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View Full Version : Something's Missing ... DANTE!!!!

June 18th, 2013, 15:29
Not sure if anyone has noticed, but the 'SUBJECT' line is missing when a reply to a post is made.
Once upon a time a person could reply in a thread, but still change the subject line somewhat in order to make a point more clearly. The field for the subject line is still in the Compose Message window, but once 'Submit' is clicked it's gone.

I had not noticed this until I tried it myself in a post in the Gay Thailand Forum. Most of the time the original post's title still lives within the subject line of every reply by default, but in fact a poster can change it if he wishes ... for instance if one is attempting to make a joke within an overly-serious thread.

A small item I know, but the subject line has always been there, available to be changed and then show up in the posted reply.

June 18th, 2013, 15:41
You are having a senior moment my friend.
Or your GUI = browser is.

June 18th, 2013, 15:45

I actually don't think a subsequent poster ought to be able to change the subject line of the topic.

I don't recall it ever being the case, but...... :dontknow:

June 18th, 2013, 15:50

June 18th, 2013, 16:32
As usual, jinks hops in and writes something both incomprehensible and of no particular use. Sent any emails lately?
jinks, this was a technical question to Dante. Not you.

And to Scottish-Guy: Changing the Subject line in your own post within a thread is not necessarily the same as changing (or attempting to change) the original topic. That's not my point ... although 'going-off-topic' has been a rather charming and ubiquitous happening on Sawatdee for just about forever, human nature being what it is and not being able to abide the presence of a 10+-page thread without a bit of naughty subversion somewhere along the line. Frankly I think helps to make Sawatdee the edgy place it is.

I meant changing the Subject line within a thread if, for instance, one has kind of an 'aside' comment, or joke, or play on words etc etc that might need a bit of 'explaining' by using a personalized subject line.
It's not a big deal ... just thought I'd mention that the subject line used to be present in each individual post, and now it is not.

Brad the Impala
June 25th, 2013, 06:19
See subject.