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View Full Version : Soi Twilight GoGo Bars, Bkk- A grumpy view!

July 9th, 2013, 04:16
I like the Soi Twilight beer bars, Banana Bar with it's funky new look as you come in the soi has reasonably priced drinks and some very affable staff, they can make a good cocktail too. Same with Maxis.....excellent cocktails and nice staff, great bar just to sit and take in the Soi's comings-and-goings...as are Hotmale Bar, Dicks etc.. Scorpion hasn't changed much under the new owners, had a couple of cute waiters, one in fact very cute who kept pestering me for an off, but to be honest looked a bit on the young side.....so passed on that. But again nice easy place to have a quiet drink as is the small beerbar next door run by the former Solid mamasan.

The agogos however are a waste of space nowadays as far as I am concerned. I'm not really an agogo fan nowadays anyway, I don't go to off guys so I just go for the 'scenery' and still like to pop in as that's something we just don't have the option of doing back home. This time we decided to give X-size a try as I had noticed a stream of customers enter as we sat across from it. Upstairs we went, the dim light seemed to show a packed bar and we were shoehorned into a space for one. Off to a bad start with the drinks order, which the bf ordered, G+T/Vodka Coke arrived quickly but was a G+T and whiskey-coke. Told the waiter....this whiskey coke "yes whiskey you ask" the bf then chipped in that he had ordered vodka..." yes this vodka coke!" it's whiskey! mamasan is called in...more explanations...a check on the tab showed it was vodka coke... "you have Vodka Coke already" no! this is whiskey! finally exchanged after 15 dramatic minutes over a bloody drink!

The fuck show was in progress... getting totally bored with these now...if neither participant is attractive to you what is the point of a fuck show?...it's just mechanical boredom...on stage for all of 5 mins...then round the audience...which leaves a bunch of people staring across an empty stage at eachother with nothing going on as it's impossible to see the 'performers' until they arrive in front of you begging for their extra tip, but they take fucking ages to get round the crowd...it's actually surreal. One over-the-hill unattractive katoey who thinks that dyed blone hair will make all the difference (eh MFAS?) and an absolutely average fat arsed top......Took ages to get them back onstage for the final thrusts and screams with the now standard music-off for the two mins before they hurried off with their substantial tip cash.

Then a Big Cock show....but now this has turned into another 'round the bloody audience for a tip' routine too, as every boy after breif onstage introductions goes around each isle thrusting their manhood for a feel or as the announcer said....a suck, again this takes ages and its pure crap. Finally the agogo boys get onstage and there was a good mix of types, man, gay, femme etc.. but no sooner were they up onstage than they were corralled down in a line to pass by an obviously influential Thai (not other Asian as my bf assured me) for him to personally had over Bt100 to each boy, and stop a selected few to take a shot from the litre of JW Red...again took a while....i'm afraid there wasn't that much actually happening as an onstage 'show' for the rest of the customers in favour of tip-harvesting.

But with the arrival of the agogo boys and more lighting I could see the reality of this bar, we have never, ever seen so much downright ugly, very manly, horrendously disfigured, out-of-shape mamasans in one building!....and so many of them...there must have been 12+. The 3 friends I thought sitting with this influential Thai customer were all in fact mamasans, plus two more shrieking horrors dispensing the drinks (mostly to themselves and 'friends')..that's 5 just for one customer, and heaps more scattered around, in fact taking up precious customer space as were the agogo-boys not onstage, instead of sitting at the ends of the bars they were taking up the main seats and the customers were being crushed into remaining spaces...what a mess of a place... some mamasans and boys reluctantly gave their seats only when virtually forced out of them for the Bt300 per drink customers.

With the mamasans going around begging in between, the worst examples being when customers were receiving the bill holder back with their change and two or even 3 free-loading mamasans/managers suddenly all turn up with torches to help you distribute your change.......it was blatent pressurising, awful. It's supposed to be a bit of fun...with maybe a tip here and there.....with this bar it was a line up of out-stretched hands, mouths (fuck show bottom) and whatever else could hold on to your money from start to finish. Compared to the likes of the beerbars and even Heartbeat, where at least there was some interaction and joking with no real pressure to hand over tips to all and sundry, despite the comment about the annoying mamasan (single) there is just no comparison to the Soi Twilight cash-hoovers.

Ok moan over. I daresay many will disagree with my comments , but maybe a dozen or more years of the same stuff is maybe just taking it's toll, but the pressure to hand out tips for absolutely nothing in return...like chatting,a nice attitude, fun, service in finding good seats etc...has all but taken over. It's now a very blatant, cynical, hard-nosed attitude which has replaced 'fun'.

July 9th, 2013, 09:29
{full quote deleted - no need for it - jinks}
A pretty fair and accurate description. The greedy mamassan horrors in Screwboys finally drove me out of it long before the rest of the customers voted with their feet.
You forgot to mention that these bars are now freakshow venues for straights with YOU the gay customer being the geek..."dear lets go to to the ghost train in Ripleys at Royal Garden and then to that faggot area down the street to see the faggot perves drooling and O darling wear that shirt-button camera we bought in Tuk Com...hee"

July 9th, 2013, 12:48
Newalaan, I don't think you are being "grumpy" at all; I think you are simply telling it as it is. The soi was pretty deserted when I left Hotmale last night so maybe it's just a case of need leading to greed. I've experienced similar situations, especially in low season, although now I can't remember which bars, but it is a total turn-off. If it happens to me during a visit I certainly remember the bar and make a point of never going in again while I'm there. Having said that, the experience in Hotmale last night was not so bad. I wasn't hassled for drinks (300 baht) and was never approached by any staff members.

July 9th, 2013, 14:29
...maybe you just had a bad evening...its very much hit and miss...some nights the places are crowded...and there is a good vibe...and the very next night...nada....it is what it is....having a positive attitude also helps...if you go in grumpy then you are setting yurself up for a downer...

July 10th, 2013, 01:08
newalaan you begining to sound like me :)
bty i take it you realise you spent all night looking into a mirror dont ya !!!

July 10th, 2013, 01:40
I went to X-Size some months ago and remember it rather positive. But the music was too loud, so I asked a member of staff to lower the music, his reply was "It's always like this".

I plan my visits before or after show to avoid the shows. I just want to see the boys on stage in their underwear.

Next time I will pretend I can't understand. "Would you like to off a boy, Sir?" "Sorry, I can't hear you, the music is too loud" "I said: which boy do you want to off?" "Sorry, I can't hear you..." (Repeat until one of us gives up.)

I agree that it's absolutely unacceptable to have customers sit and wait in the dark or look at an empty stage for extended periods of time.

I have no problem not to hand out tips; on the contrary, the more they ask me the more pleasure I derive from not tipping.

Boys sitting amidst the audience on the best places? Yes, please! Usually they sit somewhere far away, in some bars they disappear completely during the show.

July 10th, 2013, 03:27
I can't imagine why anyone that only visits here for short periods of time spends most of his time in bars and go go bars with a Thai boyfriend that lives here, I'de reckon that he would get bored doing this with his other punters.

July 10th, 2013, 07:28
Boys sitting amidst the audience on the best places? Yes, please!
If they were mixed-in with the audience 'sitting amidst' I might agree with you, but as it was 5-6 of them were sitting on a comfortable bench seat together at the front where the customers should have been, and it was the captains/mamasans who were mixed-in....and as I say, some not a pretty picture or good advert for cosmetic surgery.... in fact it was almost like someone had collected together the very worst specimens of cosmetic-surgery horrors in an effort to educate about the dangers of it....I very much doubt any 'yes please' would have been heard.

I have no problem not to hand out tips; on the contrary, the more they ask me the more pleasure I derive from not tipping.
I don't mind handing out a few tips, but only if deserved or for something in return.....nice attitude and talking, good service, but anyone who asks for a tip, "tip for me" gets nothing, some whom I would have tipped anyway....land up not getting it if they ask first. Hate begging and I don't like to get told what to do with my own money.....I'm not sure it actually gives me 'pleasure' not to tip, but I can see from your general attitude to money from your posts how you might derive some!

The soi was pretty deserted when I left Hotmale last night so maybe it's just a case of need leading to greed. I've experienced similar situations, especially in low season, although now I can't remember which bars, but it is a total turn-off. If it happens to me during a visit I certainly remember the bar and make a point of never going in again while I'm there. Having said that, the experience in Hotmale last night was not so bad. I wasn't hassled for drinks (300 baht) and was never approached by any staff members.
Yep I accept they need the tips, but where is the fun, good attitude and service in return? Hardly saw a smile on any of the waiting and mamasan staff the whole time we were there, eyes were transfixed as soon as anyone made to reach into their pocket.....torches at the ready! Very little interaction from the boys, they didn't get much of a chance to try really as they were moved from pillar to post and very quick rotation. The last time I was in Hotmale the experience was fine, as you say A447 some nice guys in the line-up and I know Hotmale have some of the former Classic Boy leaches working as mamasans there, but they are nothing compared to the pressure we witnessed in X-Size.

...maybe you just had a bad evening...its very much hit and miss...some nights the places are crowded...and there is a good vibe...and the very next night...nada....it is what it is....having a positive attitude also helps...if you go in grumpy then you are setting yurself up for a downer...
On the contrary Latin, I was in good fettle....up for a bit of fun and checking out X-Size, it was my second from last night in Thailand and after a month was ready to head back home and we were in good spirits, the grasping nature of the staff soaked up some of that positive attitude.....but we got back to fun as soon as we exited. Sure I miss the bf when back home but I had already booked a return trip a couple days earlier so we knew I would be coming back in about 10 weeks...so not on a downer at all! Had a great night! bar the 45 mins in X-Size. Could be after all these years i'm just getting over-cynical myself with the gogo scene, homing-in on things I wouldn't normally take notice of or didn't bother with in the past. But as I said, we had a great time in all the other places we visited.

I can't imagine why anyone that only visits here for short periods of time spends most of his time in bars and go go bars with a Thai boyfriend that lives here, I'de reckon that he would get bored doing this with his other punters
Wondered when the Gin bottle would be empty enough for you to make an appearance.......but you are a harmless troll MFAS.... I don't have 'other punters' and my boyfriend doesn't even pay me, I give it up for him for free!

Out of a month's visit we spent most of our time outwith bar and gogo land. Boyfriend enjoys tripping around Thailand as much as I do, but we do enjoy our little forays to Bkk and Pattaya, of course it makes a big difference knowing we can leave when we get tired of it. I can't imagine anyone being so dumb as to shackle themselves to a place they clearly hate, and is probably the reason they get so bitter when reading reports from those who can 'come and go' as they wish, rather than having to trudge round pattaya day-in and day-out....forever.....forgetting the names of the bars as they go.....

So does dyed blonde hair 'make all the difference'...having success with all those Double Shoot manly-men are you?! I heard a drunk punter in there had Bt5000 turned down from one of them......you sound a bit desperate at that level MFAS! isn't there a song about some gin-soaked bar-room queen in sunee?

newalaan you begining to sound like me :)
Shit, I was beginning to think that myself for a second......that's a bit of a bummer now you've confirmed it , but on the bright side it could be worse.....I could be "manforallseasons", god forbid.

July 10th, 2013, 11:53
Newalaan, please stay as you are as you are a constant source of entertainment. :occasion9:
On your next trip could you stop at the duty free shop and pick up 2 liters of Bombay for me I'll reimburse you.

July 10th, 2013, 14:43
Newalaan, please stay as you are as you are a constant source of entertainment.Yes he is but I don't think in the way he intends.

July 11th, 2013, 11:08
Newalaan wrote of mamasans ".....some not a pretty picture or good advert for cosmetic surgery.... in fact it was almost like someone had collected together the very worst specimens of cosmetic-surgery horrors in an effort to educate about the dangers of it...."

Ha Ha -- how true, Newalaan.
It could be part of a government initiative to dissuade people from cosmetic surgery --- something along the lines of the horror pictures on cigarette packets.

July 11th, 2013, 23:37
Ha Ha -- how true, Newalaan.It could be part of a government initiative to dissuade people from cosmetic surgery --- something along the lines of the horror pictures on cigarette packets.
Maybe the ploy is deliberate for punters to take pity on them and give generously, much like the imported maimed-for-purpose beggars from Cambodia/Loas etc.. It certainly worked with the guy with the whiskey bottle, he got one shot for every 20 distributed around.

On your next trip could you stop at the duty free shop and pick up 2 liters of Bombay for me I'll reimburse you.Thanks,
Get real MFAS! the first warning we 'visitors' have to take note of is not to get 'inveigled' with dodgy expats, look what happened to those who got cosey with Neal, anyway what use would a 48-hour supply of Gin be to you? hardly worth the effort of carrying it.......Stick to the Nondescript Gin on special at Friendship Bt299.99, whatever you have left you can use to wash out the blond streaks from your hair and get it back to it's natural dull-grey 'colour'.

Yes he is but I don't think in the way he intends.
But I don't intend to be entertaining in the first place, much like yourself, so what can you possibly mean?

Geez Sooty, that was some lame brained attempt at a show of wit....if that's what it was (it's difficult to be sure) you need to be aware that wit-showing is simply not one of your 'strengths'. It's not as if I litter your posts with limp, purile digs......because goodness knows there are more than enough opportunities to do so. Anything to add to the thread subject by way of relevance to it? apart from the grumpy part?

July 12th, 2013, 02:35
Geez Sooty, that was some lame brained attempt at a show of wit.(quote)Sooty

Something Newalaan you know only too well. :rolling:

July 12th, 2013, 06:11
Geez Sooty, that was some lame brained attempt at a show of wit.(quote)Sooty

Something Newalaan you know only too well.
MFAS i'm going to stop you right there!

It's now getting embarrassing and you cant seem to see it. It's unfunny.....its utterly predictable and dull. Continue if you want, maybe you're 'on something' who can tell, but for your own good I wont reply to another of your inanities. Get a good nights sleep and you'll be fine tomorrow.