View Full Version : A message from Surfcunt

September 9th, 2013, 09:09
Miss Sally et al

First of all, how pleased I am that you are reading the Flaming Room ever day. You are probably the only one reading it that often...but because you have such difficulty retaining anything....including your rectum....with so many tiny hands (and undoubtedly not so tiny hands) up that skanky ass of yours...the need to read so often is quite understandable.

Next love, there has been no convenient or inconvenient deletions of A447's posts, they remain as you left them all here in the Flaming Room, that you say you read everyday. I simply summarized the whole affair and locked up the thread. You, on the other hand have clearly gone back, in your tenure, and did all of this editing and deleting that you aledge I have done. Quite frankly, I don't have the time to go to the same lengths as you have gone and especially over 500 baht. I know what happened back then and you do as well....and so it is really a question of your word against mine and we all know what your word is worth....sweet fuck all! No one made any big deal out of the whole affair that night, not I, not the waiter..only you....several hours later after interrogating your waiter. It's really a drop of rain compared to the storm that's coming your way...but I'll get to that later....

As for 357sussexstreetsyd, any idiot can see you've changed the posting style after this allegation and once again....one only needs to look back 5 minutes ago to find several examples of you up to the same lies and deception. Now you are trying to bring them in with a debate of Pedos vs Gays....how low will you go? Better yet, what will the authorities say? Are you still bragging that you bribe the BIB 10 000 baht / month? That's what we have you quoted here as writing. You even identify who this official might be. Of course, as you say you have access to the Flaming Room...so you must be a member and can go back and delete that evidence, if you choose. LOL

Speaking of evidence, as I said a few months back...I have collected a fair amount of evidence about you personally. Your past ownership of this board, your ownership of CGT and most importantly your ownership of the PBB when you posted an extremely defamatory statement about me...with my name. As a past member of your PBB, I have also have had someone access your site from within (Miss Ann Thrope) to gather more evidence about your personal involvement with the posting of this story and as you the board owner who allowed this story to be posted....a double whammy!

Going further dear friend, you're the king of bullshit. You call me the big liar, but stand in front of a mirror and look at yourself! I know it's a sad sight, even for you. Now take my hand Neal and let me show you all the lies you barfed out today...yesterday...going all the way back to Day #1 Neal. Remember? You said you woke up one morning, groggy and posted a review of your bar as though you were a complete stranger...isn't that right Justme?

None of this challenge shit is going to happen anytime soon buddy. No one walks into a casino where they know the tables are crooked to place bets with a crook...like you. What we can do though, if you really insist...is to take all of this evidence that I have accumulated and really roll the dice. You know how it works in Thailand with slander.....wasn't it you who posted a story about what LMTU was forced to pay as a result of far less serious circumstances? I believe that thread is still here in the Posting Guidlines Forum? Are you reading that one everyday too?

You wouldn't like my lawyer pal, ask the View Taly 7 folks! You think I'm a cunt...wait until you get a load of him!

You and I both know that if it ever gets to that, you will have nothing....not that you have anything worth our time now....and besides, how would I look here and indeed within the community if I took what little money is barely keeping you alive today.

So here's my counter proposal fatty! Take the 100 000 baht and donate it to my favorite charity an orphanage based in Rayong. I'll provide the details. Then sign the TBB over to Timmberty. I'm sure he would make it into something fun again (I wouldn't know, but I heard it was fun once). I suggest Timmberty, only because I know he probably hates me just as much, if not more than you....so you can't get much more neutral than that.

As for a nervous breakdown....Ha....I spend more time breaking wind than thinking about the likes of you. And last but not least........Fuck Off!

There's the deal.....take it...or wait for me to come back to Thailand....where I'll be down to see you....we all know where that is...but the deal won't be as good as it is today. Either that.....or hurry up and die before I get back. The choice is yours. This isn't you talking, this is me....and pal...I mean business!


Oh...and by the way, have you ever wondered what happened to that chariot you used to ride down to the beach? I heard some "cunt" sold it for........500 baht.

September 9th, 2013, 16:25
Yes Neal is obviously posting as 357sussex because if you look at the list of threads on the BB they are all written by the one name.,..357. Only neal floods the boards like that.
Neal is also posting as Blue eyes. Here's proof -

by Blue Eyes ┬╗ Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:40 pm
There should be postings for comments about farangs whom are met by Thais and others on GR. The one for Butt-Hole would read something like this:

Profile number or name: 911911 Stupid Butt Hole
Turned up?: Unfortunately he did.
Turned up on time?: So miserly he walked to meet me 10 miles away to save the bus fare
Looks like photos?: The arse looks better than the face

Photos current? Yes/No: I have seen better looking cockroaches

Tip was as discussed and agreed upon?: He argued over 1 satang
Approx dick size in inches or cm. Please state which: So small I could not measure it, even with a microscope
Position Matches Profile Yes/No: Imagine a dog bitch being fucked
What he will and will not do is correct? Yes/No: I refused to stick my head in his hole
Was he in a hurry to leave? Yes/No: I had to throw him out
Would you meet him again yes/No: You must be kidding!!!!!!

(lets' have one for the Smurf, right).

followed by this -

Miss.Sally ┬╗ Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:23 pm
Profile number or name: 611611 Smurfcrust for those who don't understand it is the number for repair
Turned up?: His ego did.
Turned up on time?: His driver boy picke me up
Looks like photos?: obviously he was accidentally left to burn in a tanning Salon

Photos current? Yes/No: I have seen better looking cockroaches

Tip was as discussed and agreed upon?: He offered me a free membership to SGT
Approx dick size in inches or cm. Please state which: I don't know. He could not get it up
Position Matches Profile Yes/No: He wanted me to jackwal while a stray street dog fucked him in both holes
What he will and will not do is correct? Yes/No: He never mentioned the dogs
Was he in a hurry to leave? Yes/No: No he wanted to do it a second time but with a monkey
Would you meet him again yes/No: If my dead grandmother tells me to!
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................

I told you the guy was dopey! Uneducated, unsophisticated, unbelievably stupid!...cant even check his own posts...gets found out every time.

Its so funny...there he is every day posting to the TBB using lots of hydras...just talking to himself...how sad...no friends...just a computer to talk to.
By the way I was going to congratulate him on resisting B's invitations to go out onto the balcony to admire the view,,,then I realised hes too fat to get upstairs. Good for Neal, frustrating for B and his impatient family.
They wont be at your funeral neal...they'll be out celebrating...with your money!! haha
Must contact B on GR and tell him you are about to waste 100000 baht of his money. :sign5:

September 9th, 2013, 21:31
well after a fine afternoons joshing with neal, i can confirm he really is losing what little of the plot he had left ..
a mental home would be a far better place for him rather than a hospital.

September 9th, 2013, 23:51
surfcrest i hadnt actually read your post untill a couple of minutes ago .. i dont hate you my dear. i dont even know you,
you cant hate a person you dont know can you ?
as for taking over the bitch board .. well i dont think so, i'd much rather see uncle albert have it back again .. sure hes rough and ready, but he makes me laugh.
the rest of what you say is probably true, neal wouldnt know the truth is it hit him in the face, tho we can but hope.
posting peoples emails and photos, shame he picked on someone who doesnt care, he makes more and more a fool of himself with every post he makes .. maybe time for him to give up digging cause soon his hole will be so big he might even fall into it.

September 10th, 2013, 18:39
well after a fine afternoons joshing with neal, i can confirm he really is losing what little of the plot he had left ..
At last! after weeks of waiting for some of the laughs the Bitchboard was known for with the original BQ and U.Albert before Neal destroyed it (yet another FAILURE), there is actually some amusing/entertainment to be had over at TBB. Since Neal has bullied, bossed and paid-off to kow-tow any of the original crew who were responsible for the few laughs over there, the spectacle of Neal having a mental breakdown is hilarious. Even smoothlegs/loveIT admitted Timmy has been laughing AT Neal rather than with him. Timmberty is working Neal like a demented puppet, winding Neal up to the brink of losing it.......he is making a complete fool out of the squealing-pig as Timmy goads him into making evermore ridiculous posts.

Neal bumbling around his TBB pigsty clearly deranged is funny. All the original bitches seem to have run for the hills distancing themselves from the brainless mouth-on-a-stick, who now only has paid minions like smoothlegs sticking around. The other 3 members not Hydras of Neal have handles specific to that Board for fear of being recognised and associated with the toxic lump of lard. If he thinks inventing Hydras, bribing BBB or some other idiot banned from all the other forums to post stacks of idiotic, ridiculous, unfunny clueless nonsense under this new '357sussex.st' handle to make his sad BLOG look busy is going to be believed he is in a worse mental condition than first thought. Even one post has the '357Sussex.st' handle BEGGING for members!!!! The sad old fool has really lost the plot this time, with surfcrest and Timmy running rings round him. An occasional visit at the moment is well worth the time, very entertaining.

I told you the guy was dopey! Uneducated, unsophisticated, unbelievably stupid!...cant even check his own posts...gets found out every time.
He's tried some of the most ridiculous antics ever seen on the gay Thailand forums, as 'surfcrest' reminds us he even gave a review of his own bar under a Hydra, and over on gaybutton tried to get away with advertising his own Board under another Hydra.........he is a complete simpleton, in any of the PMs I received from him he came across as a thick ignorant retard with anger management issues, it was actually difficult to understand his infantile writing style, blaming his physical illness for the shite which emanated from his brain onto the page. He was ill alright......mentally unstable.

If he pushes the envelope too far again with surfcrest how fitting it would be to see him hung out to dry on the very legal platform the big fat mouth has threatened others with! He clearly deserves the title of "The most hated man in the history of gay Thailand forums".......and all of it his own fault.