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June 4th, 2006, 15:36
On the big pink bus.
The tour members, on the ride from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai, thought the guide was confused when she told them they would be stopping at Cabbages & Condoms for lunch.
"Don't you mean condiments?"
"No, no. Condoms," Jun said and explained that, cabbage, is a code-word for, condom, in these parts. With embarrassment and shame eliminated the condom distribution program has become a huge success. The restaurant and gift shop (Condom bouquets, post cards, tee-shirts, condom Olympic rings....) has become a popular roadside stop with smiling condom statues greeting you as you enter.

After lunch, one lag approached her and said, "You know, we were all very puzzled when you were talking about Cabbages and Condoms. We thought you had mispronounced the word.
Jun thought about this a moment, then asked, "How do you say cabbage?"

Condensed fron Knight Ridder article by Anne Chalfant.

June 4th, 2006, 18:40

"The tour members, on the ride from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai," I think they would have been ready to eat the condoms by the time the reached the Cabbages and Condoms Restaurants in Bangkok or Pattaya"

June 5th, 2006, 04:27
Careful TeePee

"Two years after the establishment of the Population and Community Development Association, a branch office was established in the province of Chiang Rai in 1976. Its . present location at 620/25 Thanalai Road, in Muang District of Chiang Rai. The current office is a modern 5-storey concrete building, next to a the Cabbages and Condoms Restaurant."
