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View Full Version : Corruption in Thailand

July 4th, 2013, 13:51
It seems the editorial writers are somewhat behind the times at The Nation. Today's editorial (http://nationmultimedia.com/opinion/In-danger-of-being-a-nation-run-by-thieves-30209638.html) warns that Thailand is "in danger of" becoming a nation run by thieves. "in danger of" - LOL. I think that point is well and truly passed.

July 4th, 2013, 15:50
the whole world is corrupt, its human nature, we are all greedy pigs, once we got power we abuse it to our advantage. Look at the financial crisis brought on by those crazy white men in suits...theft on a grand scale...the Thais are amateurs...u gotta go west to really hit the big leagues.

July 4th, 2013, 21:56
The Nation has long maintained a strongly royalist editorial line and is often servile to the elite power centers in Bangkok. It was vehemently anti-Thaksin in the run up to the 2006 coup, so it is not likely that it would look kindly on the administration of his younger sister.
That said, Thailand does have a woefully underdeveloped judicial system, and its police force essentially operates as an organized crime gang. Of course, the really interesting phase of Thai political history will only commence once the inevitable happens and I highly doubt that goodwill will transfer to his heir apparent.