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View Full Version : double shot bar

June 9th, 2013, 17:52
What a great night there last night, was packed, great staff and boys, good prices for the drinks
The decor was up to date, unlike the rest of the bars
and every so often getting free nibbles
best thing that has happend in sunee.
ohh and they had a DJ on last night too

well done to doubl├й shots

June 9th, 2013, 19:03

Where are the pictures?!?!

Go back an get pictures! :angry5:

June 9th, 2013, 19:19
What time was this?
I have been in the area up to 1.00am and this bars always always looks deserted.

June 9th, 2013, 21:47
Do they still play this terrible German pop-songs? but now with DJ?

June 9th, 2013, 23:14
What a great night there last night, was packed, great staff and boys, good prices for the drinks
The decor was up to date, unlike the rest of the bars
and every so often getting free nibbles
best thing that has happend in sunee.
ohh and they had a DJ on last night too
well done to doubl├й shots
Im a fan of this funky bar. Last night not exactly packed-about 20 people including the B Boys. I've already predicted that this bar will evolve to being straight as per the general pattern all over the world; guess what? 25% approx of the clients last night were women and not a Tom among them.

June 10th, 2013, 01:15
well done to doubl├й shots
My first visit to sunee tonight (Sunday 9th) for 2-3 months and double shot seemed the busiest out of the surrounding bars. It has a lot of waiters for the size of it, add in a few customers and it looks busy. But it did have more customers than the bars beside it. Didn't go in as I just had time for one drink at Yayas where I was the only customer. Double Shot certainly looks 'funky' as described by one poster. Timmy's favourite 'hang out' the green chair bar? opposite was deserted.

I'll pop in by tomorrow as I know a couple of the new staff from previous bars. The pool table was occupied with customers and boys the whole time I was nearby. Later 3 'older' farang were looking around trying to decide where to sit and out of the surrounding bars chose Double Shot. Only saw one female customer. I think the amount of staff making it look busy seems to attract customers. Music wasn't loud (from outside).

June 11th, 2013, 22:57
Well thats a surprise , so no more german loud disco music ?

And the staff will sit with the customers ? I don't believe it until I see it...

June 12th, 2013, 01:54
Unlike a large percent of Sunee beer bars you'll only find manly hosts here, a nice alternative.

June 12th, 2013, 03:49
I was in double shot last week and have to say what a great bar this is. The atmosphere is very warm and friendly, we were playing pool with a couple of the lads that work there. The music was current and at a acceptable level to be able to chat without shouting. the bar itself looks stylish and has been referbished to a good standard and the service in the bar is excellent. well done to the management.

June 12th, 2013, 09:22
Unlike a large percent of Sunee beer bars you'll only find manly hosts here, a nice alternative.
Yes MFAS the staff set-up in Double Shot is unlike any sunee bar, but you are wrong to say there are ONLY manly hosts there. There are most definitely gay boys amongst the straight guys. For some it will i'm sure be a nice alternative, raging queens like your goodself obviously need pay-for-gay straight guys in bars...how else would you get a "good seeing to" otherwise?

While I think it best for bars to have a 'range' of boy types simply to attract the best range of potential customers if it wasn't for the gay/gay femme style boys in sunee bars the place would have been finished years ago. Boy bars staffed with gay lads have seen constant numbers of bars surviving in sunee or being replaced by another of the same for the dozen or so years I have been visiting, whereas for manly-only staffed bars probably ABomb(BzTown) and Krazy Dragon (90%) have been about the only two agogos consistantly...even BzBzBz with their 'old school' always had plenty of gay lads there.

Well thats a surprise , so no more german loud disco music ? And the staff will sit with the customers ? I don't believe it until I see it...
No, not 'no more' german music....one night there was a 'birthday party' and there was loud-ish music for a while, but the other couple of nights, while there was music, it wasn't that loud. And I'm not sure how many times you've been there and not seen boys with customers...the last 3 nights I have popped in I have sat with 3 different guys myself. Last night I sat with Mack the long-haired lad and other farang were sitting with boys apart from myself. I was only in for one drink each time, maybe 20-30 mins and saw plenty of chatting with waiters. But there are a few waiters who just seem to get on with serving as well as the ones who sit with any females (probably friends) and of course the one's who chat among themselves.

Maybe I have a different attitude when going there as I know a few of the staff from various Pattaya bars, but most of the boys I've never seen before. I know some don't care for the d├йcor etc.. but you really cant be under any misapprehension of where you are when sitting in any sunee bar, it will never be HiSo, but it is different...a change....inside it's very 'upbeat' if you're in the mood for that. I had a beer, it was under Bt100. It's going to the classic case of "time will tell" as to long term viability, a bar can only be supported by owners/managers/staff's friends making up the numbers near the start of it's life for so long, but last night I ran into a long-time Thai-ladyboy style friend karaoke bar owner (from the old day/night soi 1 bars) who always had a 'mixed' staff and she/he only likes the manly men and visited Double Shot last night specifically because he/she had heard there were manly staff, so it may pick-up a 'following'.

I certainly hope it is successful as that is a large corner unit to have vacant. It probably wont appeal to many of the local expats and miserable old codgers like Timmberty but if it can continue to 'import' custom to the area, that can only be good for sunee...no? Give me a pretentious hiso bar instead of sunee bars which 'specialise' in younger than "legal-aged" staff any time! Can many of you not remember exactly 'what' was on that site many years ago?

June 12th, 2013, 18:39
Unlike a large percent of Sunee beer bars you'll only find manly hosts here, a nice alternative.

Does that include the Julian Clary lookalike?

June 12th, 2013, 19:30
While I think it best for bars to have a 'range' of boy types simply to attract the best range of potential customers if it wasn't for the gay/gay femme style boys in sunee bars the place would have been finished years ago.(quote)newalaan2

Allana as usual your wrong. :8( Your above quote actually began the decline of Sunee, get you facts straight man!