View Full Version : A Day's Pay.

July 7th, 2013, 01:10
So what does the average Thai get paid for work he does. How about a clerk at the 7-11 vs the manager. What about the staff at these small hotels we all stay at. Also some of the laborers we see at these construction sites? The lady street sweepers. And a whole bunch of others. Why do I want to know? I'd like to get an idea of their incomes so as to gauge what it takes for them to survive. I often think that if I had a business I surely would want to be paying more than the standard because my impression is that it surely is worth mor...maybe just for me though. But then I also hear that wages are kept low too just because. What say you all? :happy7:

July 7th, 2013, 02:27
Minimum wage jobs from large corporations like 7/11 or Tesco pay around 8000 or 9000/month these days, as a little while ago minimum wage in Thailand was increased. Not everyone follows the law though, so you'll still see hotels and small shops around paying 6000 or 7000/month (or less even).

Illegal logging on the other hand pays around 10,000 baht/week.

Selling shirts at the market say 25 days/month will make you approximately say 12 - 15k baht.

Selling BBQ at the market, say 18k baht/month.

A full-time in house junior software developer will be around 25 - 30k/month.

What type of business are you thinking of opening?

July 7th, 2013, 06:04
Flat on me back with me legs in the air 5 hours a month doesnt sound too bad then at what some of these boys want to charge

I had an Veetnamees student hear in Brissie last night for $100 rub and a tug nice kid.

July 7th, 2013, 20:04
there is No average Thai-you are either low or hi-class.
MINIMUM wage was-thanks the Thaksin croonies- raised to 300 THB/day (for unspecified nr of hours or holdiays) nationwide-before it was vary per province (north the lowest) and was around 180-220 bt/day. For uni-graduates its min 15.000 THB/month-but just try to find such a job.
Jobs you mention are mostly part-time, pay by the hr -around 30/35 thb. BUT constr and many other menial jobs are not done anymore by Thai-but Burmese/Khmer etc and they, of coruse-no need to tell or cannot explain- do not get the official minimum.
Most of those Thai are indeed able to survive on 300bt/day, but by tying up with others, in food and accomodation. Many of low-paid jobs, like HTL-roomcleaners etc-bring free sleeping and ''subsidised'' food while on the job.
Also: contrary to popular belief, BKK is cheap to live in, as there are such scores of low-paid workers, that about anything they need is available a plenty. The BMA also brings free buses, many other free entertainment. While in Isan your choice of low-cost is very limited and you have to travel far-which cost a relative lot.

July 7th, 2013, 23:49
Ahh. So I see that it amounts to very little..so to speak from my viewing direction from the west.$10US a day maybe...wow. No I was not contemplating a business but having managed stores I was wondering etc. But good info to hold on to when I get back there, A 20 BHT tip of sorts is a lot so to speak. Very interesting. Thanks guys! :bis:

July 8th, 2013, 03:02
...maybe now you also undrstand why the gogo boy bars are packed solid to the rafters with eager boys....easy way to make a living...

July 8th, 2013, 09:36
-thanks the Thaksin croonies- "The Thaksin Croonies" - is that a Thai R&B group? Where can I find them?
MINIMUM wage was ... raised to 300 THB/dayJust outrageous pong and a heartfelt thanks for you for pointing out how this evil and corrupt man and his cronies had done down the mass population of Thailand by ... um, er ... raising the minimum wage.

July 8th, 2013, 14:39
i fuly agree with pong, how dare thaeteveil thaksin raise the minimum wage....causing the gogo boy rate to rise in tandem...making it less attractive to become a gogo boy.....we should be able to rent one for the going rate determined by supply...

July 8th, 2013, 22:30
Gogo boys are not representative for this subject.

After speaking to several of them over the last years, I have concluded that many of them are spoiled brats. I have come across gogo boys who don't know how to use a bus in Bangkok and there are some who regularly (!) go by taxi.

July 9th, 2013, 03:34
christian....a good...and I mean...a fucking good gogo boy can turnover on average 1500 per day...he's practically royalty....

July 9th, 2013, 17:41
Does anyone have the scoop on monthly pay for Coyote dancers or Back-Up
dancers like at Copa? I know they sometimes are offable but mostly a non
tipping job.

July 9th, 2013, 17:50

Below is a link which shows you Average Salaries and Expenditures in Thailand which you may find interesting.
(2005 data so add about 12% to the figures shown)

Note that a popular gogo boy (or girl) earns more than a commercial airline pilot, thus the reason why prostitution in Thailand continues to flourish..


July 9th, 2013, 20:01
guess the less popular ones still make a pretty good income......unfortunately most of them are complete airheads and instead of saving or investing their income squander it on friends, family and crap like the latest clothes and smartphones....

July 9th, 2013, 20:36
...instead of saving or investing their income squander it on friends, family and crap like the latest clothes and smartphones....

Absolutely - instead of "living" like the young people they are - they ought to lead a more frugal existence, watch every satang so that when they reach 40/50/60 they have the money to travel thousands of miles to pay for sex with prostitutes 1/2 their age or younger (and ride them like a goat for the least possible fee of course).

After all, we can easily see what a well-balanced, rounded individual Latintopxxx has become by following his own advice.


July 10th, 2013, 05:11
I know that a lot of the working boys (popular or not) send a portion of their earnings back to their families (usually mom) and piss the rest of it away similar to how I would piss money away back when I was their age.

Come to think of it I'm still pissing a good portion of my money away and wouldn't have it any other way.

July 10th, 2013, 06:18
came across this post on FB tthe other day

Looks like the re-opening Dave will pay 20,000-25000B Per month to their coyotes
And 10,000-15,000B per month to the guys that take part in the "erotic show"

Coyotes usually get 2 free days per month
Whilst the erotic show guys usually only work 3 days per week...

Of course the erotic show guys are taking a much bigger chance in case there are raids etc

On the other had the coyotes (as far as i know) need to get 2 drinks @200B per night + 10 offs per month @800B+400B mandatory drink... so thats 23,200B in income that they bring in for the club... everything less than that (or additional holidays) comes out of their salary... so that 20-25k can very quickly become 8-9k!

As for waiters, cashiers, captains, mamasans, DJs, Lights etc... i will let someone else try the translation!

July 10th, 2013, 16:14
by comparison free lancers have it easy...no overhead...no bosses...and a river of easy money...and to think i give it away for free...

July 10th, 2013, 20:17

interesting you tube link ....confirms that the income made from peddling arse is nothing to be sneezed at...

July 10th, 2013, 20:34
interesting video - thanks for posting, latintop

Nirish guy
July 10th, 2013, 22:36
Gogo boys are not representative for this subject.

After speaking to several of them over the last years, I have concluded that many of them are spoiled brats. I have come across gogo boys who don't know how to use a bus in Bangkok and there are some who regularly (!) go by taxi.

And what exactly is wrong with doing that if they can afford it exactly ?? I struggle to work out how to use buses in my city on the three or four times a year I chose to and the rest of the time travel by car or taxi, why should they be spoilt brats doing the same ?

July 10th, 2013, 23:02
point is very pertinent....most working class Thai use real public transport like a bus or the metro.....heavens even I use the metro occasionally....clearly the commercial boys are very well paid and can adfford to use the most convenoient/luxurious mode of transport....not saying its wrong.....just a fact. Makes me reconsider...maybe I've been paying these greedy grasping boys far too much for ny 3 hours sessions....shyte...back to negotiation classes...

July 11th, 2013, 03:11
I always get a kick out of it when a boy pulls a 24,000 baht I Phone out of his pocket at the same time as he's telling me about his problems paying this months room rent.... and I'm sitting there with an 800 Baht Nokia in my pocket...Go figure!

July 11th, 2013, 08:06
Flat on me back with me legs in the air 5 hours a month doesnt sound too bad then at what some of these boys want to charge

I had an Veetnamees student hear in Brissie last night for $100 rub and a tug nice kid.
Are you really as ignorant as you sound or is this a put on?

July 11th, 2013, 08:11
A lot of speculative comment here but I doubt much is fact. Just speculation.

July 11th, 2013, 13:52
ofage...clarification please....

July 11th, 2013, 16:42
ofage wrote:

lot of speculative comment here but I doubt much is fact. Just speculation.

And what facts would you have to support your opinion that the comments here are just speculation?

July 12th, 2013, 02:43
Thanks for the link, latintopxxx, very interesting.

About 90% is around Saranrom and Royal Palace (for half of the footage, I could show you exactly where it has been taken), but some is near Golden Mount and Loha Prasat, I will have to take a look there next time, maybe I missed something.

I think the numbers in the video are grossly inflated.

The footage is quite recent (Sanam Luang refurbished, opened last year).

I did not know about the motorbike gangs, but on my last two trips I saw some impressive knives worn by the boys (update on Saranrom soon).

July 12th, 2013, 02:49
call me a pussy or a wimp or whatever, but I'll stick to the relative safety of Sunee, thanks.

July 12th, 2013, 02:51
Gogo boys are not representative for this subject.

After speaking to several of them over the last years, I have concluded that many of them are spoiled brats. I have come across gogo boys who don't know how to use a bus in Bangkok and there are some who regularly (!) go by taxi.

And what exactly is wrong with doing that if they can afford it exactly ?? I struggle to work out how to use buses in my city on the three or four times a year I chose to and the rest of the time travel by car or taxi, why should they be spoilt brats doing the same ?

I didn't say it's wrong (but it's implied by my choice of words: "spoiled brats").

I once met a friend from Pattaya in Bangkok (he owed money to someone in Pattaya and had to leave temporarily) and after some sightseeing together (no sex, not my type), I tipped him 1000 Baht. That was an experiment to see if there will be any gratitude (no), if he will use the money to pay back his dept (no) and if he will use it wisely (no). I even showed him which bus line to use to get back to his place, put him in the bus stop, he preferred to go by taxi. Two days later he called me that he needs money!

Not having money for rent or for food, but for expensive mobile phones and traveling by taxi out of laziness does not fit together by my standards. And it makes it more difficult for me to part with my money when I know it will be squandered (technically it's not my business what the boys do with their tips, but if they use it wisely they get brownie points in my book - that's not literally!).

July 12th, 2013, 03:38
I go along with Dodger and NIrish Guy and others - these guys are kids who have lots of money (maybe 1500Bt) all at once. I know what I did with my wages when I was 18 - and it wasn't saving it. It was money to be spent as quickly as possible with no thought for tomorrow. It's what young people do, all over the world, not just bar boys in Bangkok or Pattaya.

Christian, what do you think they should do with their tips? Given that most (as far as I know) send something back to Mama every month, should they stay in their rooms when they're not working? I think it's fine that they enjoy their money when they have it, and can stay home to watch TV when they don't.

July 12th, 2013, 06:29
I often read comments and wonder if people have taken a moment to think what they are writing. For example, it often occurs to me how would some posters react if we found a forum of prostitutes discussing how ridiculous their various clients are.... How crazy some of them are. How stupid, for example, to suffer the limitations of a cheapo mobile costing only bt800 when they could easily have a much better device for bt24,000. I am sure they could not understand why such old dinosaurs purposely limit themselves to old technology... What can they be thinking? Or another example, why do they prefer to punish themselves by taking the hateful public transport when they could luxuriate in a taxi, sometimes costing as much as bt51..... Such bizarre behaviour. Why do they do that? If I was one of these prostitutes I would certainly consider calling some trick a few days later to ask for more money... Why not? After all, it is just so easy and they usually cough up, I may have to put up with some silly nonsense about catching public transport but I can just smile, agree and ignore the hypocrisy.

Another thing we might like to think about when criticising these people is how would you feel it was reversed? Would you all be happy to know that the way you live your lives was being discussed on some forum somewhere? How wasteful, crazy thinking, hypocritical behaviour, how cheap - have all your spending decisions ridiculed from what can only be a different way of thinking.

I may be misinterpreting some of what is written here but there is a tremendous amount of poor attitude to these prostitutes. Respect is a wonderful concept and it works both ways. I know I am wasting my time but could some of you at least try and be more respectful. People seem to forget too easily that we are guests in this country and so should behave more correctly.

July 12th, 2013, 15:00
personally I would love to read a blog by prostitutes on their "johns"...would be a best seller...as for respect......hello...once you are on a stage selling your arse to anyone with enough cash....regardless of physical attraction.....need I say more???? Maybe you should stop watching "pretty woman" type movies....that is not reality!!
Back to the point, this topic is ibnteresting as I'm sure most of us do wonder how much the cleverer boys bring in on a yearly basis....compared to the honest hard working respectfull 7-11 workers......I have no problem with a gogo boy making heaps of cash....good on him...its his arse to sell....fuck I give it away...if I had a cent for every fuck...

July 12th, 2013, 17:50
.. I am sure they could not understand why such old dinosaurs purposely limit themselves to old technology... What can they be thinking?

Maybe these "old dinosaurs" are thinking, like me, that all they want to do with a mobile phone is make or receive a call or sms! At a push, take a photo. All of which can be done on very basic phones.

I don't want to listen to my complete music collection, take videos, surf the internet, stream porn, play games, listen to the radio, or desire to know what the temperature is in Abu Dhabi at 3am.

I'm not criticising anybody who might want to do any or all of those things and who therefore buys a compatible phone - just saying it's not important to some of us.


July 19th, 2013, 10:26
Minimum wage jobs from large corporations like 7/11 or Tesco pay around 8000 or 9000/month these days, as a little while ago minimum wage in Thailand was increased. Not everyone follows the law though, so you'll still see hotels and small shops around paying 6000 or 7000/month (or less even).

Illegal logging on the other hand pays around 10,000 baht/week.

Selling shirts at the market say 25 days/month will make you approximately say 12 - 15k baht.

Selling BBQ at the market, say 18k baht/month.

A full-time in house junior software developer will be around 25 - 30k/month.

What type of business are you thinking of opening?
That's fairly accurate. A few things worth noting are...

It's possible to have a decent standard of living (by their standards) in Bangkok on these wages. No need for sympathy or to pay more than the market rate unless you are doing so for a specific reason (incentive/rention), Billy2BS.

Government and teaching jobs may appear to pay a bit less than other professions but there's a lot of prestige associated with these jobs. Plus a lot of benefits like free accommodation, free breakfast/lunch provided at workplace, top tier healthcare for him AND his family, assistance with loans, clothing allowance, access to many government support schemes etc.

The averages listed in the link Dodger posted are not untrue but remember these are macro figures and there are plenty of exceptions and outliers. I know one junior doctor earning 200,000b/month and he is younger than me. He was near top of his year coming out of one of the top med schools and working for a very fast growing company. One of my friends was working in a sales job but managed to earn over 50k/month, just working part time. Guys who manage to work their way up quickly in one of the higher paying areas of a multi-national can also earn salaries comparable to your average Western country income earner.

Guys with family connections can also get a leg up but not necessarily in the way you think. Some people think these guys only earn good incomes because they got the job through connections, but in my experience, they still have to prove themselves and work hard in whatever role they've landed. Being surrounded (family wise) by smart successful people and being able to learn from them and be guided by them is what usually has a bigger impact on their success. They still have to do the dog work...

I often read comments and wonder if people have taken a moment to think what they are writing. For example, it often occurs to me how would some posters react if we found a forum of prostitutes discussing how ridiculous their various clients are.... How crazy some of them are. How stupid, for example, to suffer the limitations of a cheapo mobile costing only bt800 when they could easily have a much better device for bt24,000. I am sure they could not understand why such old dinosaurs purposely limit themselves to old technology... What can they be thinking? Or another example, why do they prefer to punish themselves by taking the hateful public transport when they could luxuriate in a taxi, sometimes costing as much as bt51..... Such bizarre behaviour. Why do they do that? If I was one of these prostitutes I would certainly consider calling some trick a few days later to ask for more money... Why not? After all, it is just so easy and they usually cough up, I may have to put up with some silly nonsense about catching public transport but I can just smile, agree and ignore the hypocrisy.
Interesting perspective...

The posts referring to prostitutes earning larger amounts than highly-qualified professions as being easy money or something unjustified or out of the ordinary are a bit stupid.

Every path has its mix of costs/risks/rewards and prostitution is no different. Sure, they may earn as much as an airline pilot without going through years of expensive and intellectually challenging pilot training, but what they have to do can be pretty degrading and disgusting... so they're offsetting one cost for another. It just comes down to what you're willing to do and not do. Most people aren't that lazy and probably wouldn't consider selling their bodies unless desperate.

July 19th, 2013, 10:55
also, their job will disappear as they get into the late 20s unless they have found a sugar daddy. Unless they budget and think of the future they might find the past 10 years have seen all their money disappear on motor bikes and family dramas.

July 19th, 2013, 11:18
All in all I could care less what the boys make for their activities as I surely have participated in it. So to discuss that point was not what i was looking for. I dont understand why discussions always get twisted int diatribes and senseless bitching about nothing of importance. I do however and have always thought that man works for his paycheck pretty much. The money incentive is always there and it serves to say you did a good job,,thank you. If i had a business there would always have to be a line item available for this kind of compensation. Got to keep the help happy and tell them so. Besides I cant take it with me.

July 23rd, 2013, 04:55
tend to agree with billy....dont really care how much they make...just care about how much i gotta pay...however do see lotsa gogo boys lead a typical carefree young mans lifestyle...nice bikes...nice clothes...iphones...ipads.....latest sneakers....jewelry....almost as if they dont see that once the arse sags...and the looks fade that their value drops dramatically...I have been visiting Thailand long enough to see once frsh and desireable produce.....completely past its sell by date...but still trying so hard....holding in their stomach....hair dyed....tragic....

July 23rd, 2013, 07:05
Last year I invited a moneyboy friend to spend some time with me. I saw it as 2 friends just hanging out. I am not sure how he saw it.
I gave him enough money to rent his own room and gave him 1000 baht a day spending money. He had to buy his own drinks and I would provide food for us both. I also pledged to give him 1200 baht to return to Bangkok oh his own. He could use that money to hire a car, mini-bus or take the bus back.

For the most part he wasted his money and told me that he thought I was going to give him 3000 baht a day, not 1000 baht. I laughed and he began to laugh too. I asked him why he wasted the money on junk and he simply said it was not junk. When the night came he wanted to go to Boyztown. I knew he didn't have much money and told him he would have a better time in Sunee. He didn't agree saying the rich men are in Boyztown, I told him that the guys willing to share money with him were in Sunee. Still, I took him to Boyztown and purchased his first drink. Most of the guys were with Thai guys but still he looked over the crowd like an eagle perched atop the highest branch of a tree. Some flirting but no luck. Everyone seem to be with someone and the ones alone did not fit the profile he was looking for.

We went to Sunee and as luck would have it, he met a guy he knew before and that guy offered to bring him back to pattaya for 2 week with a generous tip promised. (He did return and the man kept his word and gave him more money than he expected). Later that night we went to walking street and again he wasted his money on trinkets. Shortly after his purchase he mentioned his regret on wasting the money. I asked him why he wasted it. He explained that this is his life. Spend it when he has it and find more when he needs it. "It is the life of a moneyboy." He told me.

July 23rd, 2013, 13:00
... i..do see... once frsh and desireable produce.....completely past its sell by date....holding in their stomach....hair dyed....tragic....

Oh I know dear - and some of the boys are just as bad.


July 23rd, 2013, 13:18
...scotty stop gazing into that mirror.....it may just crack.....

July 23rd, 2013, 13:33
Latintopxxx, I do hope not - with you around I'd be worried for anything that had a crack.


July 24th, 2013, 10:36
now we are totally off topic....point is a gogo boy who knows his stuff and is able to provide customer satisfaction is able to earn an above average income...some may say way above average...and I certainly do not feel any remorse in negotiating a lower price for their services....after all its a business and anyone paying full/asking price is not getting the best deal....