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View Full Version : Joking, Teasing or Not

September 2nd, 2013, 15:58
I have noticed several instances of missing an intended joke. The written word lacks the wry smile or other body language that one can usually use to understand when something is either sarcastic or drily humourous. Some of these incidents have caused, albeit minor, misunderstandings. I have first hand experience of this.

Might it be worthwhile to try to label a joke with a suitable emoticon available? I offer this one :bis:

Of course, this would not be deployed when someone is purposely trying to hide their humour.... I recognise there are circumstances when hidden humour is potentially even funnier.

Anyway, this may not be worth all the trouble and I only offer this suggestion as I have been catching up today and have noticed one or two humour breakdowns because readers are only relying on what is written, plus we must remember that English is not everyone's first language here.

Thoughts? Perhaps nobody else worries as much as me, haha. I am looking for a simple way forward, obviously.

September 5th, 2013, 18:13
... plus we must remember that English is not everyone's first language.Yes, many of our members are Americans.

September 5th, 2013, 18:31
Australians , Canadians and KiWis Too

September 7th, 2013, 08:17
Sooty and Jinks, you forgot to put the joke smilley after your posts. Someone want take your posts seriously. :bis:

September 7th, 2013, 13:10
Just yesterday had this kind of thing happening with my guy. First his friend answered his phone as he was busy with a client (no, not a gogo boy, works in hairdresser salon...) Then sent me an email with my name totally misspelt - typing on mobile phone with a spellchecker that thinks it knows better, asking if I am angry with him (dont know why...). I answer:
Who's xxx(the misspelt name)- your new boyfriend? Yes, then I'm angry :)
He went into a total panic mode, trying to call me and eventually sending a long email, practically begging me to believe that he does not have another bf, saying couldn't get sleep...

I guess I will be more careful with this kind of jokes, felt sorry for the poor guy...

September 7th, 2013, 13:27
Sooty and Jinks, you forgot to put the joke smilley after your posts. Someone want take your posts seriously. :bis:

Sorry, this smiles is now in the "extra view more section" might I suggest that another one is chosen.

September 9th, 2013, 12:14
I have to be careful with my 'humour' too. Often I have found that my dry humour causes trouble, so I have to curtail my communications (written, spoken, body) and be more, you guessed it, SIMPLE.