View Full Version : Bradley Manning

August 23rd, 2013, 02:59
It's being reported that Bradley Manning, the US soldier convicted for supplying classified documents to Wikileaks, wants to live as a woman during his 35 year sentence. I can't imagine that's an easy decision to make going into a military prison.

It will be interesting to see how the authorities deal with it, and how much they respect her (Chelsea's) request, if at all. Prison must be a terrifying prospect at the best of times, but to be in her situation - going into a military prison - must be incredibly daunting.

August 23rd, 2013, 11:19
The war criminals get medals, the whistleblower gets prision. Some things never change. War crimes made Colin Powell's career (he was the officier in charge of the My Lai Massacre); and then later as a "trusted" General, lied the US into Iraq with his performance at the UN. Without Colin Powell there would be no Iraq War and therefore no Manning case.

Human Rights Watch statement on Manning:


August 24th, 2013, 09:56
I haven't laughed so much in years. You couldn't make it up. Truth really is stranger than fiction.

August 24th, 2013, 15:11
It will be interesting to see how the authorities deal with it, and how much they respect her (Chelsea's) request, if at all.

Newspaper accounts suggest that the authorities are going to be pretty understanding. She is going to be given "gender reassignment treatment" - though they won't go as far as the physical operation that she has apparently asked for.