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View Full Version : I've gone native!

September 6th, 2013, 16:58
I find when I want to make absolutely sure my "friend" understands me I resort to speaking broken English . As a quip to finish a little disagreement I say " you tink too mush" or when I want to get him onside it's " I miss you too much". Or when he wants more money(over his allowance) I say " ok ok I know....Buffallo me die send money" (as you know I pinched that from Colmx), but it works. The reply between giggles is "No no , I have many ting to buy you no understan"! And it goes on. It seems normal when its happening ,but when he leaves the room, I think to myself " what the hell is happening to me....he is supposed to improve his English ...yet I'm speaking pidgin! :dontknow:

September 7th, 2013, 07:29
I find myself speaking in the simplest and most commonly used words
in very short sentences without pronouns, adjectives, rearranging sentence structure.

I can understand how difficult English can be with our word usage and "slang"
way too high % of vocabulary, different meanings for the same words.

September 7th, 2013, 09:05
Personally as Asian American I find myself do the same, not sure why. But my BF appears to understand more than when I try to speak American/English/Thai pigeon. Plus I like the accent, sort of like I love the English/Australian accent. However for me, as long as he and my friends understand, okay with me. :notworthy:

September 7th, 2013, 13:22
Yes that's the key, to try and keep it simple. If I were to " correct" his English it would be never ending, plus he's very much his own man/ boy (22) university educated, and I think it might damage our relationship. As it is we are " equals" in most regards except age and money. It's just a little thing really, all things considered. But he's got me hooked...badly!

September 10th, 2013, 17:29
Great post Zebedee. I find the same thing.

The first day back to work is always interesting. I really try to make sure there are no high profile meetings or other activities on that first day. Gives me a chance to revert back to "business" English instead of Tinglish. :sign5: :sign5: