View Full Version : Clearing The Air

May 18th, 2013, 11:08
I thought I would go back and look at some of my PM's from Neal and discuss then out in the open, but after I read them again they just pissed me off all over again. In PM he would berate me telling me to stop posting my Bar suggestions for all the other bar owners to see and to send them to him in a pm. But then in the open forum he would attack my suggestions.

Then there was the name calling when he tried to "Gas Light" me into believing that he was not manipulating the board but he didn't want to have that talk in the open, he wanted to do it away from the view of others knowing that PM's could not be revealed.

It was when I got to the Krazy Dragon "Waring" I received from him that made me just stop reading his old PM's. Part of me says to delete them all and be done with it and another part says I should hold onto them for whatever reason.

The good from Neal? He gave me 1500 baht award for some of my bar ideas. That was good.

The bad was the attacks, the PM's used to intimidate and then those simply became all out attacks which became worse when he could not exercise moderator controls on me during my posting times on the bitch board. He admitted as much to me in a PM there.

May 18th, 2013, 19:22
...and what do you aim to achieve with this posting????...good karma??? The whole bashing neal topic stinks to high heaven by now....for fucks sake stop acting like a female and drop it .....move on....

May 18th, 2013, 19:41
I agree with latintopxxx. This can go on and on for ever.

Lets give it a miss and get back to real things again.

May 18th, 2013, 20:09
Maybe Bucky finds it cathartic - and I can imagine why it might be the case. However, I don't think there are many members now who haven't had their eyes opened to at least some of the shenanigans which were going on behind the scenes. There seems no need to keep the pot boiling .

May 18th, 2013, 20:51
I don't like thing festering with me, and my past interactions with Neal was the lone ulcer of my life and I felt that for me it was time to just clear the air now, let it be said and to let it go now, rather than bring it up later at a time that may not be good for the board or the posting public.

I can see that this board will soon be cleansed of the Neal Administration and now that I have said enough to ease that social ulcer, it can be pushed down and away with all this that will fade away as time goes by and posting happens.

I just wanted to not pollute another thread with my needed venting.

May 18th, 2013, 22:11
So Neal asked you to send your ideas for bars to make more money directly to him (a bar owner) rather than tell them to everyone. Oh my goodness! Call the UN and have him charged with war crimes. Time to grow up Buckie.

May 19th, 2013, 07:47
for fucks sake stop acting like a female and drop it .....move on....
I agree with you 100%. I have not participated in this bashing back and forth and will not. Let's just stop it now!

May 19th, 2013, 08:03
I didn't do any Bashing. I simply told the truth to clear the air.

bash (bsh)
v. bashed, bash┬╖ing, bash┬╖es
1. To strike with a heavy, crushing blow: The thug bashed the hood of the car with a sledgehammer.
2. To beat or assault severely: The police arrested the men who bashed an immigrant in the park.
3. Informal To criticize (another) harshly, accusatorially, and threateningly: "He bashed the . . . government unmercifully over the . . . spy affair" (Lally Weymouth).
v.intr. Informal
To engage in harsh, accusatory, threatening criticism.
1. Informal A heavy, crushing blow.
2. Slang A celebration; a party.

May 19th, 2013, 08:30
for fucks sake stop acting like a female and drop it .....move on....I have not participated in this bashing back and forth and will not nowWhat an incredibly self-righteous hypocrite you are kjun12. Here are some posts of yours taken from another thread on this self-same topic:

as a testimony to an almost-successful destruction of a message board through sheer pig-headed nastiness.Is this the same pig-headed ugly nastiness that you tried to destroy this board with some time ago?

The clock starts now............................Ever the shit-stirer. Do you ever contribute anything positive here or in your life?

May 19th, 2013, 10:04
for fucks sake stop acting like a female and drop it .....move on....I have not participated in this bashing back and forth and will not nowWhat an incredibly self-righteous hypocrite you are kjun12. Here are some posts of yours taken from another thread on this self-same topic:

as a testimony to an almost-successful destruction of a message board through sheer pig-headed nastiness.Is this the same pig-headed ugly nastiness that you tried to destroy this board with some time ago?

The clock starts now............................Ever the shit-stirer. Do you ever contribute anything positive here or in your life?
Sooty, let's face it: You don't like me and I don't much care for you but I think it is time we stop the bleed here. I have stopped even answering attacks. You and some others continue on the downhill road and I can't stop you but I will not retaliate anymore.

May 19th, 2013, 11:56
Sooty, let's face it: You don't like me ...As I've never met you I can't say whether I like you or not. Unlike many other people I do not believe inferences about the personality of a poster can be made based on the very narrow set of topics on which they post and how they convey their message.

However I focus on what's objective about you which is what you say when you post. Claiming that corruption causes Bangkok's traffic congestion and then running away from presenting facts that sustain that position; posting inflammatory messages attacking posters, claiming elsewhere that you haven't inflamed the situation and then running away when you are challenged ... Maybe you're in training for the Bangkok Marathon?

At least when I respond to a447 I know I'm yanking his chain and I know he'll respond with page after page of quotes from previous posts I've made and I'll make up something else to keep yanking his chain ... but I think you're being serious when you respond to being called to account by running away.

May 19th, 2013, 13:43
Ths whole thread is probably better left alone but I an entitled to my opinion, so I'll exercise it.. I wont attack bucknaway for his starting this thread, but I will say, .... please bucknaway let it go. Your gripe with Neal may be justified, however it is a personal issue and IMHO judging from the general tenor of the responses here, might I be so bold as to suggest a vast majority of posters on SGT would rather the topic was left alone and for you to deal with your nemesis in private.
Finally to ALL posters here can we not try to utilise the board for it's intended purpose,?? to share information and experience for the benefit of all.

There's my 2 cents worth
cheers guys

May 19th, 2013, 17:33
Oh, Sooty, you are such a tiger for punishment!

After having your arse whipped in rounds 1, 2 and 3 you obviously haven't learnt your lesson yet. You're a brave (foolish?) man!

Kjun, Sooty is a nasty, bitter old man to whom life has not been all that kind.

Best give him a wide berth. His foolishness is summed up in just one post in this thread:

I focus on what's objective about you :sign5:

posting inflammatory messages attacking posters :sign5:

running away when you are challenged :sign5: Sooty, would you like me to quote from your own posts when you ran away at 100mph from me??

Bucky, there are 2 other threads on the front page where you could have posted your gripes. I don't think you needed to open another one.

Krazy, only 3 threads, including this one, are having a go at Neal. There are 47 other threads discussing other topics. And these 3 threads could easily be moved to the Global Forum.

But readers are surely mature enough to decide what they want to read and what they want to ignore.

And the posts attacking Neal are dying off. Exposing the real deal Neal is no longer required, as Neal is doing a fantastic job all by himself. He's basically hijacked the BB and is now even answering his own posts!

May 19th, 2013, 18:01
K, this is how I let it go. I speak on it and move on. It was born here and I am putting it to rest here.

A, I don't read every thread here to know if there is another thread to have put this in. Ain't nobody got time for all that.

May 19th, 2013, 18:21
Neal is...now even answering his own posts!

What do you mean "now"?

May 19th, 2013, 18:46
Enough air cleared I think, I'll have to check with lonleywombat before I close this thread.

May 19th, 2013, 19:06
Claiming that corruption causes Bangkok's traffic congestion and then running away from presenting facts that sustain that position
I swore to myself that I would not respond on this issue because I know myself and if I had responded to those who harped on it I would have said negative personal things about them. But, here goes: My original post about things I dislike about Bangkok said, if I remember correctly, that there is a connection between governmental corruption and the traffic problem. This assertion was based on the fact that many public officials and their cronies steal millions of baht from every public project. This is pointed out in many news articles. If this money was properly used to improve and extend the MRT and BTS and more road work was done then the traffic situation would be better. Hopefully, though I doubt it, this will satisfy you and others.

posting inflammatory messages attacking posters
There are some posting individuals I have given hell to in the past but other than Smiles, I don't remember any that I have recently said inflammatory things to or about. Do I dislike Smiles? You bet I do. Perhaps you have not been around long enough to remember his posts on this very board several years ago. He was insidious and hateful. I despise him and I wish the owner had not let him back on here.

claiming elsewhere that you haven't inflamed the situation and then running away when you are challenged
I simply do not understand this one. Are you saying that I have failed to respond to your challenge? If that is it then I don't see anything which requires me to respond to your "challenges" because I don't think you are my superior and you do not have the right to challenge me to respond to your post.

At least when I respond to a447 I know I'm yanking his chain and I know he'll respond with page after page of quotes from previous posts I've made and I'll make up something else to keep yanking his chain[/quote]
Once again, with the issues here I have no compunction which requires me to respond to any challenge, as you call it, from you or anyone else. I have my opinion or view and you have yours. That's it.

May 19th, 2013, 23:44
Keep the PMs, one day the whole story might be turned into a book.

May 19th, 2013, 23:48

May 20th, 2013, 00:10
[attachment=0:3e5zzvt8]the german.jpg[/attachment:3e5zzvt8]

May 20th, 2013, 09:43
Are you saying that I have failed to respond to your challenge? If that is it then I don't see anything which requires me to respond to your "challenges" because I don't think you are my superior and you do not have the right to challenge me to respond to your post.
At least when I respond to a447 I know I'm yanking his chain and I know he'll respond with page after page of quotes from previous posts I've made and I'll make up something else to keep yanking his chain
Once again, with the issues here I have no compunction which requires me to respond to any challenge, as you call it, from you or anyone else. I have my opinion or view and you have yours. That's it.Some truly novel ideas, I must try them out on a447 next time I'm yanking his chain.

May 20th, 2013, 15:14
Yeah, right Sooty. Not very original.
Hard to yank someone's chain when you are scurrying off. :sign5: