View Full Version : Typical Bangkok Taxi driver?

June 4th, 2006, 09:53

courtesy Captain Yossarian on Lonely Planet

June 4th, 2006, 10:17
U just reminded me of a funny story. On my second trip to bangkok many moons ago i was in a taxi stuck in traffic for ages.............made small talk with the driver.

After taking great pride in showing me his wifes and kids photos we made it to my hotel after almost 45 minutes frustratingly slow progress.

As i paid him (with a tip) he asked me did i want him to go my loom lol! honest!

June 4th, 2006, 11:23
Oogleman - in a similar situation the driver, wife and kids etc and then he was moaning about how unfair the world is. he told me "You know virgin lady get Bt5000 for first fucking but man only get Bt3000 not fair" Later he invited me to fuck him for Bt3000.

June 4th, 2006, 14:39
I was walking along Silom.
Minding my own business.
First Sunday morning (ever) in Bangkok.
On my way to church? (Nah!)
A cute Tuk-Tuk driver walked up and said, "City tou-wa, ta-wen-ty-fi' baht. Bed loom tou-wa, fi'-hun-led!" As he pointed to his little...tuk-tuk.
I was so green, it didn't sink in till I'd walked another block.
By the time I ran back he was tuk-tuking away.
Still, whenever I'm out on Silom, on a Sunday morning, I keep an eye out for tuk-tuks.
Kicking myself, after all these years, for missing that twenty-five-baht tour?
No. Just don't want to get run down by one of the damn things.

Sometime remind me to tell you about the boatman who took me up the klong--And how, for years, I thought, klong, was Thai word for a part of the anatomy.
I wondered why the num all giggled....
Now I know better but, Mai phen rai, it's works--So why change.

June 5th, 2006, 00:15
As i paid him (with a tip) he asked me did i want him to go my loom lol! honest!

I wonder how he knew you were a wooly moof.I suppose its the white shoes and limp wrist that gave it away.

probably because i was singing - " what makes a man a man"

June 5th, 2006, 17:05
What I want to know, did you take him up on it?
I guess, if you did, you switched the tune to, It's Raining Men!