip waders on standby now.

No skin off my back. Figured I would go to a message board and ask people in the know if the tourist area of Chiang Mai is experiencing problems with floods.

I figured any input would be helpful to others and not only myself but I will ask around on facebook or gayromeo. :hello2:

October 4th, 2013, 10:16
If I want a reliable weather report I'll go to the Weather Channel. If I want an opinion on who's up who in Pattaya or Soi Twilight and whether it's worth 1500 baht I'll come to the Gay Sex Tourism site. Just a thought bucknaway.

October 4th, 2013, 16:11
You can do that but I don't know how close a flood is to a place I'm visiting. And flood is more of a condition and less about the weather.

October 5th, 2013, 22:44
I was in Chiang Mai this morning (Saturday) and was in the area for several days. No sign or talk of flood problems. At Mae Hong Son the river is a bit high but no flooding. On the flight from CM to bkk today I saw some extensive areas of flooding but not near to CM.

October 5th, 2013, 23:29
Thanks for the info Mancs. I was beginning to worry since I was getting email updates from Thaivisa telling about flood problems and potential floods.

I was in Thailand when things were in short supply due to the major floods. Even the Bangkok weekend market was closed! I don't want to head into flood problems when I don't need to.

Your report eases my worries! :hello2:

October 6th, 2013, 06:21
There's two months no-one in their right mind visits Thailand and they both have to do with water - April and October.

October 6th, 2013, 15:55
There's two months no-one in their right mind visits Thailand and they both have to do with water - April and October.

As a resident of Pattaya, I agree that people are certainly not using good judgment in planning trips here in October. The forecast here is for rain, rain, rain. Haven't been to the beach in over a week.

Nirish guy
October 6th, 2013, 20:30
of course some would say that there's no such thing as the wrong weather, only the wrong clothes ! And every day should be enjoyed, whether it's rain, hail or shine - although I guess that's easier said than done if you're sitting on the beach in your swimming trunks in a hail storm :-)

October 6th, 2013, 22:40
I've been visiting in October for years and there was only one year that my time in Thailand was effected by flood conditions. The rain I experienced there was nothing more than a speed bump in the fun.

I remember one year I was with a Thai guy (I forget how I met him). We were inside Wild West Boy gogo bar watching the show. When the show was over, the street was flooded up to the knees or higher outside the front door. We went out the back door hoping to find a new path back to my condo but the water was much too high. We sat on the steps and played "Angry Birds" on my iphone till the water receded. Although I can't remember much about the guy I was with, I remember the event and it still brings a smile to my face when it comes to mind.

Nirish guy
October 6th, 2013, 22:53
Shame on you ! You were in a go go bar which has short time rooms right at the back door, complete with your own special Thai guy in tow and the best thing you could think of doing to pass the time whilst surrounded with all those wonderful options was to play angry birds on your phone, disgraceful behaviour, it's people like you that give sex tourists a bad name with the boys, am wonder they all think we're just plain lazy, go and put on your report card "must try harder" at once ! :-)

October 6th, 2013, 23:17
A short time room? How often do they clean those rooms and change the bedding? Anyone ever get lice or something from a short time room?
I wonder if those rooms have hidden cameras? And then you have to worry about the police storming the place looking for illegal activity.

I think I will pass on the short time room over a gogo bar.

October 6th, 2013, 23:45
Don't worry Bucky.

A little bird tells me that all the surveillance equipment in every short-time room in every go-go bar was stolen long ago - as the proprietors did not secure it with cable locks, 200dB sirens, flashing lights, and explosive booby traps, as per your advice.

More fool them, I say.

The upside is that you can be reasonably confident that every thrust, squirt, and slurp will go unrecorded.

I hope this helps.


Nirish guy
October 6th, 2013, 23:50
Yes just sit and play on your phone, probably much safer all round for someone harbouring so much paranoia about what 'might" happen in life, between possible stolen laptops, encountering unclean bed sheets, risking lice running rampant and hidden cameras abounding in every nook and cranny ( and all whilst you are bringing those very same hookers that you are worried about catching lice from back to your hotel room anyway, yes that's MUCH better idea. I guess the phone option is definitely a safer bet then for you Bucky, meanwhile I'll just crack on doing "whatever" and just take life and the many surprising opportunities it throws up as they come I think. :-)

October 7th, 2013, 00:38
Yep, with all the hidden camera footage of up the skirt video, guys pissing in bathrooms and getting a bj, people screwing in hotel rooms without the other person knowing or either party knowing.... there could never be hidden cameras in a gogo bar short time room :sign5:

Sorry.... You do your thing and I will do my thing. As long as we find a way to have peace of mind then that is all that matters when it comes to feeling comfortable in your surroundings.

Hey! Next time someone is in a short time room, could you snap a picture so that we can see what they look like?


People who operate in the sex industry are the salt of the earth and never have a fetish or sexual perversion that would have them invade the privacy of a "John" hiring a sex worker for a bit of fun in a room under the total control of said upstanding citizen.

PS, and he won't water down the drinks or sub a lesser brand for top shelf booze :sign5:

Nirish guy
October 7th, 2013, 01:28
Hey! Next time someone is in a short time room, could you snap a picture so that we can see what they look like?

?? So, you have all these preconceptions and dislikes of visiting a short time room and yet you haven't actually ever been to one to enable you to come to such conclusions ? How strange.

Ok, to ease your curiosity, pic below of the BBB Inn short time room in Bangkok, Shocking isn't it, you'd almost think it was like one of the same hotel rooms that they normally let out to respectable people - except of course that they only let it out for a short time maybe - I'm guessing the clue is in the name, strange that eh. ;/)

Although I do seem to recall that they change the duvet for plain white sheets the last time I was there, which the housekeeper, who you pay for the use of her nice clean bed linen on your arrival changes freshly for you. But the lice checking of the guy you're with, unfortunately that's still something you're expected to do for yourself it seems - which is damned shoddy service for their 500 baht if you ask me ! Lol

October 7th, 2013, 01:31
Nice picture. Is that typical of all the gogo bar short time rooms? Even if so I am still not interested... I'll pass on the Gogo bar short time room :hello2:
Thanks for posting the picture.

Nirish guy
October 7th, 2013, 01:37
No to be fair it's not typical, most are much larger, with jacuzzis and power showers and have larger beds in case you want to bring several guys up from downstairs, some also have a small bar in the corner and if you want to party for a while with the boys they'll send a waiter up from downstairs to serve you all and it just goes on your check bin for when you're leaving.

But hey it's all irrelevant anyway as you'll never need to worry about seeing for yourself as I'm sure you'll be much to busy playing angry birds :/) whilst judging those who for whatever reason use such terrible lice ridden places :/)

October 7th, 2013, 01:40
Sounds like a wonderland. Still not interested. LOL

Nirish guy
October 7th, 2013, 01:47
Ha yes and if you believe that you're ting tong ! :-) They are what they are of course and nothing more, but, in my (granted limited) experience of them the bedding IS clean and the water, the shower is warm and if you've chosen right the boy/a are hot and what more does one need to pass a quick hour or so for an unscheduled fuck session in the middle of a down pour or rain. If god gives ya lemons make lemonade that's what I say ! :-)

October 7th, 2013, 01:50
Some of us will make lemonade in a short-time room over a gogo bar and others will wait till they are back in the comfort of their hotel room or service apartment before we make our lemonade. Both are acceptable :-)

Nirish guy
October 7th, 2013, 02:04
Absolutely - and I was never suggesting they were mutually exclusive, in fact I'm sure I would probably embrace the use of both as being Thailand one just never knows when the opportunity for some fun might arise and god forbid we would miss out on that :-)

October 7th, 2013, 16:18
I've never made lemonade in my hotel room (or a short time room) - does this mean I'm queer? :dontknow:

October 7th, 2013, 19:07
short times rooms now coming under the header of "Any flood warnings?"

The more despicable the room the more exciting and genuine the experience...