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May 31st, 2013, 11:09
Hi, a friend of mine (NOT ME) is looking for a Weight Watchers program in Pattaya .... he feels he needs a support group as he enters a serious weight loss regimen. Has anybody here ever heard of such a program in Pattaya?? He would prefer an English-speaking group. Many thanks.

May 31st, 2013, 14:12
I did, as you and your friend probably also did, a google search and nothing really comes up.

Some fancy restaurants claim to have WW menu's and more of such findings.

But while searching, I did come to my attention that it does not matter where you go in Pattaya/Thailand. If there are farangs, well it could be a Weight Watchers meeting anyway.

So maybe your friends should try and start one himself.
If he chooses to, I will be a member and signup. I could loose "some" weight and have tried it again and again, but without support, it is easy to slip away.

I once even joined a gym, but again, alone and with no support it is not easy.

So, if your friend, wants to start a support group for overweight farangs, living here, who need support for gym (group discount, comes to mind), talks, meetings or anything, COUNT ME IN.


PS. I and I am sure the OP also, would like to keep this thread on topic, so NO interruptions, like idiot fat jokes and crazy other crap.

I know I am not most people biggest fan (no that is not a joke), but I do request the support from the MOD and ADMIN in this, to keep it on track.

{Taken under advisement - jinks}

Nirish guy
May 31st, 2013, 15:33
Smoothlegs assuming that you just copied and pasted the message as just posted by Ronpattaya on GB's board as it perhaps worked for you too I've just gone ahead and posted the same reply here that I posted to him there just in case it helps you and the OP.........

So, if there's not a local group your friend could perhaps think of signing up to Weight Watchers online perhaps - http://www.weightwatchers.co.uk/plan/www/online_01.aspx -- I know that's the UK site I've pasted but as it's online I'm sure it wouldn't matter too much either way where you are. Although I have to say I really doubt that Weight watchers and their whole points system would be the easiest thing to use in Thailand if you eat a lot of Asian food etc mainly because it's based on using their points system ( which in turn is based on them / you working out a point value of each meal /food based on a mathematical algorithm of the calories and a few other things of each item), so when eating stir fry, rice etc it starts to get difficult to do that perhaps I would imagine.

But still it's better than nothing I guess and if it only flags up the basics like a man should eat no more than 2000 calories a day to lose weight ( and exercise too if possible) then you learn stuff like one slice of bread could be 160 calories whereas another could be 60, or one type of salad dressing could be 49 calories per 100grams whereras another sitting on the shelf beside it in the shop could be TEN times that calories count for the same amount it very quickly becomes apparent that even just changing the ingredients you're buying could make a BIG difference in your new healthier eating regime. It should be added of course that dieticians would add that there should be no such thing as being "on a diet", more just an awareness of what you're eating, what calories you need to eat ( or NOT eat more importantly) and an understanding as to how even some light exercise such as simple walking can make a big difference to your weigh loss attempts if put in place with the other food awareness issues already mentioned.

So, it's more a matter of understanding what's actually and physically putting the weight on you in the first place ( item by item perhaps if needs be) and THEN being disciplined enough to only eat the good stuff up the the required suggested amount i.e 2000 calories a day for a man - do that and you WILL lose weight - I'm not suggesting this is easy by the way but just that it's usually peoples lack of knowledge about what's ACTUALLY causing them to put on weight even when they "think" they are being good I like drinking diet coke with their vodka but still not losing weight for some reason :-) is the reason the people get disheartened and end up giving up after a few weeks - so rather than thinking "I'll go on a diet" just think I'll have a bit of a lifestyle change and eat differently, using measured portions of healthier but not necessarily different foods and try to get even a small bit of extra exercise in somewhere each week - and you'll be amazed as the weight drops off you ( if you stick to it of course) - and as we all know THAT'S the hard part ! :-(

So, as I mentioned above he should perhaps think of it more as the beginning of a change in life style rather than him going on he next crash diet to achieve the best and most sustainable long term results - best of luck with it.

May 31st, 2013, 15:54
Good advice NIrish - and it can't be over-emphasised of course, that in addition to attending any support group like Weight Watchers it will be necessary to incorporate regular excercise into his weight-loss programme if the friend referred to is to make a decent fist of it. If that can be done within a support-group, peer pressure may help in encouraging adherence to the new, healthier, regime.

May 31st, 2013, 17:07
it will be necessary to incorporate regular exercise into his weight-loss programme

Clicking a mouse does not qualify.

May 31st, 2013, 17:25
OK, done with these smart ass board "people".

Please delete my membership

Please also block my IP's (including VPN's), so I am not tempted to view this board again, :sign5:

{nearly all done - left the temptation to read - you know, we all know - you will - jinks}

May 31st, 2013, 17:43
├А bient├┤t

May 31st, 2013, 18:40
Back on topic. The person that looks after my condos for me, had to lose weight in a hurry and asked for my friends and I to bring from Australia, Metamucil

This is not on sale in Thailand It is in granular form and has to be drunk quickly as it thickens up fast

He lost 12 kilo in less than 6 months and swears by it . The cost is very low and it in theory removes the weight around the belly, by increasing bowel motions.

It also has cholesterol benefits. It works for him. I tried it for a while and got down to my lowest weight for 30 years.

For your info only, not recommended but a case history

May 31st, 2013, 21:03
I'm glad you're not recommending the use of laxatives as a weight-loss regime LW.

Eat better and exercise more - it's not rocket science and well all know it makes sense - it's just doing it that's difficult (especially when you get older perhaps) and that's where a bit of peer-pressure can assist.

A friend of mine lost several stones on GP prescribed and monitored appetite-suppressant medication (Sibutramine).
Then he was taken off the medication and monitoring and he put it all back on (and more!).
He then bought the stuff from the Internet via private prescription but guess what - it never worked the second time...or the third....despite it being the exact same medication.
The explanation is that it was the monitoring (being weighed weekly at the GP surgery) as much as the medication which had encouraged him to lose the weight - he couldn't face going to the Surgery each week and not having lost a few pounds and the anticipated disapproval which would result.
That's where the likes of Weight Watchers might help some people IMHO - however, WW is entirely voluntary so it might be easy to think "Well, it doesn't really matter - if I don't lose weight I'll just stop going"


May 31st, 2013, 21:45
Loosing weight is easy - stop eating one meal a day - but don't increase on the other two.

June 1st, 2013, 03:07
metamucil is NOT a laxative, its simply fibre. Might make you feel a little fuller so you may et less. Eat 3 to 4 moderate meals (under 2000 calories per day) and exercise for an hour a day, a brisk walk will do, and finally severely curtail alcohol+soft drinks....and the weight will magically fall away.

June 1st, 2013, 05:21
Yes, dear.



Why did the Metamucil label change to include both laxative and dietary fiber supplement information?

The product itself has not changed. The label has changed...The label now provides this information on how Metamucil can be used as a dietary fiber supplement and as a fiber laxative for regularity.

June 1st, 2013, 05:33
what a load of shit

Brad the Impala
June 1st, 2013, 05:36
├А bient├┤t

I do hope not, but like a moth to a flame...........

June 1st, 2013, 05:38
After Metamucil it's not solid enough to be shit - it's skitters.

June 1st, 2013, 07:04
I'm glad you're not recommending the use of laxatives as a weight-loss regime LW.

*~ suppositories ~ *

Nirish guy
June 1st, 2013, 15:59
I'm glad you're not recommending the use of laxatives as a weight-loss regime LW.

*~ suppositories ~ *

I tried those once, but for all the good they were I may as well of stuck them up my ass !

June 1st, 2013, 16:40
that's about all you haven't if the reports are true :occasion9:

June 1st, 2013, 17:34
To be quite frank most of the replies this thread are childish, immature and embarrassing.

Why don't you guys use PM's for your stupid comments or go to the stupid Pattaya Bitch Board.

Do you think your posts are holding all the readers enthralled waiting for your replies?

Nirish guy
June 1st, 2013, 17:48
Why don't you guys use PM's for your stupid comments or go to the stupid Pattaya Bitch Board.

And perhaps the very same could be said to yourself about your enthralling post - which has absolutely nothing to do with nor offers any advice to the OP re the topic at hand either it appears, other than you having a good old botch yourself of course Pot, kettle black perhaps ?

June 1st, 2013, 18:15
Indeed - I'll take the liberty of pointing out my posts have all been on topic (even the "skitters" one - as it relates to the (unwise) use of laxatives in weight reduction) - as have those of NIrish.

June 1st, 2013, 21:22
scotty...with your level of comprehension it is clear why you got owned by the English....

June 5th, 2013, 07:12
Just as an FYI .... got the following response from the official Weight Watcher folks:

We do appreciate your interest in Weight Watchers. At the present time, there are no Weight Watchers meetings available in Thailand, nor are there any plans to expand operations in the near future.

We would be happy to keep your name and information on file should things change in the distant future.

Wishing you all the very best.


Vicki Taylor
Corporate Affairs
Weight Watchers International, Inc.