View Full Version : New! UK Visa Bond

June 23rd, 2013, 19:34
It has been announced that the UK is to introduce a Visa Bond of ┬г3000 on anyone entering the UK from certain specified Asian/African countries.

It seems the Bond will be on the basis of a 6 month Visa and if the Visitor overstays then obviously the Bond is forfeit.

Currently the Pilot Scheme will involve visitors from India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Ghana - but the plan is to roll it out - so it could conceivably come to include Thailand and eventually it will cover all countries (except EU, which would be illegal) and all Visa types - but (interestingly) not all visas. This suggests that it will be targetted at potential visitors who are currently "borderline" cases.

By this, the Conservative Party (aided and abetted by their quisling Liberal Democrat collaborators) hope to cut net Immigration from "..the hundreds of thousands to the tens of thousands" according to the Home Secretary Theresa May - so they are talking of substantial change.

The background is a Conservative 2010 Election manifesto committment to reduce net immigration below 100,000 by 2015, coupled with a need to pander to xenophobic elements within their own party and those of the far-right UK Independence Party (UKIP).

With UKIP currently standing at around 15% in the polls in England, and the Conservatives languishing in the low 30's it seems unlikely that the Conservatives will be able to form a Govt after the 2015 election without some kind of support from UKIP.

The Sunday Times has a story on this today but it's paywalled - the best FREE link I can find is this:


Brad the Impala
June 25th, 2013, 06:12
Looks like the Lib Dems may not be as supportive of this as Teresa May assumed. The plans also seem likely to antagonise many visitors. I wonder if any other country has implemented such a policy?


June 25th, 2013, 15:00
It would be astonishing (in fact "incompetent" is a better word) if a Govt Minister made a Govt announcement without consulting within the Coalition.

Probably what we are seeing is a bit of Lib Dem sabre-rattling for PR purposes. Almost certainly they will eventually trot into the voting lobby with their Masters - like the good little poodles they are 90% of the time.

The Tories are not stupid - the Lib Dems (at 9% in the polls) seem certain to be all but wiped out in the 2015 election - already they must be looking to other alliances, and if Cameron has to be ditched pre or post-election to secure some kind of loose "arrangement" with UKIP, he will be.

Brad the Impala
June 25th, 2013, 20:11
It would be astonishing (in fact "incompetent" is a better word) if a Govt Minister made a Govt announcement without consulting within the Coalition.

Hardly astonishing. It currently seems commonplace for Ministers to announce policy prior to consultation with even other cabinet ministers. Isn't their even a Minister for U-Turns in the cabinet?

June 26th, 2013, 16:18
Just out of interest Brad - do you argue for a living or is it merely a hobby? :sign5:

Brad the Impala
June 26th, 2013, 17:10
Just don't like to see ill informed and facile opinions pass unchallenged.

To most people an exchange of opinions is not an "argument". Unless and until you start making it personal that is, when you start commenting on the person rather than the point, and that almost inevitably leads to a response in kind.

If you doing any more :sign5: at your own "jokes", you'll surely wear the carpet out. :sign5:

June 26th, 2013, 17:31
I think you misunderstand what an argument is.