View Full Version : Private squabble

May 29th, 2013, 17:57
What is your problem Scotty boy?
So, I make a post
Sally repeats it on PBB
You need to tell the world, since you clearly follow PBB like a hawk.
I point out: So sally can copy and paste

Now this:
if I was Surfy I'd be looking vey closely at Mr SmoothLegs

well SurfCrest is free to keep an eye on me if he wants and you know what, I give you permission to also keep an eye on me, if that makes you happy. :occasion9:

Anyway, after reading the PBB today, I noticed a certain ton, my guess is, that is you.
TOO CHICKEN to use your own name.

Not that I am keeping an eye on you, no need for that, I am sure plenty of other people are already doing that.

Who knows maybe I will signup for the PBB also one of these days, most people seems very nice there and they have excellent posts, in the open forum and some in the bitch forum.

May 29th, 2013, 18:33
SmoothLegs, the best bit is not Miss.Sally allegedly copying and pasting "your" SGT post on to PBB - the best bit is when Miss.Sally immediately goes onto PBB to announce I have pointed out that your content on SGT is word-for-word her content on PBB.

Unfortunately for poor Miss.Sally she mistakenly posts as Miss Hydra Foil and has to delete that topic (can an "ordinary" member even delete a topic completely - I thought you could just edit it - hmmmm) and re-post exactly the same content within a few minutes - but this time as Miss.Sally

Now, moving on to the insinuation that I am posting on PBB as "Ton" - I'm afraid not, I am not a member of PBB.
If you can provide some proof to the contrary well that really would be bad for me wouldn't it - so be my guest, knock yourself out - I have no worries whatsoever on that score.

May 29th, 2013, 18:55
That is not the point at all.

The point is who the FUCK are you, to point out to SurfCrest to keep an eye on me.
First in a post with Tim, you say you don't give advice, well stick to that.

I think SurfCrest can handle his own missions and does not need a twat like you.

YES, twat and fuck, I will no longer be polite towards you.

Every post I make , you have a go and a go and a go.

As I said before you should be on PBB, but then as I said MY GUESS, you are there already and with proof or not, I don't care. MY GUESS

So just to analyze your proof, by making a post, let me do it now also, same proof.

Miss Scottish Kilt watches me! Don't cha just love it!
by Scotty-Guy ┬╗ Wed May 29, 2013 3:48 pm

bla bla bla

Miss Scottish Kilt watches me! Don't cha just love it!
by SmoothLegs ┬╗ Wed May 29, 2013 3:53 pm

bla bla bla

Do you want me to make them blue and add some bold also???

and yes, depending on a board settings, members can delete their own message within a certain time or until a follow-up post is made, same as the edit settings. Guess "skirt know it all" knows a little more now :banghead:

May 29th, 2013, 19:10
Ah - so you are saying I falsified the quotes, and that you can do the same.

Well, tell you what - you post your screenshots and I'll post mine.

And on the "edit" matter - I'm not saying an ordinary member cannot edit his post - I'm saying I didn't know an ordinary member could DELETE a topic, only edit it. If that's wrong - fair enough.

But you seem to be getting a little hot under the collar?

May 29th, 2013, 19:45
I don't have any screen shots, I never said somebody changed something, if you do please post these screen shots proof.

If not yes, maybe you did falsify the quotes, as you call them quotes, but it is JUST text in a post. :glasses7:

May 29th, 2013, 20:27
... you post your screenshots and I'll post mine....

...I don't have any screen shots, I never said somebody changed something,...


I'll post them if and when it suits me :hello2:

May 29th, 2013, 20:30
:sign5: :sign5: :sign5:

Take all the time you need, it is not easy to make perfect screen shots and then cut out and stick a new name on it, without having it clearly visible or even almost invisible.

I could give you lesson thou, but maybe tomorrow.

May 29th, 2013, 20:35
The mask is slipping dear.


May 29th, 2013, 20:51
Guess this is the end of this.

Have one or two on me :alc:

May 29th, 2013, 22:02
I don't mind the moderator moved the last posts to the global forum

private-squabble-t28922.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/private-squabble-t28922.html)

it is probably best, but to stay on track and context, you should have made a post that a part of it is regarding Scotty-Guy's accusation of which he has no proof, which is in this thread.

Post: post275097.html#p275097 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/post275097.html#p275097)

May 29th, 2013, 22:58
I have posted the quotations from Miss.Sally and Miss Hydra Foil posts.

You say you dispute them, then you say you don't dispute them, then you insinuate you dispute them again and DEMAND proof.

Well, you can fuck off with your demands.

I have my screenshots - if i decide to post them it will be at my convenience and not at the demand of some discredited buffoon.

May 30th, 2013, 00:13
Im so glad i clicked on this PRIVATE SQUABBLE

{Future interlopers will be deleted - jinks}