View Full Version : Avatars for the new platform

June 5th, 2013, 00:56
In the past I have made avatars for many members. The new platform will allow 150 x 150 ones.

If you send me a picture or an idea of your interests I will try to make one.

My PM mail box is set at 25 so first come etc etc.

June 5th, 2013, 02:51
will we still be able to use our old avatars? I've gotten quite used to seeing myself as Oscar

June 5th, 2013, 13:13
I'll ask if they move with us or if they have to be reloaded.

Dante..... are you there ?

June 5th, 2013, 13:24
The new platform will allow 150 x 150 ones.(avatars)

Does that mean there will be significant changes in the forum software that might require submitting a new picture (or the same in different size) for avatar?

June 5th, 2013, 15:19
A former boyfriend (in IT) used to wander about repeating the mantra "smooth and seamless upgrade". It ain't sounding like that the more I read about it.

June 5th, 2013, 15:24
Dante is looking at the avatar situation. Next bulletin soon.