View Full Version : How to embed youtube videos into a post?

August 23rd, 2013, 16:42
Can someone help me out by explaining how to embed a you tube video into a post?

I have done it in the past: http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/trip-report-isan-for-new-years-plus-wat-kham-pramong-t27864.html

But the last couple of times I have tried, I cannot figure it out anymore. Maybe something changed on youtube with how they code the "embed" display????


August 23rd, 2013, 23:41
Easy steps for posting a youtube clip;

Go to youtube.com to locate and select the video clip you would like to post.

Put your curser over the URL bar and left click the mouse to highlight the URL for the clip that you've selected, or is playing on youtube.com.

Then right click your mouse to bring up the drop down menu and select copy

Find where in your post you would like to insert a youtube video. Once you've chosen a spot, right click your mouse to bring up the drop down menu and select paste

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXcJ8xm3oGc Then put your mouse at the front of the URL you just pasted, left click your mouse to highlight the entire URL

And then click the youtube button in the menu bar, for your post. It is on the far right between alblum and Gallery.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXcJ8xm3oGc [/youtube:2g8i419n]


You should see [youtube] before the URL and at the end.

If any of the characters are missing, including the brackets [ ] your youtube post won't appear properly.

Try to use the Preview button at the bottom to check if you are successful, before submitting.

These videos are from Circus Circus in London's Piccadilly Square after last summer's Olympics.


September 4th, 2013, 02:00
Annone- I edited your post here:

post279660.html#p279660 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/post279660.html#p279660)

...to allow your youtube video to embed in your post. First thing was that you had it in URL tags


....instead of YOUTUBE tags


The URL tags just make a text link to a page-in this case a page on youtube where your video is:


I fixed that but it still needed one more adjustment to make it work (and here is where the youtube tags are a little bit not so user friendly unless the user is paying very close attention to details):

Depending upon what internal youtube link you click on to get to a video (i.e. from a channel page, from your subscription box, from videos featured on the homepage, from suggested related videos on the right column on video pages) youtube appends extra data to the end of the url that shows in your address bar when you are viewing that video. The url you used in that post had such appended data in it:


Does not embed (or even link):


delete the Ampersand (&) and everything to the right of it to get the un-appended video url:




Hope that helps ;)

September 13th, 2013, 08:07
Surfcrest and E-spike.

Thanks a bunch for the detailed information. Exactly what I needed (especially the bit about deleting everything after the &).

I posted some videos in the late night club thread and works like a charm now.

**And thanks e-spike for cleaning up my earlier post. I will now look like less of an idiot.

Another question...if you happen to know.

Is there any adjustments to make when uploading a video to Youtube? When I watch on my computer directly from the file, quality looks pretty good. Once uploaded to youtube, it looks grainy, even if selecting "high def" on the viewer. Any thoughts?


September 14th, 2013, 23:46
Is there any adjustments to make when uploading a video to Youtube? When I watch on my computer directly from the file, quality looks pretty good. Once uploaded to youtube, it looks grainy, even if selecting "high def" on the viewer. Any thoughts?


Sorry- That's outside the scope of my Youtube expertise which is limited to embedding videos in phpBB posts and fangirling over Ryan Higa:


September 15th, 2013, 03:31
Ok. No worries. Obviously beyond the scope of my (non)expertise as well.