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View Full Version : Airport limo with benefits?

June 5th, 2013, 02:47
Obviously all those of you in happily committed relationships wouldn't be interested, but following on from matt's idea on another thread - would you use an airport limo service which offered that little bit extra? I believe Devil's Den (a straight bar/hotel) offers this service. It basically means you would have a boy or two meet you in Arrivals, escort you to your waiting limo with champagne on ice, and some interaction on the journey to Pattaya. Sound attractive? Would you change from Mr. T. or Mr. Toom?

June 5th, 2013, 03:10
Hell No - when I get off the plane I've normally been travelling for probably 24 hours (after you take into account all the check-in times and layover and immigration and taxi to Pattaya) and to be sure I'll have been partaking of all the in-flight hospitality. Also I can not sleep on a plane (well not in Economy anyway).

So, after all that all the last thing on my mind is a spot of how's your father in the back of a car!

All I want is to get to the hotel as quickly as possible, check-in, shave, shower, change of clothes, cold beer in hotel bar and catch my second wind.

Some of you are just sex maniacs!! :sign5:

June 5th, 2013, 03:24
You should probably hook up with NIrish Guy - he could have his nap while you're having your shower :occasion9:

Jeez, I though I was past it, but now I feel positively young and vibrant.

June 5th, 2013, 03:34
Can it be a stretch limo with a massage table in the back? That could be fun!

None of this sitting in a seat shit for me. I want to be buck naked, laying out & relaxing on a comfortable table, getting a full body massage from a gorgeous naked 20 year old during my cab ride to Pattaya! Make sure you have a decent sound system in there as well, playing some good love songs.

June 5th, 2013, 03:38
matt, this is Thailand - if you're willing to pay anything is possible. Besides, I was hoping you'd run the thing from there, being the local guy and all that

June 5th, 2013, 04:19
hah! Me managing hookers? They'd murder me within a week. Then the police would be standing around my body that washed up ashore, muttering amongst themselves in disgust about how they have to clean up another dumb farang. :)

June 5th, 2013, 04:32
well I'll just have to explore the options when I'm there in a couple of days. Maybe Mr. T would be a good starting point?

June 5th, 2013, 05:57
Maybe it could be fun if I could pick the guys... One thing I often do is when I meet guys, if Pattaya comes up and if they are going around the time I am going, I offer then a free ride by joining me in my hired car.

Last year I invited a Bangkok friend to join me for 3 days in Pattaya. I told them I will give them 2000 Baht when they arrive and they have to use that money to rent their own room and pay for their own drinks. I will buy the food. On the 2nd day I will give their the other 2000 baht and the same deal applies. To go back to Bangkok, I will give them 500 baht to either take the coach or the bus back.

It worked well. They stopped buying expensive drinks they they would when I picked up the check and they were more sensible with their money.
Sure they still purchased silly trinkets only to regret it the next day considering it a waste of money.

I enjoyed their company on the ride up, and had fun with them for 2 1/2 days where I was able to pretend he was my BF so the guys would just let us sit and have fun without pressure... to some extent.

By then he gets on my nerves and I am happy to see him go. Then when I see him again in Bangkok we are fine again and he is back to asking me to pay his way into DJ station. (My young friend is not Thai, but he does enjoy the company, help and support that the Farang & mature Thai provide him.)

If you have been to DJ and saw a slim guy with defined muscles doing a back flip on the stage and in his landing, going down to a split and coming back up and spinning like Michael Jackson, then you have seen the friend I speak of.

Back to inviting strangers to ride with me to Pattaya. So far I have never regretted making the invitation. I have always enjoyed getting to know them better. It's also fun when you are sitting in a restaurant and they walk by, stop, tap on the glass and wave with a smile.

Nirish guy
June 5th, 2013, 06:10
I told them I will give them 2000 Baht when they arrive and they have to use that money to rent their own room and.

Maybe I'm missing something here but is the whole point not that they should preferably stay in your room with you for a bit of fun otherwise short of company ( which to be fair was maybe your whole point) maybe they do and I've missed the point?

June 5th, 2013, 06:23
I told them I will give them 2000 Baht when they arrive and they have to use that money to rent their own room and.

Maybe I'm missing something here but is the whole point not that they should preferably stay in your room with you for a bit of fun otherwise short of company ( which to be fair was maybe your whole point) maybe they do and I've missed the point?

We don't have sexual fun together. They always flirt with me but I think that is because they just can't turn it off. I tried sharing a bed with them but fought them off till the sun started coming up so I just let it happen and imagined my grandmother was in the room watching us while telling me how disappointed in me she was. That helped me to stop getting an erection so they figured they would poke me. I was not going to let that happen so I climbed on top of him, held him down and jerked him off.

Now, if I invite him anyplace, he can't sleep in my room or my bed. He has to get his own room which I am happy to pay for. He is also free to go off on his own and enjoy the company of a lonely Farang. We stay in touch by phone and SMS and will meet at the beach, the Sauna, a restaurant or a bar. But most often he meets a guy and we hang together for a while till they go their own way for the night.

I like it that way. It's like being in Pattaya with a fellow friend who is also there just to have fun and enjoy the weekend.

June 5th, 2013, 13:38
I agree with scottish-guy.

June 5th, 2013, 15:15
No seat-belts then Joe?

June 5th, 2013, 16:05
If into "restraints" Sooty, I'm sure that can be accommodated.

June 9th, 2013, 02:24
I would never hire such a service for collecting me straight off the plane, but i have been tempted on occasion to hire it for coming to Pattaya after staying a few days in Bangkok.

An outfit called Tan's Taxi Service has a facebook page about their service. https://www.facebook.com/tantaxipattaya

Here is a picture of the interior of the big limo. Plenty of room to stretch out for a massage there I think:
