View Full Version : Arabs and Pattaya and Timmberty

Nirish guy
August 10th, 2013, 18:55
Topic Split from Arabs and Pattaya



jinks/surf .. are you really so desperate for posts ?

Tim several members of the board are having a polite mannerly discussion / debate about a topic of their choice, how exactly are you twisting that in your head to be something to do with "Jinks and Surf" being desperate for posts. The board/s as we all know go off in many different tangents and sometimes it IS interesting to read other members points of view of things other than the price of a beer in Boystown or whatever. I would imagine that if someone had nothing constructive to add to a thread other than having a moan about nothing the simple thing to do would be to not post on that thread and move on - especially when the two people to whom you refer haven't even posted here. I thought you'd cut down on the trolling, obviously not it seems. :-(

August 10th, 2013, 19:00
NIrish: You are crediting Timmberty :old: with the intellectual capacity of an adult.

August 10th, 2013, 20:17
yes im sorry my appologise ... i didnt realise talking about the war in iraq and wars in syria etc etc was slightly off topic..
carry on as you will ..
there are places where thread should be a conversation about the wars of the world doesnt belong in this one .. but hey you are the intellectuals ..
ah i notice it has infact now been moved ... maybe i wasnt so daft after all .

Nirish guy
August 10th, 2013, 20:29
So just for clarity your annoyance now appears to be about the thread going off topic somewhat and members not sticking to the general thread title about Arabs in Pattaya - yes ? So, nothing then to do with Jinks and or surf being "desperate for posts" as you first complained about ?

So just so we're clear as I'm sure people would hate it if you weren't happy, even though the other several board members posting all were quite happy chatting away there, even if they were off topic, cause you would never be as guilty as the rest of us of ever going off topic eh, you chose that rather than simply saying " hey guys do you not think this is a bit off topic" that no, instead you preferred to have a dig at a mod and board owner, I think that says it all really, but hey of course the actual going off thread thing had no bearing whatsoever as to why you posted in the first place I'm guessing anyway so it's all a bit of a moot point I guess.

August 10th, 2013, 20:45
my point was 2 fold .. first gay thailand and wars in the middle east are more than a little off topic .. maybe im the only one who thinks so but hey ho.

second, i have noticed very few posts have been made recently, i know surf was online when this thread was being posted on and he left it here, we all know more posts get read in the gay thailand section than any other, therefore leave a thread it a wrong place and it will get more reads/replies.

what my complaint has to do with trolling i dont know.

Nirish guy
August 10th, 2013, 20:52
i notice it has infact now been moved ... maybe i wasnt so daft after all .

Or I guess you could look at things in a positive way and say "we'll done mods, glad to see you moved that once you spotted it - or after you could have sent them a PM to point your view perhaps rather than just post to your board to insult them" I guess that all boils down to whether you want to be a negative or a positive force on the board, I really wish it becomes the latter rather than the former otherwise "what's the point" ?

And your "complaint" wasn't a complaint, it was a form of words designed to insult and perhaps generate a response from others - and that is considered by many to absolutely be trolling, especially if thats a trait that is continued over a long period of time, or perhaps you just (try) to wind people up without even realising you're doing it, but I really doubt that somehow.

August 10th, 2013, 20:54
It hasn't been moved, it's in the same place. At the time of writing anyway.

August 10th, 2013, 21:07
if my post is aimed at jinks and surf why should others be bothered by it ?
tell me one poster on here who has at one time or another not trolled ?
arsenal does it in almost every post he makes, mfas, bucknaway, a447, even some people who think christians stories are a little to far fetched call him a troll.
these are people who do it all the time, but you choose to look the other way ? or do you think because you 'like' them you dont see their trolling as trolling, just a bit of light hearted bantering.
if you want to be all lovely dovey all the time well thats upto you, enjoy it. if others are not then why do you think its upto you to sort them out ?
i came onto this board this morning to read the lastest posts on gay thailand .. if i had wanted to read about wars in iraq i would have found a board that discussed that sort of thing. do you think if i went to an iraq war board and started posting about how the KD has gone back to being a cock in your face go go bar again, the posters there would have been happy for it to stay there.
as for winding people up, this is a fairytail internet board .. does anyone really get wound up??

Nirish guy
August 10th, 2013, 21:40
if my post is aimed at jinks and surf why should others be bothered by it ?

Because generally I'm guessing most people would considered it just basic good manners if nothing else not to publicly insult the people who are running and paying for the board you're posting on (free of charge) when their biggest crime seems to have been not moving a thread at all or quickly enough for your liking, but maybe that's just silly old me.

tell me one poster on here who has at one time or another not trolled ? arsenal does it in almost every post he makes, mfas, bucknaway, a447, even some people who think christians stories are a little to far fetched call him a troll.

I think there's always a fine line to be trod re that and the differential involved usually revolves around the intent of the posts and the posters and length of time their that behaviour carries on towards any one individual or the board in general perhaps I would guess.

these are people who do it all the time, but you choose to look the other way ? or do you think because you 'like' them you dont see their trolling as trolling, just a bit of light hearted bantering.

You of course would not aware of any PM's which may or may not get sent to others so whether I like or dislike someone ( and I don't dislike ANYONE - yourself included - on this board) - that then doesn't really come into it that and yes sometimes I think it is a bit of light hearted banter and that's not a bad thing and sometimes it's something else that's just negative and destructive and just plain mean, which personally I find off putting. ( a bit like how you feel when threads go off topic it seems)

If you want to be all lovely dovey all the time well thats upto you, enjoy it.

Thank you. I try to stick with that as I firmly believe that it's a better option than the alternative for a happy healthy life in general, it appears you don't agree and as you say "up to you" if being a grouch all the time is what pleases you feel free to knock yourself out.

If others are not then why do you think its upto you to sort them out ?

I wasn't aware I was sorting anyone out, I'm merely having and stating an opinion - just like you are.

i came onto this board this morning to read the lastest posts on gay thailand .. if i had wanted to read about wars in iraq i would have found a board that discussed that sort of thing. do you think if i went to an iraq war board and started posting about how the KD has gone back to being a cock in your face go go bar again, the posters there would have been happy for it to stay there.

No, I'm guessing they wouldn't have been happy and some might have even PM'd a mod to say "hey should this really be here" - ps thanks for all your hard work for this out FREE board, even if sometimes I dont think you get it quite right all the time.

As for winding people up, this is a fairytail internet board .. does anyone really get wound up??

Hmm, well it certainly appears from the above that yes they do :-) But as a serious reply, no you're right I doubt anyone looses any sleep over much that's said on any board anywhere - well hopefully anyway, but still in my opinion much better to log on and read positive friendly well intentioned stuff than just reading 100% negative postings for no other reason than that person finds it "fun", but of course they are entitled to do so if they chose, up to them, but that then hopefully also explains your first question as to why others might get and be bothered by that sometimes then too.

August 10th, 2013, 21:51
just out of intrest are you back home now ?

Nirish guy
August 10th, 2013, 21:53
Yes I arrived home earlier this week - worst luck :-(( lol why, does the general tone of my despair at leaving all those lovely guys shine through in my posts already ! :-)

Thankfully I'm weaning myself off them gradually as I'm meeting a nice dark smooth skinned Indian guy tomorrow and also a nice Thai guy friend in Manchester at Gay Pride there in two weeks time so I don't have to go totally cold turkey, which when one returns to Ireland is usually the case ! :-(

August 10th, 2013, 21:57

Nirish guy
August 10th, 2013, 22:01
lol - well if you REALLY think so feel free to send me a ticket and a hotel reseveration and I promise to go back immediately as that then would surely cheer me up :-) I'll wait by the post box just in case. And actually I'm fine, normally I get home and wish I was back straight but this time I haven't had time to bless myself so have hardly noticed even being home ( apart from said lack of cute guys to look at of course). But hey enough about this - someone might accuse us of going off topic ! :-p lol

August 10th, 2013, 23:51
jinks/surf .. are you really so desperate for posts ?
That's trolling....you're not telling us anything, not asking about anything (Unless you think jinks and I are MFAS)....you are simply looking for a reaction, and that pal...is a troll.
A big pile of dog shit in the middle of an active topic about something else....and let me tell you Timmy, no one howls like you when their topic get's dragged so far off course...as you just did.
And then when confronted by it.......

just out of intrest are you back home now ?
...you change the subject again.
No doubt you'll come back from this with "Don't get your knickers in a twist"....your typical "Who Me?" response.

second, i have noticed very few posts have been made recently, i know surf was online when this thread was being posted on and he left it here, we all know more posts get read in the gay thailand section than any other, therefore leave a thread it a wrong place and it will get more reads/replies.

what my complaint has to do with trolling i dont know.
I've told you this before....jinks moderates all the Forums except the Flaming Room.
Maybe, when you see me online, I'm only doing what you are doing....reading the thread....or I'm working on 101 other things that have nothing to do with this thread or indeed this Forum.
First you complain I post too much and now you complain about me being online?

if my post is aimed at jinks and surf why should others be bothered by it ?
as for winding people up, this is a fairytail internet board .. does anyone really get wound up??
So what are you aiming at jinks and I?
If you have a problem with where a topic is, or any other legitimate complaint, use the "Report This Post" button.
The next time you have a problem with a post, thread, Forum etc....report it or send us a PM.
Future piles of turd left on the floor will be deleted......and we all know how you feel about that so.......


August 11th, 2013, 00:58
surfcrest you see the ? after the words .. thats a question mark .. it means i asked a question .. rather than trolling i was asking a question, i.e. are you so desperate for posts.
how the hell did MFAS get involved with that ? thats another question rather than me trolling ok? anon.

oh let me tell you is dead, your little slice of humour there is pretty crass, i wonder if you will get hammered like i did when i did my xmas ditty.. or being as you are daboss i guess its ok.

a pile of dogshit in the middle of an active post ..... about arabs in pattaya or wars in the middle east .. i know you have your favorites who can take little detours.

i asked ni if he was home .. he managed to get what i was saying, you wasnt able to work it out ?

First you complain I post too much and now you complain about me being online?
i have never complained about you posting to much .. i complained about you having a war of words with someone we are now no longer allowed to mention ..
did i complain about you being online ? on not moving the post ? this is like going back a few months ago.

as for other piles of shit on the floor being deleted .. isnt that up to jinks and not you ?

what am i aming at you and jinks .. wasnt that clear from my first post ? the one you accussed me of trolling
so what was it a troll post or a question.

why should i go thru the so called proper rules about making a complaint .. no one else does.
you know you always have yout handy little delete a member button ... you can always use it, i have told you before i wouldnt be upset :) have a nice day.

August 11th, 2013, 01:20
Think what you want....we give out very few warnings, you deserve yours....take it like a man!


August 11th, 2013, 01:30
warning ? what warning ? or is this a public warning ? i must go look it up in the rule book ... wouldnt want to think you were flying off the seat of your pants.

August 11th, 2013, 02:34

August 11th, 2013, 14:37
HEY - The rules say this is an English speaking board. French Canadians please learn it.

August 12th, 2013, 20:25
Timmberty once wrote:

a447 .. you are a man who could start an argument in an empty room ...

and this

i'll just say you are the most cantankerous old bastard it has every been my pleasure not to have met .

Not to forget this one:

i struggle to understand why you get so wound up a447

Well, struggle no more, Timmberty. Go look in the mirror.

:sign5: :sign5: :sign5: