View Full Version : Thai badminton partners fight in Vancouver

July 23rd, 2013, 23:51
Bad blood in badminton
Thai player attacks former doubles partner and batters him on the court at Canada Open


July 25th, 2013, 15:01
I dont understand I thought everyone says the Thais are such gentle people.

August 4th, 2013, 13:59
Thais generally have a much longer fuse than westerners. But, all hell can break loose once the threshold has been breached.
I suspect the added stress of an athletic event could easily light their wicks much faster, but that sure isn't limited to Thais: ever watched a Junior A hockey game in Canada?

August 6th, 2013, 22:07
Thais generally have a much longer fuse than westerners. But, all hell can break loose once the threshold has been breached.
I suspect the added stress of an athletic event could easily light their wicks much faster, but that sure isn't limited to Thais: ever watched a Junior A hockey game in Canada?
People are people wherever you go, and therefore subject to the same stress, personality traits, circumstances or whatever it is that lights the very fuses Smiles speaks of. I've seen Thai of many levels/classes/stations be in the middle of what sounds like a perfectly rational conversation suddenly go ape-shit and start swinging fists.

These two guys had some history playing together, so they probably knew just which buttons to push to get a reaction when playing on opposing sides.
