View Full Version : Tooth fairy

July 8th, 2013, 20:30
I arrived in Bangkok after a long flight from London.

I'll just digress here for a minute. I had a few day free from work and my fellow workers and I were given some tickets for Wimbledon. Unfortunately, they were not for center court, but what the heck - it's Wimbledon, after all.

So off we went. (We were in Paris) We ended up watching a young Aussie guy play - Bernard Tomic. Not only is he a very good player, he has an awesome weapon - and I'm not talking about his serve. I'm talking about his cock. He has a 7 incher which was clearly visible under his baggy shorts! It was HUGE. Even my travelling companions - all 100% straight - commented on it and wondered why someone hadn't told him about it.

Imagine having your main asset on display for millions of viewers to see. I caught his next match - this time on T.V.in the hotel but alas, no cock in sight. Someone obviously told him about it. Oh well,...

On arrival in Bangkok I headed straight for the dentist. Little did I know that I'd be spending 6 hours in the chair! I was worked on by 5 different dentists and only one of them was male. Forget the women, the guy was very cute and youthful-looking - he could have been my grandson! But what can I say? His oral skills were impeccable and he wielded his instrument with great finesse.

As he was drilling away, I thought: "Mmm...I wouldn't mind drilling him." He had a gorgeous smile and, of course, perfect teeth.

I left the clinic with a big smile on my face; I am no longer scared of going to the dentist. From now on, if I need anything done, I'll just head back to Bangkok. They were all very professional, the equipment was all made in Germany (always a good sign) and it was painless! Yes, painless dentistry! Now, that has to be a first.

But the biggest smile was on the dial of the receptionist, as she handed me the bill for 35,000 baht. Still, I'd have willingly paid double, the treatment was so good.

That night I headed off to Balls Sport Bar to watch a bit of the tennis final and then wandered down to Natureboy. My regular was "on holiday. He come back tomorrow" (Yeah, right) so I offed another guy. He bottomed for me but wasn't very good. Still, he was ok.
Last night I went to Heartbeat and had number 26 sit with me. He has a cute smile and a nice cock but it was too early to off anyone. The mama-san is a real pest and wouldn't leave me alone. "We have loom upstair. You take him?" The tout standing out on the street assured me there was a fuck show (read: there is no show). We settled for 200 baht for a drink, but they charged me 250 for the boy's "drink." Too much for a bar which has no show. There was a mixture of types on stage, from fem to manly, as has been reported here, and they all seemed to be enjoying themselves.

I then headed over to SuperA and offed a guy from there. I think it's the first time Ive offed a SuperA guy. He's really nice, has a great body and an Isaan cock (say no more) Back in the room he displayed awesome oral skills - a real professional in that department - and then he jacked off on my chest. He had a huge cumshot - the first squirt went over my head and landed on the pillow, for which he apologized profusely. hehe

Tonight I might hit soi twilight and take in the show at Boysbangkok.