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View Full Version : Thai education system gets bad publicity

July 16th, 2013, 23:03
Comment has often been made on this board about the limited Thai-centric view of the world that is propagated in the kingdom's education system...

www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/07/16/tha ... _hp_ref=uk (http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/07/16/thai-university-hitler-superhero-graduation-banner_n_3605195.html?utm_hp_ref=uk)

July 17th, 2013, 12:28
...as long as they teach the gogo boys enough english to understand me I consider it "mission accomplished".....after all if they all become university grauduates who's gonna fill all the gogo boy spots......so stop complaining...but be grateful for the Thai education system...keeps us in gogo boys...

July 17th, 2013, 14:40
I think if the Thai education system got genuinely good publicity that actually would be a story. This story is simply a statement of the bleeding obvious

July 28th, 2013, 06:02
Your joking Right ? 3rd grade is all 70% of Thai citizens can complete. It's not always the educators, just the kids have such a low IQ passed on by there parents.

July 28th, 2013, 13:40
... the kids have such a low IQ passed on by there parents.You're living proof of that theory it would seem.

July 28th, 2013, 15:49
a major multinational that i have dealings with transferred a dozen or so senior Thai staff to Singapore.....not a single child of theirs was able to obtain equivalency when applying to local Sing schools....ALL had to drop a year...

July 28th, 2013, 20:09
and then they discovered that in SIN its even so strict that an offer of more teamoney would not even ''reconsider'' this blow in the face of the Asian male mindset?
Though I assume Indonesians would have to settle with 2 grades lower....

July 29th, 2013, 03:22
i was only there for a day....only the international transfers from Thailand was mentioned over closing dinner, the Thais were really upset...was even alloded that the Chinese Singaporeans were doing it on purpose....oh well...asian politics...

August 6th, 2013, 17:41
a major multinational that i have dealings with transferred a dozen or so senior Thai staff to Singapore.....not a single child of theirs was able to obtain equivalency when applying to local Sing schools....ALL had to drop a year...

maybe for the usual english, chinese, and math. but if there was test on creativity, i guarantee the thais would put the singaporeans to shame.

August 7th, 2013, 14:56
a major multinational that i have dealings with transferred a dozen or so senior Thai staff to Singapore.....not a single child of theirs was able to obtain equivalency when applying to local Sing schools....ALL had to drop a year...maybe for the usual english, chinese, and math. but if there was test on creativity, i guarantee the thais would put the singaporeans to shame.All those storeys about dead buffalo are plagerism not creativity.