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View Full Version : Phuket - Is it Dangerous?

June 16th, 2013, 12:23
Seems that I often read about rip-offs, beatings and murders in Phuket. It seems that it is probably the most dangerous place in all of Thailand. Considering this, why it is so popular?

Nathan B
June 16th, 2013, 17:56
What ridiculous nonsense. Phuket is no more prone to those things than Bangkok or Pattaya.

June 16th, 2013, 18:17
Think the Thai way: it is the other way around.
Just because it IS so popular, mostly among Korean honeymooners and Russki, etc, this will attract 100s of the usual Thai moneyseekers, trying out any kind of empty-wallet tricks. And more sooner as later some type of ''maffia'' will set up to aim for the same. In this case its je jetski-scams and the transport maffia, with prices at least 10 times what you would pay in Pattaya etc. The best and quickest way to get into an argument with a Thai is about money.
Sometimes I think that the old-style economy-paradigma: crush monopolies, currently in such a black light, did make sense in times when monopolies were the usual set-up of the ruling classes to extract more money from those they suppressed.

June 16th, 2013, 22:28
Having been there twice the worst that could happen is that you'll die of bordem.

June 17th, 2013, 13:12
Just back from Phuket to BKK and still alive. Paradise Complex was not boring. I could have boys every few meters because of lack of customers. In 30 years LOS never had any problems.

June 17th, 2013, 19:10
What ridiculous nonsense. Phuket is no more prone to those things than Bangkok or Pattaya.

Well then bkk, Phuket and pattaya are equally dangerous. Oh...what ridiculous nonsense you hold in your mind.

June 18th, 2013, 15:32
Phuket's not overly dangerous. Just be alert and use common sense. Be careful on the roads as it has one of the highest road fatality rates in the world.

Be aware of common scams. Be aware if you get scammed and it's a serious scam (e.g. the jet ski scam), it's likely the local police are in on it too, so are unlikely to be unbiased when "assisting you" - go to your embassy instead.

June 18th, 2013, 15:42
No offence Beachlover, but I can't imagine that while the jet-ski scammers are surrounding you and trying to shake you down, "going to your Embassy" is really an option.

Nirish guy
June 19th, 2013, 06:07
Nor would I imagine that any particular average staff member in your / any Embassy would actually give a shit and after making all the right ohh and ahh noises they would send you on your way to the local police station to report your grievance ( knowing full well the answer you are going to get there long before you've even finished your sad tale of how your jet ski wasn't even damaged in the first place never mind the XX,000 worth of baht damage that they managed to scam out of you - and all probably with the help of that very same friendly police officer who assisted the scammers and to whom you will then be standing reporting the civil matter / offence to in the first place perhaps.

But perhaps I'm wrong, so has anyone had any experience of an embassy actually stepping in to assist in resolving such a case, I'll not hold my breath on a positive reply re this one somehow I think ?

June 19th, 2013, 09:49
Phuket is the most dangerous place in the world for Australians http://www.bangkokpost.com/business/tou ... -in-phuket (http://www.bangkokpost.com/business/tourism/355732/australia-concerned-about-safety-in-phuket)

June 19th, 2013, 20:59
Maybe if the Aussies that go to Phuket didn't spend all their time falling down drunk it wouldn't be so dangerous for them.

June 20th, 2013, 09:05
What ridiculous nonsense. Phuket is no more prone to those things than Bangkok or Pattaya.
While you are entitled to your opinion, news reports appear to counter your claims:

http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/647 ... in-phuket/ (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/647705-thai-man-points-pistol-at-russian-visitor-in-phuket/)

http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/646 ... ike-theft/ (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/646788-phuket-teens-in-gang-attack-motorbike-theft/)

http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/646 ... st-safety/ (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/646161-us-envoy-in-phuket-talks-about-tourist-safety/)

These are just a few of the reports showing Phuket to be a dangerous place for visitors. Also, Phuket cannot be compared to a larger city such as Bangkok or Pattaya. And even there we do not get news of such violence toward tourist. Don't forget the thieving taxi and tuk tuk drivers and jetski operators.

June 20th, 2013, 16:23
What ridiculous nonsense. Phuket is no more prone to those things than Bangkok or Pattaya.

Oh Nathan you ridiculous nonsense man you...I do not think I have ever heard of anyone in BKK being scammed by a jetski rental operator...Oh you are so silly..In that regard Phuket is exponentially more dangerous than BKK...you am so silly man.

June 20th, 2013, 16:46
I hate to repeat myself but in my experience a lot of these "dangerous threats" in Phuket are completely avoidable.

In fact I don't think Jetskis and Taxi fares even justify the "dangerous threat" tag - these are well-known "scams", not "dangers"

My definition of "dangerous situations" is when I feel I might be attacked in the street.

I have never felt in any more danger in Phuket than Pattaya or BKK - and I would far sooner wander around any of those places in the small hours than e.g. Amsterdam, London, or New York.

June 20th, 2013, 16:57
I hate to repeat myself but in my experience a lot of these "dangerous threats" in Phuket are completely avoidable.

In fact I don't think Jetskis and Taxi fares even justify the "dangerous threat" tag - these are well-known "scams", not "dangers"

My definition of "dangerous situations" is when I feel I might be attacked in the street.

I have never felt in any more danger in Phuket than Pattaya or BKK - and I would far sooner wander around any of those places in the small hours than e.g. Amsterdam, London, or New York.

SG I agree with you - My experiences in Asia are that I feel safer here than living in the US in terms of personal safetly...Personal property safety...that is another issue.

My comments were directed at posters like Nathan who are dissmissive of new posters to this board.. calling the OP question "ridiculous nonsense". Maybe the original post is a bit naive..I do not know but I think the OP deserves better than having his concerns dismissed as "ridiculous nonsense".

Nirish guy
June 21st, 2013, 01:20
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMlMhV6B ... e=youtu.be (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMlMhV6B5co&feature=youtu.be)

Well it seems Phuket certainly isn't the safest place to be if you happen to be a Russian who's innocently trying to befriend / bang some random Thai guys wife !! ( although I'm not sure that that would be a good idea ANYWHERE in Thailand perhaps if you value your balls ! :-)

Girlfriend trouble - Russian threatened and beaten by Thai with gun..Vasiliy Tubaev from Russia discovered recently that not everything is as it seems in Thailand, and the result of misunderstandings can be very dangerous.

Full story here: http://www.thephuketnews.com/thai-man-p ... -40246.php (http://www.thephuketnews.com/thai-man-points-pistol-at-russian-visitor-in-phuket-40246.php)

( note to self - learn how to embed videos on this site some time soon - anyone any idea ?? - I did try using the "youtube" button, but without any success it seems ?)

June 21st, 2013, 10:20
What ridiculous nonsense. Phuket is no more prone to those things than Bangkok or Pattaya.
While you are entitled to your opinion, news reports appear to counter your claims:

http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/647 ... in-phuket/ (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/647705-thai-man-points-pistol-at-russian-visitor-in-phuket/)

http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/646 ... ike-theft/ (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/646788-phuket-teens-in-gang-attack-motorbike-theft/)

http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/646 ... st-safety/ (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/646161-us-envoy-in-phuket-talks-about-tourist-safety/)

These are just a few of the reports showing Phuket to be a dangerous place for visitors. Also, Phuket cannot be compared to a larger city such as Bangkok or Pattaya. And even there we do not get news of such violence toward tourist. Don't forget the thieving taxi and tuk tuk drivers and jetski operators.
Not that I like to make wildly unfounded accusations but I have a suspicion Ofage is Brisbaneguy's "mate" who loves to bash Phuket and Bangkok's traffic LOL. If I happen to be right, welcome back. I used to enjoy your posts. :rolling:

All you've posted above is a few anecdotes.

The reality is you're never going to get a black and white answer to your OP as "dangerous" is a subjective term. I would say Phuket contains some significant risks, but not enough to consider avoiding it altogether. I've never felt insecure there.

As for calling your consulate... I don't know about other countries, but the Australian ambassador-type person (not an actual ambassador but a representative - I forget the correct title) based in Phuket is fairly vocal about these scams and has probably received plenty calls for assistance. Hence, it wouldn't be a bad first point of call for advice. I'd certainly go to him before going to the local police who are corrupt and often on the side of the scammers.

Rush, Yet Again
June 22nd, 2013, 01:15
I've never felt insecure there.

But Beach, I thought you lost your heterosexually in Phuket!

With a nod to BKKguy, Google returns the following on search terms:

Phuket Dangerous:
About 1,440,000 results (0.37 seconds)

Pattaya Dangerous:
About 1,640,000 results (0.31 seconds)

June 22nd, 2013, 04:40
But Beach, I thought you lost your heterosexually in Phuket!I've been reading up on Beachlover via the Search function. Didn't he lose his heterosexuality to someone called homintern who use to be a poster here when Beachlover was a schoolboy in Sydney? And has Beachlover come out to his parents yet or what do they make of this string of boyfriends he keeps telling us about?

Nathan B
July 3rd, 2013, 01:49
Oh Nathan you ridiculous nonsense man you...I do not think I have ever heard of anyone in BKK being scammed by a jetski rental operator...Oh you are so silly..In that regard Phuket is exponentially more dangerous than BKK...you am so silly man.

Neither I nor the original post mentioned jet ski rentals.

My comments were directed at posters like Nathan who are dissmissive of new posters to this board.. calling the OP question "ridiculous nonsense". Maybe the original post is a bit naive..I do not know but I think the OP deserves better than having his concerns dismissed as "ridiculous nonsense".

Three separate replies from you in one thread Kittyboy, I obviously struck a nerve.

There's a repetitive theme from a few posters on this board who like to paint Phuket as a highly dangerous place to visit when it's just not true. I question their motivation. The original post was deliberately provocative and got the robust response it deserved.

I have travelled widely in Thailand over many years, and spend at least 4 weeks a year in Phuket, so I speak from experience. I have been robbed by a taxi driver in Bangkok, survived an attempted mugging by two ladyboys on a motorbike late at night in Pattaya, had a friend scammed by police outside Bangkok railway station, watched a tourist get beaten by Thai staff with baseball bats in the notorious Marine disco on Pattaya's walking street; I haven't had any of those types of problems in Phuket.

Also, Phuket cannot be compared to a larger city such as Bangkok or Pattaya. And even there we do not get news of such violence toward tourist. Don't forget the thieving taxi and tuk tuk drivers and jetski operators.

No violence in Pattaya? Are you serious? I can recall many stories of falangs in Pattaya being drugged and robbed; others being murdered; one lying dead at the bottom of an apartment block having mysteriously "jumped" from a balcony. I recommend the fascinating British TV series "Big Trouble in Thailand" highlighting the problems experienced by tourists, and the work of the Tourist police and falang volunteers. The series was mainly filmed in Pattaya, not Phuket. You can catch it on Youtube.

Yes Phuket tuk tuks are overpriced, but you know in advance what you are going to pay - if you don't like it move on to the next, you will soon find a driver willing to accept a lower fare. If you don't agree the fare in advance, then you deserve the surprise you'll get at the end of the journey. And anyone renting a jetski deserves to be taken for a ride.

Brad the Impala
July 3rd, 2013, 01:56
There's a repetitive theme from a few posters on this board who like to paint Phuket as a highly dangerous place to visit when it's just not true.

And two or three of them were the previous forum owner.

July 3rd, 2013, 02:35
Shirley you're not suggesting.........

July 9th, 2013, 11:35
Oh Nathan you ridiculous nonsense man you...I do not think I have ever heard of anyone in BKK being scammed by a jetski rental operator...Oh you are so silly..In that regard Phuket is exponentially more dangerous than BKK...you am so silly man.

Neither I nor the original post mentioned jet ski rentals.

My comments were directed at posters like Nathan who are dissmissive of new posters to this board.. calling the OP question "ridiculous nonsense". Maybe the original post is a bit naive..I do not know but I think the OP deserves better than having his concerns dismissed as "ridiculous nonsense".

Three separate replies from you in one thread Kittyboy, I obviously struck a nerve.

I mentioned jet skis. Jet skis = economic danger in phuket and not in bkk. so what is your point.

Yes..occasionally a silly posting like yours strikes a nerve.

July 19th, 2013, 15:17
A falang is hacked to death by a taxi driver with a samurai sword. This happened in Phuket, right? Widely known as the most dangerous place in the known universe? Perpetrated by the notorious Phuket tuk tuk mafia, obviously.

But wait, no, this was Bangkok!

Ofage, Kittyboy, please explain....

I do so love being proved right.

This tasteless quote is from the thread about the taxi driver killer the farang.

Oh Nathan. I will explain...will you understand? You are making at least 2 errors in judgement; the availability bias and the confirmation bias. Basically, a well publicized event either skews your perception (availabity bias) and or confirms your prior held belief (confirmation bias). Your example proves nothing, except your own errors in judgement.

Tasteless post, Wrong and thick....you hit the posting trifecta.

July 22nd, 2013, 10:38
PATTAYA jet ski scam


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