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May 19th, 2013, 19:38
A guy I offed from WWB back in 2007-2008 gave me this calendar the bar published. The last time I visited the bar a few years ago, it was very different. During the time of the calendar pics I enjoyed the bar for a change because it had such a great variety of guys and many of the body types I liked. Ahh, the good ole days. :love4:

May 19th, 2013, 20:04
The last few times I've caught the show at WWB it's been (for me) utterly bizarre.

It didn't help that WWB had the best customer-repellent known to man - Mama Leila - and although she may have gone, the mammaries linger on.

May 19th, 2013, 20:46
I remember the one and only guy I ever offed from that bar. I saw him one night and was smitten. I was not in a position to off him so I went back the next night and didn't see him. The 3rd night, we spotted each other. Drinks were had, an offer was made and accepted. Soon we were back at my place only for me to be presented with his penis with pebbles found under the skin which turned me off quicker than seeing a naked grandmother holding a old tube of be gay in one hand while the other hand searches the bedside table for a first generation vibrator.

May 19th, 2013, 20:53
the guy on the front left on the pic is working in x-boys these days... he is a lot less defined now
But still very hung!

May 19th, 2013, 21:32
That's interesting colmx - but just for clarification on the "still very hung" bit - were you expecting that his cock might have shrunk????? :evil4:

May 19th, 2013, 23:54
Colmx, I never offed him but I remember him from when he worked at the DREAM BOYS bar across the street before WWB opened. As I recall he was from South Thailand, good English, and friendly, he just wasn't my type. But a very nice and sweet person. I tipped him just because he had a good smile constantly, happy, and wasn't getting offed. He never forgot me after that and always came by to say hello and I always tipped him.

Yes, SG I recall the Mamasan who never seemed to leave me alone.

DREAM BOYS used to have some great contests. I don't know where all the great bodies came from, but it was some great scenery. I could have spent my bank account on roses. Does anyone else remember those contests?

May 20th, 2013, 00:06
ditto the guy in the top pic....bottom row & centre
very distinctive tattoo, sadly also less defined now!

the guy on the front left on the pic is working in x-boys these days... he is a lot less defined now
But still very hung!

May 21st, 2013, 19:35
I almost had a PTSD-like reaction at just reading "Mama Leila." I used to know another mamasan at WWB who would protect me from her clutches, but I once made the mistake of going there without checking first; my mamasan friend had moved on to Nab, and there I was in Leila's clutches. I was reared on southern hospitality, so even though in my head I was screaming "For the love of god, would you please FUCK OFF!", on the outside I was smiling and nodding. Inside of five minutes, she had strong-armed a drink out of me, insisted on pointing out boys with "big cocks" despite me telling her that I was a top and had no interest in cock size, ignored my protestation not to bring over boys to introduce me to, gave me a business card and tried to sell me real estate, and finally offered to sell me a bottle of whiskey from the bar at a discount so she wouldn't "get in trouble with my boss." At that point, I asked her to get the bottle so I could look at. When she stood up and walked towards the bar, I stuck a few hundred baht on the table to cover the drinks, made a beeline for the front door, and never looked back.

May 21st, 2013, 20:00
I still have her business card!!

I've smudged her number for privacy - anybody who is desperate can PM me.

Martin911 - I'll swap you for the dwarf's number :sign5:


May 21st, 2013, 21:22
Scotty no need to swap tks :tongue3: - am happy to give freely. if it brings a little (sic) pleasure into your life
:laughing3: - but cert dont need mad Lella in my life lol

Colmx - he was there at xboys the last nite if I rem correctly - and that guy is als smiling and trying to get the audience to intereact

May 22nd, 2013, 02:04
Colmx - he was there at xboys the last nite if I rem correctly - and that guy is als smiling and trying to get the audience to intereact

The Mamasan in X-boys is Ton... He is not quite as bad as Leila... and used to work with Leila in WWB (and before that was a waiter in Splash/Throb)
But he is def another one that is good at strong arming drinks!