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June 2nd, 2013, 23:59
Many of you have been in long and loving relationships with a Thai guy, and some of you have loved and lost. Can you tell us something about living with a Thai guy that you never thought to expect? Something that is simply Thai to them but unexpected for you? Was there something that was an accepted routine in your own culture that made your lover grin with bewilderment?

And for you that have loved and lost, was there something that was simply Thai that made you end the relationship? Or was there something about your way of life that he found to difficult to live with?

June 3rd, 2013, 07:53
My only advice would be, if you're the one paying the bills, you're the boss, so act like it. Don't worry about this 50/50 thing, compromise, mutual respect, etc., because especially if you're living with someone from a poor background, you're probably not going to get it in return.

June 3rd, 2013, 08:52
I have lived with my boyfriend for over 8 years now and I find that what makes it work is if you treat the person with respect that is how you will be treated in return. He is a full grown man and I treat him like one. He has full freedom to come and go as he pleases and do as he pleases. Of course, I have the same option. I do not need, want or expect him to be with me 24 hours a day. Everyone needs their free time to do as they wish. I believe that because of this we have never had a serious disagreement much less a fight.

What I had found frustrating is the almost total lack of concern for being on time. However I found a way around this. If we need to be somewhere by 8PM I just tell him we need to be there by 7:30. Has worked every time. :)

As far as "being the boss" I do not consider our relationship as a boss/employee situation. If you have an attitude like that I would think the relationship would be doomed to fail.

Just my view and others may disagree but this works extremely well for me. I would not change a thing.

Khor tose
June 3rd, 2013, 09:25
What I had found frustrating is the almost total lack of concern for being on time. However I found a way around this. If we need to be somewhere by 8PM I just tell him we need to be there by 7:30. Has worked every time. :)

As far as "being the boss" I do not consider our relationship as a boss/employee situation. If you have an attitude like that I would think the relationship would be doomed to fail.

Just my view and others may disagree but this works extremely well for me. I would not change a thing.

I have been living with mine for four years and I agree with all of the above. The only difference is that I do insist that he be on time as good training for when (if DOMA is thrown out) we move back to the USA. Be it for a doctors appointment or for a job, he has to learn how to be on time. I've patiently explained all of this to him, and he trust me enough to believe me and work on it. I am very happy with him this last year as he has been on time or close enough not to matter for this last year.

June 3rd, 2013, 09:44
A friend of mine has been in a relationship with the same Thai guy for 25 years in the UK. He sometimes says to me he knows he'll never be treated as an equal, the guy's family in the village, especially his mother, is the #1 priority. Even though the Thai has his own independent income - around 30,000 pounds - he doesn't think he should contribute to the (joint) mortgage or even the weekly shopping bill, as all his surplus money is needed back home. Or for his clothes, and his shoes, and his skin preparations and his twice-yearly air tickets to visit Mum.

My friend thinks I'm too harsh because I order in (off GayRomeo etc.) and then pay them off. I don't have to listen or respond to inane questions all of which revolve around issues of personal vanity ("I look young, don't I?", "You think I look slim?") or economic hardship.

June 3rd, 2013, 12:08
I've lived with my Thai partner for 15 years in Pattaya. As the previous posters verify, it is not impossible to sustain a long term relationship with a Thai guy. As to cultural differences which require adjustment (I've given up trying to change them) "time" is certainly way up on the list. If I'm to be somewhere at 8 PM, I'm usually there before 7:55; Ken, on the other hand, thinks 8 PM should be about the time he starts to get ready. I use the suggestion above and just lie about what time we're to arrive. I've also never adjusted to the food storage issue. Leaving food outside the refrigerator seems so ingrained it's almost impossible to change that habit. I had to laugh at the vanity comment above. Hell, we could stock an Avon storeroom with skin creams, cosmetics, and all sorts of other goo. I've also given up trying to get him to sit on the toilet rather than squat on it. But, all is good and I'm happy and grateful we've found each other.

June 3rd, 2013, 13:22
My only advice would be, if you're the one paying the bills, you're the boss, so act like it. Don't worry about this 50/50 thing, compromise, mutual respect, etc., because especially if you're living with someone from a poor background, you're probably not going to get it in return.

dude, matt! get a profile pic! the idea of the rotating generic image is a stupid one. the forum needs a default image for those who aren't creative enough to come up with one on their own. but without a custom pic, it's hard to tell at first glance who's talking. especially when the lame rotating image is the same one as the previous poster. looks like the same person posting. i would pay more attention to what you have to say if i knew it was you saying it.

June 3rd, 2013, 13:38
From stays with Thai friend (at their place or they at my place) up to several days, I see the following problems:

ChristianPFC does not like air drafts. A fan is out of question, I got used to the weak air draft from aircon (25 C, there is some latitude).

He can play music I like or I am indifferent to, but only at an acceptable volume level.

I didn't have a problem with TV with most of my Thai acquaintances (I don't have a TV and I think it will stay that way). There is usually a TV running in another room, with family members watching, but my Thai friend never watched TV when we were together.

Mobile phone use is a big issue. Some of my Thai friends use their mobile phone in a way that I consider unacceptable when you are with someone.

No problems with food storage so far, but I eat everything that is on my plate and expect my future boyfriend to do so, too. There are no leftovers, there is lemon peel and bones, nothing more. There will be no waste of food in ChristianPFC's household.

June 3rd, 2013, 13:51
dude, matt! get a profile pic! the idea of the rotating generic image is a stupid one. the forum needs a default image for those who aren't creative enough to come up with one on their own. but without a custom pic, it's hard to tell at first glance who's talking. especially when the lame rotating image is the same one as the previous poster. looks like the same person posting. i would pay more attention to what you have to say if i knew it was you saying it.

How about this guy? Pretty good resemblance of me, don't you think?


June 3rd, 2013, 14:08
How about this guy? Pretty good resemblance of me, don't you think?

Perfect. Anything.
Just not a rotating image used by multiple people that is different every time you post. Stupidest thing I've ever seen on any forum. Ever.
well... I take that back. Stupidest built-in feature.

June 3rd, 2013, 14:20
matt I thought you were Canadian? this internet thing - people just aren't who they seem sometimes :dontknow:

Nirish guy
June 3rd, 2013, 16:42
matt I thought you were Canadian? this internet thing - people just aren't who they seem sometimes :dontknow:

yeah and sorry to burst your bubble even further Joe but SOME PEOPLE aren't EVEN called Matt apparently !! lol

"Matt" I am jesting as I believe it was you yourself who posted that fact on the board at one stage, if not and I read it somewhere else I apologise in advance for my lighthearted jest.

Nirish guy
June 3rd, 2013, 16:45
matt I thought you were Canadian? this internet thing - people just aren't who they seem sometimes :dontknow:

Yeah ....and I'm sorry to burst your bubble even more Joe but apparently SOME PEOPLE aren't EVEN called Matt it seems - SHOCKING EH !! :-) lol

"Matt" I am jesting as I believe it was you yourself who posted that fact in that "CDNMatt was only your profile name on the board at one point, if not and I read that somewhere else I apologise in advance for my lighthearted jest.

Oh and to keep on track - on a positive note of staying with Thai guys ( I guess depending on the guy) is just how tidy they are with their clothes etc, always neatly folding them and putting them away ready for another use - whereas they look at me like a slob where ( as I'm holiday of course) I intend a one wear situation and after use my shirt or whatever is bucked back into the dirty section of the suit case - only for some of them to come behind me and refold and re pack after me - although I've noticed those days are getting less and less now for some reason, Thai guys just don't seem to be "taking care" as good as they used to these days ( or maybe I'm just not tipping as much as I used too perhaps ! )

June 3rd, 2013, 17:00
Indeed, the more I learn of this interweb thingy, the more mistrustful I become.

Any "long time" offs I've had (my only reference point) the thing that annoyed me most was the TV being on constantly. But maybe it's not just young Thais who need noise all the time?

June 3rd, 2013, 17:46
I agree with NIrish!

It used to be that if you had a boy ready and waiting on your arrival, he would meet you at the airport, accompany you to the hotel, unpack all you clothes and hang them up and arrange all your "smalls" in the cupboards/drawers. Next a hot shower would be run for you ("with benefits")

Then, if you went out shopping or even to the beach, he would carry everything for you - and at the end of your trip you didn't have to worry about packing for your journey home, it would all be done for you as if by magic!

Of course it was all in expectation of extra tips - which were gratefully given and received.

Now they make more mess in the room than I do, I have to do all the unpacking and re-packing, and it often involves giving him one of MY suitcases to transport home all the stuff he has persuaded me to buy for him!!

Where did it all go wrong :sign5:

June 3rd, 2013, 19:27
"Matt" I am jesting as I believe it was you yourself who posted that fact in that "CDNMatt was only your profile name on the board at one point, if not and I read that somewhere else I apologise in advance for my lighthearted jest.

Yeah, you're remembering right, and I have no problem admitting it. Matt isn't the name printed in my passport. This is just an online moniker, same as all you guys use. :-)

Anyway, I'll still stick with what I said -- if you hookup with a Thai from a poorer background, and you're paying the bills, you're the boss, so act like it and make sure you don't lose that standing by being too nice. I tried the whole 50/50 thing, being open minded, "our" life, "our" house, and so on -- and I got totally ran over to the point I threw a couple years of my life away to depression and misery. My own fault for being too nice, I guess.

Here's some small stories for you guys:

It got to the point where I just went without a towel for several months, and drip dried instead, because I refused to buy more towels, as I was tired of buying them month after month only to have them disappear. I wasn't allowed to have anything nice in life. For example, one time bought a sectional with a nice dining room table. The stooges downstairs took the glass top off the table, packed it out front and used it to dry a bunch of cooked rice. Then the packed the table into the kitchen, flipped it on its side, threw it into the corner, and went back to eating off the floor.

At one point we had 4 tables and probably 16 chairs floating around downstairs and out front. That somehow whittled its way down to one table and two chairs. No idea where the rest went. One time I bought I blender, because I was on a smoothie kick, and liked making my own. That phase only lasted a few weeks, then I put the blender in the storage room. Couple months later I decided I'd like to make a smoothie again, only to find out apparently I'm such a nice guy, I gave the blender to his little sister a couple weeks before that. Nice of me, eh?

My sandals kept disappearing from the front door, leaving me to walk down to the market in bare feet on the gravel. Finally got pissed off, threw a fit infront of everyone, and bought bright blue neon sandals, so nobody could possibly mistake them for their own. Thankfully after that everyone left my sandals alone, and I always had a pair there for me.

Bought Kim an old piece of junk motorbike for work (he also had a nice bike for general usage), plus one of those side carts. Off he went selling BBQ at the market, and it was great -- awesome money for someone in his position. Sure enough, only lasted a week or two though. Couple months later I wake up after a nap, and go downstairs only to find out he sold his work bike because him and his friends wanted more whiskey that afternoon.

At any given time there was about 6 - 10 people living in the house, but they all stayed downstairs, whereas the upstairs was for me. For whatever reason the stooges took the drain cover off the drain in the downstairs bathroom, and they're pigs, so loads of crap got shoved down there -- tubes of toothpaste, q-tips, small shampoo bottles, whatever. I didn't know this until one morning I go downstairs to find the house flooded. By this stage I generally learned to shrug my shoulders and not care about this stuff, but this was a huge safety hazard, so couldn't do that this time.

Made my concern known once Kim was awake, and sure enough, the response was "mai bpen rai"!. For fuck sakes, no... you can't "mai bpen rai" this one. If the water would have went a few more feet, it would have hit one of the power bars laying on the floor, and since there's like 8 people sleeping on the floor downstairs, that could have ended really badly. Although I didn't like any of the stooges downstairs, I didn't want them to get electrocuted to death in my house either.

After a while I refused to pay the cable bill, because I never watched TV since I wasn't really welcome downstairs in my own home, and there's like 8 - 10 people living there for free, so I figured they can come up with 500 baht/month to pay it. Sure enough they never paid it, so cable got cut off. Kim comes upstairs complaining they don't have TV, and wants 1900 baht to get a satellite. He says it's a one-time fee with no monthly, so not sure how that works -- black market stealing cable, or maybe the satellite carrier offers some free channels. Anyway, I decide to be a nice guy and give him the money. Sure enough, he doesn't bother getting a satellite, and by this point I'm too worn down to even care or ask where the money went. He never asked for money for the TV again though, because he knows full well I would have told him to fuck off. So instead of having a nice big screen TV, about 8 of them sat huddled around a laptop watching Youtube, lol.

I could go on for about 6 weeks straight with stories like this. Like I said, if you're paying the bills, you're the boss, so make sure to act like it.

June 4th, 2013, 01:27
cdnmatt...what a fricking nightmare....reckon my way is till the way to go...rent...rent and keep om renting....

June 4th, 2013, 02:39
have to agree with you, latintop - even if matt's case is an extreme one, it should certainly give pause for thought for those dreaming of a new life in Thailand with the boy of their dreams.

June 4th, 2013, 02:44
i was under the impression matt did rent .. unless you are talking about the b/f and not the house ..
im sure he didnt sneak off in the middle of the night with the dogs and leave the house behind.

June 4th, 2013, 02:49
not for the first time, I don't understand your post, timmberty. what do you mean about him leaving the house behind? are you saying he'd bought the house then left it to his ex bf and the other hangers-on?

June 4th, 2013, 02:54
no joe i am replying to latins post ... he reckons his way is right ... rent rent rent ... he seems to think matt brought his house .. i thought he was renting it. hence he was just able to up sticks and bugger off.

June 4th, 2013, 02:58
It's my own fault for engaging in conversation with you, timmberty (do you have a shorter nickname I can use). but I suspect (as you know) latintop was referring to renting boys rather than houses. On a serious note, though, if I were in matt's position, I might have found leaving the house behind the easy part. but who knows except matt.

June 4th, 2013, 03:06
call me what everyone else does ... tho wanker isnt that much shorter ..

June 4th, 2013, 03:17
getting back on topic (sorry wanker) it seems most people who've posted have had genuinely positive experiences. I wonder what our OP bucknaway makes of it all?

June 4th, 2013, 03:40
getting back on topic (sorry wanker) it seems most people who've posted have had genuinely positive experiences. I wonder what our OP bucknaway makes of it all?Eleven people have posted. I don't think even a bare majority have made positive posts much less "most people".

June 4th, 2013, 03:50
thanks Sooty - I was referring to the people who had posted about real experiences and it seemed to me (though I didn't count them) that those who actually had relationships with Thai guys were very happy. So of the posters who had relationships with Thai guys, it seems to me the majority were happy. One - cdnmatt - had a bad experience. Simples. Most of the other posts, including my own, were commenting on those.

June 4th, 2013, 06:03
he seems to think matt brought his house .. i thought he was renting it. hence he was just able to up sticks and bugger off.

Yes, I rent, and always will in Thailand. Even if I was a multi-billionaire, I wouldn't buy in Thailand. Renting is too cheap compared to purchase prices, plus I can't own land anyway.

June 4th, 2013, 06:30
getting back on topic (sorry wanker) it seems most people who've posted have had genuinely positive experiences. I wonder what our OP bucknaway makes of it all?

I've had 2 BF's from Bali who lived in Philadelphia. I never lived with them but loved them both. We got along well but after a time our steamy love turned into a hot friendship.

My last BF was a body builder and seemed to care for me a lot. Too much I felt and it scared me to no end so I ended the relationship and we fell out of touch and no longer talk to each other. I stopped going to Philly so I that I don't have to worry about bumping into him. He is a very, very emotional guy and us bumping into each other could get messy and I am sure he could kick my ass if he wanted to.

One thing I did enjoy with him was each of us taking turns having each other try a food we knew the other may never try. We both knew not to let the other know what they were eating until we knew if they liked it or not.

He loved breakfast Grits.
He loved breakfast Cereal. Corn Chex was a big hit with him.
He looked at breakfast scrapple they way you would look over a used car with a price that was too good to be true.
He also liked liverwurst.
Come to think of it.... I don't think there was much he didn't like! Oh. he didn't like spicy food!

Now, I am single and happy and never, ever, ever want another boyfriend. Even when I return to Thailand I try not to meet any guy that is interested in a relationship with me.

Oh, I did enjoy spending the weekend at his house and marveled at the 50lb bag of rice in the kitchen and the rice cooker that always seem to be warming rice. It also seemed that everything in the house served a functional purpose. I also loved how he turned his back porch into something that looked like a jungle garden.

He could turn nothing into something to behold, but if his PC had a single problem he was on the phone to me letting me know he needed me to come fix it! Hahaha. I would joke that he is Asian and should be good with PC's and should only be calling me to teach him a new dance move or how to dunk. (I don't play basketball...).

There are things I miss from having a lover but I must admit that I sleep better being single and I am a much happier person.

June 4th, 2013, 07:24
I have lived witb thai guys now for a good few years and while its by no means all plain sailing I havent had a lot of hassle with them either
I founf it doesnt matter if the guy is a city or a country guy when it comes to keeping a house clean and tidy - they are All slobs that nees to be trained in what is accectable in a farang household - that has been the biggest reason for fights with the guys be they (A) boyfriend living with me or (B)some of the others that are staying here just as friends, or my third categoiry of (C) house boy fuck buddy (a Colmx term )

I have evicted a few guys who simply were too lazy to keep clean whatever area they were given and I have also seen that such an eviction had little impact on the remaining guys in the place :dontknow:
I have found that all guys have been totally trustworthday as regards anything been stolen from the house - so that should help dispell the old myth that a lot gogo boys were possibly only thieving scoundrels out to rob farang
I have seen cases of the boys theiving from each other tho

Unfortunately most guys dont seem to posess many basic good manners,

And my final point would be that this generation of guys (same for thegirls ive noticed ) are becoming more and more obsessed with their phones and I like Christian have seen many cases where phone use is simply not acceptable behaviour when in my
company- ihave one guy crying at me lately that I dont bring him over to the house anymore - I simply had got tired trying to get his head out of the dammphone - I rem prying the damm phone out ofhis hands one day as he was sitting with hot bubbly water up to his neck in the jaccuzi - him texting away oblivious to the danger of thephone slipping into the water

But as a whole my experiences with living with thai guys is very positive :bounce: - any of the negatives ive mentioned have been far far outweighed by all the positives - the fun And laughs we have all had, the. sexual experiences together (groups a and c. !!) learning some of their culture etc, too many new experiences to list -- so to anybody thinking of possibly living with your guy (which prob will turn into more guys, friends etc living with ye )--- GO FOR IT. ----YOU WILL HAVE A BALL :party

Good topic Bucky!,

June 4th, 2013, 11:47
For cdnmatt:

Perhaps I've missed something here. Perhaps I just have not been around here much lately (the Neal Regime and all ... ), so forgive me if I'm off track on this.
Are you still with Kim, or not?

Things don't sound particularly happy ("I love my dogs more than ... ") and the litany of annoying complaints described above sounds like a man in need of a change in lifestyle.
So are these bad adventures a thing of the past now ... i.e. without Kim? Or have they been ended by coming to some (successful?) compromises regarding living agreements ... i.e, with Kim?
Or are they ~ the Bad Stuff ~ an ongoing feature still?

And to the original question of 'Living with a Thai Guy' ... gosh how times flies and I notice this post written by me with very much the same title but back in 2008, a year after we first started shacking up together: living-with-ones-thai-love-months-t14840.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/living-with-ones-thai-love-months-t14840.html)
Perhaps I'll write Part 2 after promising to do so in that thread. For this here thread desperately needs Another Story, a different one than one of despair and the resulting unfortunare generalizations manufactured from that despair.

And again my gosh, how different our experiences are . . . it's like the yin-yan cliches of black and white, day and night, love and hate, heads or tails: together we still are, 13 years after meeting ... 7 years in holiday hotel beds and now 6 years in the same king size bed, on the same Soi.
And not one, not a single one of the angst-churning predicaments you've found yourself in have I experienced with my old man.
The stealing is not present, a non issue, even so much as missing coin from my change bowl.
The inate thoughtfulness for me by him is the absolute opposite of the seeming indifference to your feelings which you receive from Kim. Does he never take your (reasonable) needs into account? Does he not worry that you are worried? Pot says to me, many more times than once " ... I'm most happy when you are happy ... " Has Kim ever expressed any such feelings? If not something (anything!) similar, if not such-like expressions of tenderness even once in a blue moon ... what do you see in him? Why do you stay? Besides the dogs that is.

The relatives-taking-advantage has not appeared, not once ... even in the face of Pot's mother being invited numerous times to come join us on the beach (she's never seen a beach!) ... even when his sister came down to investigate job opportunities in Hua Hin (she stayed one week in the upstairs bedroom, brought her son along, cleaned up beautifully, thanked us profusely when she left) ... even an open-ended invitation to his two brothers to make an appearance has come to nothing. (Handsome both ... I'd be more than happy to have them running around the house in bath towels).
The descriptions of the family invasion, as well as those of Kim himself are acutely foreign to me ... 'another country' indeed. These are two Thai men of strangely opposing sensibilities ... and from very similar Isaan farm families.

How did you allow 6-9 people living in the downstairs of the house ~ wrecking it ~ and for so long? That's not generosity, it's self-immolation.
I don't get it.

June 4th, 2013, 13:21
Can you tell us something about living with a Thai guy that you never thought to expect?
Haven't had any surprises or anything unexpected living with my Thai boyfriends. A couple of nights staying with my ex-boyfriends family in their middle of nowhere home was an eye-opener! Though I had expected that to be the case so no great surprises. The week I spent living with hill tribes in their Northern Thailand villages was an interesting experience too!

My only advice would be, if you're the one paying the bills, you're the boss, so act like it. Don't worry about this 50/50 thing, compromise, mutual respect, etc., because especially if you're living with someone from a poor background, you're probably not going to get it in return.
My advice would be to NOT get into any relationship where you're going to be the only one paying the bills...

As to cultural differences which require adjustment (I've given up trying to change them)...
Not referring to your situation in particular, just generally... I think the attitude to take here is both sides need to be prepared to adjust to be part of each others' lives. It's not fair when one party is making all the changes in their life to accommodate the other and if this is becoming an issue, you need to make that clear to your partner - show him what you've done to adjust to his culture and lifestyle and if he genuinely loves you, he will do the same.

If someone's not willing to adjust to your likes and lifestyle when you've made a great deal of effort to do that for him, then you need to question if this is the right relationship for you... remaining in that situation would just show you've got no self respect.

Here's some small stories for you guys... I could go on for about 6 weeks straight with stories like this.
Jesus Christ... Matt, what did you do to yourself?! :rolling:

Thanks for the stories. They were entertaining. I hope you've got the sense never to put yourself in that situation again!

No offense, but your in laws at the time of those stories sound like a complete pack of low-class slobs with no shame, no integrity, no common courtesy, no self respect, no principles and happy to leech of anyone that will let them.

Now Kim was born into that but he had the choice to break out of it and didn't. Don't let his lack motivation put you off though... there are plenty of Thais born into that shit who will break the mould (and not give a toss about what their parents want them to do) and those are the ones who become successful.

How did you allow 6-9 people living in the downstairs of the house ~ wrecking it ~ and for so long? That's not generosity, it's self-immolation.
Yep... I agree. And no self respect either.

The relatives-taking-advantage has not appeared, not once ... even in the face of Pot's mother being invited numerous times to come join us on the beach (she's never seen a beach!) ... even when his sister came down to investigate job opportunities in Hua Hin (she stayed one week in the upstairs bedroom, brought her son along, cleaned up beautifully, thanked us profusely when she left)...
Yep... There is a stereotype of poorer Thais being shameless leeches who seek to take advantage of you without any integrity whatsoever, but it definitely doesn't apply to all. There are plenty of poorer Thais who retain their integrity and principles and will not want to take advantage or contribute less than their fair share to any situation be it with a peer or wealthier person.

June 4th, 2013, 13:36
I have lived witb thai guys now for a good few years... I founf it doesnt matter if the guy is a city or a country guy when it comes to keeping a house clean and tidy - they are All slobs that nees to be trained in what is accectable in a farang household
Pardon my momentary lack of tact... But that's absolute bullshit and is probably saying more about the guys you choose to hang around than Thai guys in general!

I've lived/moved in with two Thai boyfriends and lived on and off with a couple of other Thai boyfriends and none of them were slobs! Now, I have encountered slobs before but none I had a relationship with.

My current boyfriend is from the city and is perfectly neat and tidy, whether we're at home or in a hotel room. Doesn't clutter the place up and cleans up after himself pretty much on par with the way I do.

My previous boyfriend was from the country and even cleaner! He was clean and tidy to the point of being anal about it! I pay a cleaner to come in once a week now but when I was living with him, he refused to do this because in his mind, no one else will clean as thoroughly as he does! So despite having plenty of cash, he did his own cleaning himself, wiping down all the tiles in the bathroom and picking up every little loose hair or bit of dirt from the carpet.

The ironic thing is his family are the opposite to him, complete slobs. No wonder he left home at 14 or 15. His siblings get nervous around him and he gets his Mum riled up when he walks around the house asking if this cup is clean and pointing out a leftover food stain on a plate LOL.

One thing you will find with guys that come from developing countries is some of them will try extra hard to be immaculately groomed and keep their place clean and tidy because they want to differentiate themselves from the "unwashed masses" in their country... being dirty or messy is a sign of being a poor working class person. Poor working class guys who aspire to do better will do the same... I suspect that's how my ex developed that habit to the extreme.

June 4th, 2013, 15:40
...I eat everything that is on my plate and expect my future boyfriend to do so, too. There are no leftovers, there is lemon peel and bones, nothing more.

Bloody hell, christian, just when I begin to think that you might be reasonably normal after all...

Nirish guy
June 4th, 2013, 15:46
...I eat everything that is on my plate and expect my future boyfriend to do so, too. There are no leftovers, there is lemon peel and bones, nothing more.

Bloody hell, christian, just when I begin to think that you might be reasonably normal after all...

??? And WHAT out of all the things that Christian writes about could have brought you to THAT conclusion !! :) Hell, anyone that talks about themselves in the third person as much as Christian does is way up there on my perhaps a little lets say "special" list from the get go ! lol

June 4th, 2013, 20:58

No problems with food storage so far, but I eat everything that is on my plate and expect my future boyfriend to do so, too. There are no leftovers, there is lemon peel and bones, nothing more. There will be no waste of food in ChristianPFC's household.

I think that Christian should look for a dog, not a boyfriend; they even eat the bones.

June 5th, 2013, 15:15
ChristianPFC likes francois' post.

(The only reason why I spell francois and other member's names in lowercase is because they appear in lowercase above their avatar, whereas I consider myself as "ChristianPFC" - easier to read with capitals, I don't remember why I registerd in lowercase. I just checked in my profile - account settings, it seems you can't change your username.)

June 5th, 2013, 21:36
The correct spelling of my name is Fran├зois with a cap with a cedilla, ├з.