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August 31st, 2013, 04:48
Tell me what will they do when they get to be about 30 and no one wants them?
No education or work experience. Not that many McDonalds there in BKK..so how
will they support a family since welfare is not too aval..
Aw well what to say..I fuck lots but do not pay the jerks..mostly I go for Western
dudes since I work in BKK lots and they are aval always..thanks for reading this.

August 31st, 2013, 16:00
Well James III, the more business conscious of them will have invested their hard earned remuneration wisely in preparation for the day when their shelf life comes to an end.

A Thai friend of mine worked slightly beyond the age of 30 as a bar boy in тАШSoi TwilightтАЩ and has now retired from the game. During his time he was able to run several
fa-r├аng and had them believe he was theirs and theirs alone. He received regular payments from abroad at the same time as being a popular bar boy.

He now has a house in ├м-s─Гan, which I have visited, a productive farm, employees, a tractor and money in the bank.

He also has a very handsome and young boyfriend from Laos who continues to work in тАШSoi TwilightтАЩ as a very popular bar boy. At some point he too will come off the game and they both will head back to my friendтАЩs village in ├м-s─Гan.

How typical my friendтАЩs story is I have no way of knowing.

August 31st, 2013, 18:05
Even once they reach 50 all is not lost - it's obvious there are go-go boy jobs available in BoyzBoyzBoyz.


August 31st, 2013, 19:55
when they get to be about 30 and no one wants them

I'll have them! perfect for me!

Those who are well past their used-by date often end up at Hotmale. There are some real old "daddies" there.

September 1st, 2013, 10:29
Well, past their sell date for you is not their sell date for me.

I love to meet 30+ guys!

September 1st, 2013, 12:11
It's always dangerous to over generalise ...to say all gogo boys and not educated is not always the case - I have met a fair number who work in the bars to help pay for their studies who have one on to do make a good living from their chosen career , albeit they tend to be a minority ( many students working in the bars, but it seems it is hard to land a good graduate job or join the professions without connections). Previous gogo bar friends I have known have bought a farm, opened Internet shop;opened hair salon; opened small restaurant in their home town; fitness instructor......and many just disappear without trace.... Maybe they all go to a home for retired gogo boys when they reach 30 ! ( if anyone has the address please forward it to me :) )

September 1st, 2013, 16:05
My guess is back to the rice farm once their source of income is gone.

September 1st, 2013, 16:34
My guess is back to the rice farm once their source of income is gone.

That's probably the biggest group but, as others have said, all sorts of motives and ambitions. A boy I met in Funny Boys six or seven years ago struck me immediately as being very bright and well-organised. In my room I showed him a schoolbook I had been reading to practise my Thai and he proceeded to 'chant-sing' a poem from it in a most melodious voice. I lost touch with him and met him again about three years later working at Hero Massage in Bangkok. He told me he was now living with a Thai boyfriend of his own age and working at Hero to put himself through college studying law. I haven't seen him since then but would be surprised if he hasn't gone ahead and qualified.

Nirish guy
September 1st, 2013, 16:47
Previous gogo bar friends I have known have bought a farm, opened Internet shop;opened hair salon; opened small restaurant in their home town

Or opened beer bar / massage shop of course and the only thing I would add to that is I too know many boys who have opened exactly the same businesses, the only difference being when I said "they" opened it I meant of course their particular farang BF de jour, who of course they "loved" dearly - until they didn't, then that particular farang disappears from their lives as if he never existed and the boy carries on with his business quite happily without him.

To be fair to the boys I guess some would claim "oh BF he leave me and go back home" which could well be true, but I also know enough about some of the cases ( and know the farang) where that may not have been the case and the boy was all sweetness and light until said farang was no longer of use (financially) and then it was a gentle bye bye and a parting of the ways on the boys part.

So for any unsuspecting farang about to shell out to open any of the above make sure you're going in with your eyes wide open as the last farang friend I know to do that opened a lovely, quite expensive Internet cafe in Koh Samui for his BF, only once it was all up and running for him to be left almost standing in the street with nothing himself afterwards - and the worst was his BF ran it into the ground as he found it to much like hard work getting up in the mornings to open up etc ( like just how hard can sitting in any Internet cafe all day be ! :-(

Actually on that very point - and to try to ensure a balance of views perhaps, does any board member have any knowledge or personal experience perhaps where they or their friends maybe did set up a boy in business and how that worked out in the end - did the boy make a go of it, is the business still trading, are they still friends / BFs or whatever ? Might be interesting to hear about ?

September 1st, 2013, 17:29
Wow, thanks NIrish, your story just helps to Focus the mind when dealing with the boys. I have to confess I do spoil them,and although I know they would "ignore" me if there was no money.....like afool ...I get used in to thinking they actually like me....ya I know it's sad !

September 1st, 2013, 17:51
Ditto, I know quite a few Uni students who have / are working in bars in the Holidays or before their first year to help pay their higher education costs

It's always dangerous to over generalise ...to say all gogo boys and not educated is not always the case - I have met a fair number who work in the bars to help pay for their studies

Nirish guy
September 1st, 2013, 18:01
Well I wouldn't be to sure that that don't like you - the two things aren't mutually exclusive I find, but speaking personally I always try to keep in mind that there IS two sides to any interaction with ( bar) boys etc where one part IS having fun and getting on well with each other ( genuinely ) and then the other ( if the boy is smart) is him working out what his long term aim is from you and how he's going to make that happen - and if both of you are in agreement to his needs and plan that GREAT, you'll both have no problems and have a happy time together, whereas it's usually more when one side of the couple has one long term goal and the other either doesn't share that or has NO idea a plan even exists and confuses the "having fun together" part with the boys long terms goals and needs.

Ha only last night I was speaking on Skype to a long term Thai boy / bar friend where he was telling me just how much he wanted to come and live with me and why would I not send him a visa ( he knows that's never going to happen) where I had to remind him that he already had and was currently LIVING with a farang BF who is actually very good to him and the boy wants for nothing ! Meanwhile on my last trip the boy was sneaking out of the farangs hotel to come and see me for some (free) fun (as the farang wasn't giving him enough sex to keep him happy) and likewise the farang had actually just left Thailand a few days ago and so the boy was back on to me to "catch up" as the farang had been watching him like a hawk the whole 6 months he'd been with him ( unsuccessfully I should add). So, the boy mentioned coming here, I reminded him he had a BF and the boy rolled his eyes like "COME ON, we both know why I'm there as he takes good care of me and my family etc.

I then suggested to the boy that maybe he might consider NOT playing around and actually loving and taking care of this BF and you could see that that thought just didn't compute with him and in the next breath he was telling me ( as a friend) that he maybe WILL just marry him ( the farang hadn't asked yet but the boys cogs where turning in that that will be the next thing on his list) as that way "I'll get a passport to Europe which would be great as I want to go and work in Germany and Spain" ( so he thinks) and neither of those places by the way are where his BF is from so it's quite clear that his intent is to bugger off the first chance he gets, he even said that, "hey when I get a European passport then I CAN come and stay with you as I'll not need a visa!" lol - and THAT is after his BF doing all the right things, taking good care of the boy and his family, sending the boy 40,000 a month when he's not there ( to stop him having to work in the bar - even though he's never off Gay romeo and Grindr lol) and also even taking his BF back to Europe to let him see his Country with him with a view to them living together later.

I almost feel sorry for the guy but he's long enough in the tooth to know what's what and has been coming to Thailand for quite a while now so I can only guess he knows what he's doing and is merely paying the boy what he can easily afford while he gets whatever it is he needs in his life out of the arrangement as to be honest my Thai friend isn't exactly hard to suss out re his motives but I guess as they say love is blind and all that - so yes, eyes wide open at all times seems to be a smart move when dealing with the lovely creatures that call Thai bar boys :-)

Nirish guy
September 1st, 2013, 18:08
Ditto, I know quite a few Uni students who have / are working in bars in the Holidays or before their first year to help pay their higher education costs

Yeah I often wonder about that Alex as I too have heard that same line time out of number now when i ask how long you work bar etc and get the usual answer of one month lol - only for that to be followed up with the "I go university and I only work here for two months to get money and then I go back to Uni in Bangkok" - BUT many times I asked ( out of genuine interest) "oh, very good, what course are you doing" and then you see the deck of cards crumbling and you either get one of three answers those being either " Business Studies, English or Hotel management" but when you go any deeper it's quite obvious the boys don't even know what those courses might entail and I realise it's a mixture of saying what they think I want to hear ( not that I could care less) or a way of them perhaps extracting some more money out of us as they believe we will be more open to "helping" a struggling student who's trying to better themselves or just them trying to save face about working in the bar in the first place - so I wonder just how many of the "I only working here to help with my studies" answers that we get are in fact genuine - I'm guessing about 20-30% perhaps ?

September 1st, 2013, 18:12
ni do you tell the boy in this story he should stop playing around and cheating on his boyfriend before during or after you have sex with him ??

i surpose the bleeding hearts will now start going on about how loving the boys can be, and how many of them really are 100% in love and would never dream of cheating.
sometimes sitting in an internet cafe can be really enlightning, and funny, to see a boy sitting there pretend crying, telling the dumb ass on the other side of the screen how much he is missing him, telling him he is in his home village whilst sat 20 yards away from sunee plaza .. but the best bit is the smile they give you when they notice you are farang and try to get you to go with them ...
some of them have c.d's with farm animal noises they turn on to make the farang actually believe they are in their villages ..

Nirish guy
September 1st, 2013, 18:30
ni do you tell the boy in this story he should stop playing around and cheating on his boyfriend before during or after you have sex with him ??

Well it's not my place of course to TELL the boy anything, he's a adult and can live his life how he wants, I did as I stated in my post, suggest to him that another option might be to stop fucking around and settle down with the guy who was taking care of him as for the last two years that's all he's constantly told me he was looking for but I was very aware that that was me applying my western logic to his life and expecting a Thai boy to get that - whereas he no doubt was applying his Thai logic of "but this is all part of how it works' as explained to him by the many boys that have came before him i.e. you find a farang, you get what you can and you move on ( or not) - and yes you certainly take care of him ( to look after your investment) while doing so, remembering all along that the farang is both totally unaware of all of the boys actions (possibly) and so is (probably) quite happy with his life with his lovely Thai BF.

So the boy will get what he can for as long as he can / he chooses to and then will move on to the next guy ( or the farang might do that too !), while perhaps at the same time running the first guy too if he can at all manage it hence the " I want to come and stay with you line he gave me - except he knows I'm on to him a long time ago and would metaphorically kick him in the ass for trying it on :-) So, by Thai standards is the boy doing anything wrong - perhaps not - and by western standards has the BF sat down and had the conversation about where are we going, what are we doing, what do you need and want from me / in life in the long term - probably not - and he's living day quite happily in his own wee bubble ( which maybe works perfectly for him for several other reasons the boy isn't even aware of such as he's divorced or something) - so who's fault is that then - the boys, I don't think so as he's just doing what (some) Thai boys do and what he's been taught - and as the boy by the way is 22 and the farang is 55-60 so I REALLY think it's the farang who's the one who needs to wake up as the boy is only doing what "works" for him.

And by the way I'm not slating Thai boys here for this as to me it's no different than if that same 55-60 year old guy met some hot 22 year old girl in a club here in Europe and she moved in with him, we would all expect her to do exactly the same thing and we would neither be surprised nor shocked if we watched her slowly cleaning him out to get what SHE needed out of the "relationship" - so why should it be any different for hot 22 year old Thai boys - in my view the onus is on the faring to know what they are doing, make sure they have the money and mental strength to carry on living like that until such times as the wont perhaps and then get on with it OR to see what's whats and to call a stop to it whenever THEY are ready - which is usually about the time that you hear the Thai boy screaming bitterly about ""oh farang bad man, he lie to me" - whereas actually on hearing that half times I always think "no, he said OK enough" and walked away - which again no matter what way you play it is all about about the original lack of communication between the two people in the first place about what they both need, want and expect from the other person in the long term.

September 1st, 2013, 18:36
dear god ni my line was a joke ... i really should start putting one of those 30billion smilies after where the laugh should be.
no need for chapter and verse again :kap: there hows that?
im sure we all know how much they lie, no need to tell us again !!! like you say why shouldnt they, if some old fool wants to give em a grand a month then why wouldnt they take it.
as i said i find it amusing to sit and watch from not to far afar, seeing just how easy it is to fool the old farang.

Nirish guy
September 1st, 2013, 18:48
dear god ni my line was a joke ... i really should start putting one of those 30billion smilies after where the laugh should be.

Oh sorry - its just when I noted the question mark at the end of your sentence I assumed you were asking a question as lets face it you're not usually known for your outpouring of hilarity :-)

But ok, I'm glad it appears we both agree on the topic at hand that Thai boys can be lying scheming wee buggers - and many farang can be no better but just are a bit slower to catch on when they're being taken for a ride - oh and farm yard CD's with animal noises lol - now that MUST be a joke :-)

September 1st, 2013, 19:03
I know what you're saying NIrish, some boys definitely do use it as a 'cover'...but i'd say that 30-35% are genuine who say this, both my most recent BF did this (3month plus 1 month stint) until I met him & stepped in to help with his Uni fee's plus his good friend who also worked for a year in BT. His good friend now has a very good BF also who is helping him thru Uni.

But the reality is they are a smaller percentage as they're both very focussed and really apply themselves to their studies, the money they made from working in a bar would not have realistically funded more than a few months of Uni at best (without help from the family / friends etc).

Yeah I often wonder about that Alex as I too have heard that same line time out of number now when i ask how long you work bar etc and get the usual answer of one month lol - only for that to be followed up with the "I go university and I only work here for two months to get money and then I go back to Uni in Bangkok" - BUT many times I asked ( out of genuine interest) "oh, very good, what course are you doing" and then you see the deck of cards crumbling and you either get one of three answers those being either " Business Studies, English or Hotel management" but when you go any deeper it's quite obvious the boys don't even know what those courses might entail and I realise it's a mixture of saying what they think I want to hear ( not that I could care less) or a way of them perhaps extracting some more money out of us as they believe we will be more open to "helping" a struggling student who's trying to better themselves or just them trying to save face about working in the bar in the first place - so I wonder just how many of the "I only working here to help with my studies" answers that we get are in fact genuine - I'm guessing about 20-30% perhaps ?

September 1st, 2013, 19:31
Thanks for the idea Timmy - I have ordered a copy for Latintopxxx - I assume that it feature ponies, donkeys and goats - and there's even a cock on the CD cover!!


September 1st, 2013, 19:39
the answer to the original Q is: as varied as Thailand in itself is. Everything is possible. And those small-scale ricefarms really do not have that many workers needed. Thats why they head for BKK or other big cities.
Real students are a little more likely to work in massageshops- thats part-time and they can still study when there is nothing to work on, and in AC etc. Often its groups of friends from the same uni/institute (I really cannot call those technical colleges ''uni''- they prepare for electrician etc.), if you're lucky, it may even be a gay group (I was once).
Doing massage is in fact a fairly populair next stage job for many, as it is for ladies too.
And-surpirse-many a barboy has thus learnt enough of everyday's passable english to be enough qualified for a lower paid job at tourist hotels- in todays tourist boom good staff is very hard to find. Think more of those cheap 2nd rate hotelswhich most of you are completely unfamiliair with.

Nirish guy
September 1st, 2013, 19:53
Thanks for the idea Timmy - I have ordered a copy for Latintopxxx - I assume that it feature ponies, donkeys and goats - and there's even a cock on the CD cover!!

I was thinking more along the lines of the following perhaps for a little light reading for him perhaps :-)

September 1st, 2013, 20:06
Yes, he could have straw laid on the floor of his loom for that authentic farmyard feel.

September 2nd, 2013, 05:50
scotty...your avatar is VERY disturbing; please do change it!!

September 2nd, 2013, 06:14
scotty...your avatar is VERY disturbing; please do change it!!

Any Speedo shot will do for him...

September 2nd, 2013, 11:14
Met a nice shy bar boy once at Koh Samui (maybe the only gay bar there with boys available). Were together for a couple of nights, he told me also the uni story, trying to get enough funds to start his studies. In his case, however, it was probably true as we exchanged a few emails afterwards, no money or requests for it involved. He left Koh Samui in a month or so (wrote that the whole gogo thing really wasn't for him)and did start in the uni, but in a couple of months wrote that he had to quit as he needed to earn money to support his parents. Still not asking for money, just telling what's going on with his life. Felt sorry for him....

Interestingly, he also told me that his family does not know he is gay so at home he had arranged with a girl to be his 'girlfriend' to keep his family unsuspecting. So it seems the Thai society is not so universally tolerant...

September 2nd, 2013, 12:16


I don't get it.


September 2nd, 2013, 13:59
...do I really have to explain it to you.....based on your wit I had pegged you as of above average intel....

September 2nd, 2013, 15:10
Prostitution is one of the highest paying professions in Thailand, and as a result, Isaan is littered with homes, farm lands, small business etc., which are the result of this trade. To suggest that the working boys you interact with are merely there to have fun, get buzzed and party with no concerns whatsoever for the future would be considered naive.

The Thai boys I know are pretty much the same as the guys I grew up with in Chicago when it comes to forward-thinking. Some of my Chicago friends were meat heads with absolutely no aspirations of plans for the future who would end up spending the rest of their lives punching a time clock in a factory - and others invested some of their earnings in their futures when they were young and went on to enjoy successful lives. The same holds true in Thailand. The smart ones (and there are more than one might imagine) send a portion of the earnings home where their family saves, invests and builds for the future - and the others who just pee their money away and end up back in the farm fields.

Thai working boys (and girls) are self-made entrepreneurs who have honed their skills over generations and can out manuveur a wealthy farang in a heart beat. The majority of farang punters come to LOS for one reason and one reason only - and that of course is to have sex. These working boys are treated merely "boy toys" to the majority of punters and have been lied to and abused by the farang population from the dawn of time. For every Thai boy who deceives a farang there are 100 farangs who have deceived him, thus the reason for the farang stereotype "Walking ATM". The comments I read on this post regarding boys who manage multiple farangs simultaneously - lieing to all of them in the process just emphasizes this reality. If by chance you find these types of actions apalling, just ask yourself how many Thai boys the average farang punter has on his plate at any one given time - lieing and manipulating them all in the process. What goes aroung comes around.

It takes a long time to earn the trust of a Thai boy, evan longer if he was spawned on the working scene, but possible as long as you are the type of person worthy of being trusted. I believe that investing your money in any kind of business for him is the worst mistake a person could make for two reasons: First, is that the majority, especially the boys coming from impoverished lives in Isaan, don't have the foggiest clue how to manage a business and really don't have any desire to manage a business anyway. Secondly, there is a 90% chance that you haven't earned his trust yet, even though you may think you have, and he still views you as being nothing more that a "Walking ATM" and you will lose your investment and him along with it at the first turn.

From the early days back in the 1960's when the GIs promised the working girls that they would return to marry them and of course never did - to the present times when a farang tells #26 that he loves him and then flags #12 off the stage the very next night, we are perceived as being just exactly what we are...liars and deceivers.

There are plenty of Thai boys who would love to hook up with a jai dee farang in a sincere relationship - if in fact that's what the farang wanted as well, but not until that element of trust is earned and that seems almost insurmountable for some. And by "relationship" I don't mean those scenerios where a farang attempts to lock his BF in his room 24/7 controlling him as if he is some sort of house pet. I mean a relationship based on mutual understanding and the level of compromise that's essential when an older farang is living with a younger Thai partner.

September 2nd, 2013, 15:30
Dodger, great post! Nothing to disagree with so here I am thanking you for summing it up so succinctly and of course simply.


September 2nd, 2013, 15:34


I don't get it.


I think the guy in your avatar is nice looking, and he has a kind face......the kind you would stick your cock in! :sign5:

Nirish guy
September 2nd, 2013, 15:39
when a farang tells #26 that he loves him and then flags #12 off the stage the very next night, we are perceived as being just exactly what we are...liars and deceivers.

I'm assuming you meant we in terms of how the boys view farang "in general" and not specifically to this board and all of it's members as I know speaking personally I am ( sometimes brutally) honest when with guys and go out of my way not to lie to them about my feelings for them ( or lack of if i'm in full butterfly mode - which is 100% of the time now) and I'm guessing most of us are the same too as to do otherwise just brings added crap to your own door at a later stage and being Thailand your indiscretions should you make any would be found out within an hour of you making them anyway - if not before.

September 2nd, 2013, 15:50
NIrish, sadly I think way too many farangs do lie to Thai guys, lie to friends, lie to the world (via postings here for example) and then of course lie to themselves.

Even when one is being utterly sincere to a Thai guy they often just think you are a player; as the vast majority of farangs seem to be and they base their reactions on previous experiences. I, like you, tend to the straightforward and simple. I am well past the deviousness and outright lies, which I accept had happened too often in the past. It is nice to live and learn.

Nirish guy
September 2nd, 2013, 16:24
Even when one is being utterly sincere to a Thai guy they often just think you are a player.

You're right about that and many times even when I'm being 100% honest with a Thai guy they sometimes STILL manage to come out with the "oh you lie me" line and when I get annoyed about that and point out that I'm not there's usually the stupidest most mundane reason behind it, where 3 days ago when I met them in a bar and they said " oh do you like me" and I might say "yes you're lovely" ( or whatever) to be nice and to start our time off together on a positive note then 3 days later ( and even though we've been separated and they've been off with other customers and me other boys) they'll turn round on me saying I'm heading off out ( with someone else ) later that night and throw up the "Ah but you said you like me - see, you LIE to me" - and all of my trying to point out that my one simple statement, three days ago, which was genuinely meant at that MOMENT in time was true THEN - and still true perhaps now but that has no bearing on where I'm going tonight is a total waste of time.

However I think some of the boys have also learnt to use that fear of us being branded as liars in their eyes to their advantage and are way to quick to throw that line into a conversation to back up just whatever argument they are trying to win at that particular moment and that I have no time for and simply tell them "ok, up to you, think what you want" - which I guess leaves them STILL walking out and telling their next farang " oh last farang I with he very bad, he lie to me too much!" - a real no win situation !

But as far as I'm concerned as long as "I" know I've been as truthful as I can be with them and explained that to the best of my ability after that there's only so much I can or am prepared to do to placate their inbuilt ( and very useful when trying to gain sympathy from you) dose of "you lie to me" paranoia. And I dont care what the boys say but as far as I'm concerned when it comes to telling outright blatant lies they normally win HANDS DOWN over all the farangs they meet put together so my sympathy for them and their plight of being lied to all the time ( as they see it) is somewhat limited I'm afraid, as lets face as most interactions with bar boys are all just one big game / lie from the start anyway and they can play the game better than most faring hands down they've little to complain about really.

September 2nd, 2013, 17:05
....I think the guy in your avatar is nice looking, and he has a kind face......the kind you would stick your cock in! :sign5:

Well, I've always liked nice things :love4:

September 3rd, 2013, 03:02
Nirishguy wrote:

You're right about that and many times even when I'm being 100% honest with a Thai guy they sometimes STILL manage to come out with the "oh you lie me" line...

I'm not doubting you, but I had to scratch my head for a minute, because in all the years I spent as a Butterfly I can't remember ever having a boy come out with a "oh you lie to me" line. If a person is a committed Butterfly and honest about this when he's interacting with a boy there's simply no basis for any accusations like this from either party. It's usually when the "Committed Butterfly" has a few too many drinks and decides to unleash his hidden romantic self where the "oh you lie to me" lines start filling the air.

The times when I was called a liar (and there are more than I care to remember) always occurred during a long-term relationship. Like the time I attempted to sneak in the door at 6:00 AM after falling asleep next to some boy in a short time room and told my bf I was just playing cards with some farang friends. His immediate response:..."you are a liar" My response:..."yes, but I can't think of anything else to say". His response:..."good, you can sleep on the sofa". My response:...OK. What really pissed me off is that I almost made it in the door without waking him up when this rooster who sounded like he had a Bose speaker inserted in his vocal cords started blasting this non-stop cock-a-doodle-doing. I could have strangled that fucking thing.

September 3rd, 2013, 03:07
Dodger, you're a hoot - thanks for the laugh.

Nirish guy
September 3rd, 2013, 04:25
Ha dodger - maybe you're just lucky your BF was as tolerant and non violent as he appeared otherwise it might just have been YOU waking up with no cock a doddle do some morning after one of your nights out on the town with the boys !! Lol

September 3rd, 2013, 04:52
Yes...the thought entered my mind numerous times, thus the reason I would sleep with my guitar on my lap as if it would somehow reflect the blow.

September 4th, 2013, 15:52
ChristianPFC likes Dodger's post.

The op title "Male prostitues in Thailand Aug 2013" is misleading, the op wants to know what working boys do after their "use by" date, and that was addressed recently in a topic "Jobs for the boys" (or similar title).

September 5th, 2013, 18:07
I'm almost certain that the mama sans at Dream Boy were once gogo boys. I've always assumed that boys who made the grade found some foolish "protector" who financed their farm or some other retirement fund and those who didn't make the grade graduated to mamasan and then pimped their stable of boys within the bar getting kickbacks from each boy along the way.

September 5th, 2013, 19:26
I am a little surprised that Our Right Royal and Trusted member James III, despite a very good response to his topic, has not commented further. I would humbly enquire as to what the OP thinks of membersтАЩ opinions so far. :-)

September 6th, 2013, 01:15
Jellybean, bear in mind that James III (or James VIII as I'd rather call him) was never actually crowned and was therefore known as "The Old Pretender" - so, of SGT's very own James III is of the same ilk - anything's possible!

Further history lessons are available at nominal cost. :occasion5:

September 6th, 2013, 06:17
The times when I was called a liar (and there are more than I care to remember) always occurred during a long-term relationship. Like the time I attempted to sneak in the door at 6:00 AM after falling asleep next to some boy in a short time room and told my bf I was just playing cards with some farang friends. His immediate response:..."you are a liar" My response:..."yes, but I can't think of anything else to say". His response:..."good, you can sleep on the sofa". My response:...OK. What really pissed me off is that I almost made it in the door without waking him up when this rooster who sounded like he had a Bose speaker inserted in his vocal cords started blasting this non-stop cock-a-doodle-doing. I could have strangled that fucking thing.
It sounds like it just wasn't your cock getting you into trouble that night Dodger!
While you may be able to dodge cosmic meteor showers......the forces of the universe have a completely different sense of humor :)
