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View Full Version : Massage Parlors vs. Go-go Bars

July 13th, 2013, 19:06
I much prefer massage parlors to go-go bars. I find the shows at go-go bars boring. Moreover, the bars have too much smoke, and the music is too loud.

At the massage parlors, customers can get a quick look at the guys that are available. Most managers seem to know what services each guy can offer, and there is no pressure to take a guy or buy drinks for the staff.

What would the readers of this forum recommend as the best massage parlors in Bangkok? I like athletic/muscular guys about 20-25 that are versatile and affectionate. During my last --- and unfortunately very brief --- trip to Bangkok, I visited Hero several times. Some guys there were very attractive indeed, but not versatile (no passive anal sex and no passionate kissing). Also, several of the best-looking guys at Hero [i]always seemed to have bookings every time I visited! I suppose other customers had similar tastes.

Also, when is the best time to go to Hero to get the best selection of guys? And is it possible to take the guys back to your hotel for the night? Is this standard practice at the massage parlors, or only at the go-go and host bars?

Any comments about Hero or other massage parlors would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

July 13th, 2013, 19:24
There once was the Shamelessmack blog-full of reports on such places. Alas-its fallen out of this www.
On the (google for) nickygaybangkok listing site there are some ''plagatarious'' quotes from that blog-but its getting outdone and old- they are also unable to keep up with the many chnages.
What you write about HERO is mostly also to my own experience. People rave about it as they parrot- a big choice? Its like in a shop-choose between 25 brands for jam-but nothing else. And yes-the best looking ons are pre-ordered. But looks deceive.
There simply is no place that delivers what you ask-it remains hit+miss. Boys also rotate, do not turn up or work daily, etc. Once youve found a good one to your liking and your├й not adverse against taking the same one over and over-make dates with him-in private or in the shop.
And as with all things Thai-there are no set rules. Some will happy come to your HTLroom-some wont. Others are willing to change times and give fone-nrs-others wont. Again this is hit+miss.
I throughout the years have simply learnt to avoid that Silom/sukhumvit tourist ghetto en go to Thai palces. There are some 40-50 of such shops spread out all over BKK-but understandably English is not widely spoken. There is no universal listings- gayscout.com has some, dreadedned, thaimassageboy, or the Thai sites like on gthai.net-only those who advertise there. Expect many of listing-sites to be grossly out of date-shops open/close at an alarming rate.

July 13th, 2013, 20:30
Pong, Thanks for the information. The website gthai.net was interesting, although much of the information is only in Thai. Thanks again.