View Full Version : Gay Couples can seek visa for foreign spouse in USA

July 3rd, 2013, 05:22
Gay couples may now apply for a visa for foreign spouse. This leads to permanent residency when approved.

This also opens up the door for fiance visas, allowing the couple to marry in the USA, after obtaining the visa. Fiance visas are relatively easy to get, and the couple does not have to commit to marriage prior to coming to the USA. I would expect that the same procedure would be followed as for straight couples. You see the visa agencies being advertised all over Thailand that are now serving only straight couples.

The Obama administration confirmed that gay citizens can apply for a visa for a foreign spouse now that the Supreme Court has struck down part of the Defense of Marriage Act that limited such privileges to heterosexual couples.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Monday that same-sex visa petitions must be processed тАЬin the same mannerтАЭ as those filed by opposite-sex couples, one day after a lawyer for an American man and his Bulgarian male spouse said his clients became the first gay couple in the United States to have their application approved.

Even gay couples living in states that donтАЩt recognize same-sex marriages can apply for the visa as long as they were married in a state (or foreign country) that recognizes such marriages.

The first gay couple that purportedly had their visa application approved, for example, was married in New York but they live in Florida, which does not recognize same-sex marriages.

Napolitano issued the statement a few days after President Obama said the high courtтАЩs ruling means the federal government must respond тАЬswiftly and smoothlyтАЭ in implementing benefits for such couples.

The decision Wednesday gives married gay couples access to most the federal benefits that married heterosexual couples have.

тАЬTo that end, effective immediately, I have directed U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to review immigration visa petitions filed on behalf of a same-sex spouse in the same manner as those filed on behalf of an opposite-sex spouse,тАЭ Napolitano said on Monday in a statement.

Napolitano hinted hours after the high courtтАЩs 5-4 decision that immigration law would change.

"Working with our federal partners, including the Department of Justice, we will implement today's decision so that all married couples will be treated equally and fairly in the administration of our immigration laws," she said.

The agency did not respond Tuesday to questions about many same-sex visa applications the government expects. However, most estimates are in the range of tens of thousands, with the group Immigration Equality putting the number at about 36,000.

Those who receive a visa will be able to apply for a green card, which gives a spouse permanent resident status and a pathway to citizenship.

Vermont Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy tried to insert such an amendment into the chamberтАЩs recently passed immigration legislation but was stopped by party leaders who feared losing much-needed conservative votes and knew the Supreme Court would instead address the issue.

Source: Fox News - 7/2/2013

July 3rd, 2013, 07:56
I wonder if gay relationships will ever be recognised in Thailand (for visa matters).

July 3rd, 2013, 11:16
It may be a long time or never before allowing gay marriage.

But the existing laws on a farang marrying a Thai and staying in Thailand are very restrictive anyway. Visa renewals are not automatic. You have to apply for renewals and show sufficient income. You may have to leave the country. You still have to get a work permit to work, work permit renewals are not automatic. If you get a work permit, you may lose your marriage visa.

July 3rd, 2013, 14:27
I wonder if gay relationships will ever be recognised in Thailand (for visa matters)."Ever"? How long a period do you want us to speculate about? I'm sure that some of Michelangelo's contemporaries looked at his drawings for a flying machine and said "Will that ever happen?"

July 3rd, 2013, 17:02
I'm sure that some of Michelangelo's contemporaries looked at his drawings for a flying machine and said "Will that ever happen?"

I'm not so sure... Those drawings were by Leonardo da Vinci.

July 3rd, 2013, 17:08
Yes - and both of them had boy friends.

July 4th, 2013, 09:17
Are them machines what got painted on the sealing of the Cistern Chapel as we all know them Swiss Guards are just a hareme for those blokes in red ball gowns cardinals or whatever.