View Full Version : Don't Cry For Me Technophobes.......

August 25th, 2013, 21:50
I remember way back when... Long ago... Long, Long, Long ago... Just a little bit further back... Just a bit more... Right there!!! That is when I spoke about taking my laptop to the beach. I wrote about how I wanted to sit back on the beach, under an umbrella shading me from the sun, relaxed in a chair, sipping a cool drink and typing away on my laptop. Once said the technophobes began their crying and weeping! "NO! Don't bring your laptop with you on vacation!" "No! Don't bring your laptop to the beach!" All the crying and the weeping, and the weeping and the crying. It was as if a sick fat man was complaining about eating a bowl of dirty soup while still shoveling spoonful after spoonful in his mouth.

None were being forced to do as I did... I simply told of my plans but still the technophobes held Seder in the hope that it would not happen. I told how I had purchased a palm pilot to help me find the places and guys I found on the internet and got teased about my use of portable electronics by the nay-saying technophobes. Oh how they treated me :crybaby:

Now today...... Beach chairs have wifi to help connect laptops and smartphones to the internet. Everyone seems to have something similar to the old palm pilot in their hand. Tablets, Smartphones and Laptops are everywhere and now it is not uncommon to see them at the pool, on the beach, on a bus or at a bar.

Don't cry for me. I knew this day would come.... The day that I was shown to be ahead of the curve! :bis:

August 26th, 2013, 08:36
Good for you. I like people who are forward thinking and optimistic. Now i hope you made some money off of this trend....like buying Google or Apple. Nothing beats the stock market for building wealth.

August 26th, 2013, 10:39
I don't know why people get so het up when they see people on their electronic gadgets on the beach or in a bar (if they're alone that is).
How different is it from when people used to sit reading books or newspapers or listening to music on Walkmen (long time ago, that)?
Doing either whilst in company or during horizontal recreation is quite another matter!

August 26th, 2013, 21:49
" ... I don't know why people get so het up when they see people on their electronic gadgets . . . [but] doing either whilst in company or during horizontal recreation is quite another matter! ... "
These guys seem to disagree: :glasses7:
A new world out there ....

[click on image to enlarge]

August 27th, 2013, 02:08
geeks have to have their toys with them.
i would rather just enjoy the beach
and the (sparse) scenery
totally devoid of technocrap
as I work on a tan.

August 27th, 2013, 03:16
I'm with you on this one, dab69. if I need the internet on holiday, I go to an internet caf├й. otherwise, even my mobile phone stays in my room.

August 27th, 2013, 04:08
i see there is now an official name for people who can't put down their phones for even a second ..
nomophilia .. that means bucky's a homo-nomophillic .... kinda fits ..
seems people who need to be in contact 24/7 have very low social skills and a need to be loved ... even if it is by a phone.

August 27th, 2013, 04:18
i see there is now an official name for people who can't put down their phones for even a second ..
nomophilia .. that means bucky's a homo-nomophillic .... kinda fits ..
seems people who need to be in contact 24/7 have very low social skills and a need to be loved ... even if it is by a phone.

Says the man on more message boards then carter has liver pills :-)

August 27th, 2013, 04:26
you really need to add some proof to the allegations you make ... gives us the boards and the names used ??

p.s. taking threads off topic, isnt that something you dislike ? flamming i think you like to call it .
i would say its like the pot calling the kettle ..... but we've done that one already today!!!

August 27th, 2013, 04:37
you really need to add some proof to the allegations you make ... gives us the boards and the names used ??

p.s. taking threads off topic, isnt that something you dislike ? flamming i think you like to call it .
i would say its like the pot calling the kettle ..... but we've done that one already today!!!

I have the full support and permission from the OP

August 27th, 2013, 04:39
you are the OP, have a chat with your phone and see what you tell yourself ..

August 27th, 2013, 04:59
Hahaha! This guy! Hahaha!

August 27th, 2013, 08:22
Buckie: Don't take any notice of timmberty :old: He'd start an argument in a phone box. I can imagine that sitting on the beach watching a movie on your i-pad with a cold beer and some delicious food would be a very pleasant way to while away an afternoon. But, please...use bloody earphones as I don't want to hear it.

August 30th, 2013, 17:25
Why bother criticizing??

Surely people can just choose to spend their time how they like to... I mean, what's the point except, perhaps, just to generate comments?

August 30th, 2013, 18:31
I've been posting here for years and forgive me if I forget myself and post as if I am joking and having fun with longtime cyber friends.

Most of us have been around so long that we have asked and answered almost every Thailand related question there is.

I'm not in Thailand right now and have precious little to add on the Pattaya topic, but here is where my online Pattaya cyber friends are and I enjoy talking to them and having a good time here.

Life is to good to me to bitch about it so this is the place I choose to hang my screen name. This is the place I choose to post my fonts and share my thoughts.

If you don't like my post I will refund your cost of admission to the thread.

September 2nd, 2013, 15:41
Oh I see... it is a humourous thread.

Sorry for my loss of sense of fun. Sometimes, I guess, I can read these threads way toooo seriously.

I loved the pic that was posted; whoever staged that had a sense of humour!