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View Full Version : Any updates on Pattaya Clubs..NAB, Dave, Etc...

May 3rd, 2013, 15:25
Now that the dark cloud of petty suspensions, bans, censorship and deletion here has drifted off into the homoshpere, hopefully the members who also may have drifted away or more likely just simply stopped reading and bothering to post here as it was neither worthwhile or enjoyable can return to contributing to one of the great positives about this forum, the exchange of information on things gay and Thai. Under Surfcrest hopefully this forum can return to the unique controlfreakless days it enjoyed prior to the previous owner's tenure.

Information.........like what is the latest on the clubs and late night entertainment? I will be making a visit next month and would be keen to know of any major or minor changes to NAB, Dave, IDOL, TaM Nan Chon etc...any 'new' ones?

Which of the clubs has the 'fickle gay crowd' settled in now?

May 3rd, 2013, 17:11
Now that the dark cloud of petty suspensions, bans, censorship and deletion here has drifted off into the homoshpere, hopefully the members who also may have drifted away or more likely just simply stopped reading and bothering to post here as it was neither worthwhile or enjoyable can return to contributing to one of the great positives about this forum, the exchange of information on things gay and Thai. Under Surfcrest hopefully this forum can return to the unique controlfreakless days it enjoyed prior to the previous owner's tenure?

You just had to get your digs in before you let go, huh? Pitiful.

May 3rd, 2013, 19:54
MOVING SWIFTLY ALONG!!!!!! -- the gay club scene is quiet at present , even over songkarn it seemed quieter
Than before
Colmx was just here lately so I'm sure he can fill in re straight places :occasion9:
As he and his toot Bf are now Poochai again lol
Nab seems to be getting he most crowds on any given nite , with Dave struggling for numbers
2 of the Nab coyotes are living at my place at the mo and they are never home any nite before 6 , the club is busy up til 5am ,weekends til 6 , and all the boys are earning good money in nab
the baby coyote took home 2800 last nite ( from 14 coytee drinks ) !!!! - many Dave and idol guys now want work in nab at present
The late nite spots mc2 (soi bunkot ) and mc2 (Bali hi ) are busy
Bunkot just reopened after a small refurb and I don't know if they will keep Bali hi open as well
Bali hi has live bands /dj which is popular with a younger crowd
Bali hi tends to close earlier 7 ish , bunkot will stay open till 11 or 12 if has any type of crowd !!!
Both the mc2 venues are mixed crowd , with lots and lots of cute Poochai boys
And plenty of eye contact with them , even an odd tel number exchanging hands as the morning progresses towards afternoon :bounce: :tongue3:
So plenty of fun to be had for all

May 4th, 2013, 02:51
Colmx was just here lately so I'm sure he can fill in re straight places As he and his toot Bf are now Poochai again lol Nab seems to be getting he most crowds on any given nite , with Dave struggling for numbers 2 of the Nab coyotes are living at my place at the mo and they are never home any nite before 6 , the club is busy up til 5am ,weekends til 6 , and all the boys are earning good money in nab the baby coyote took home 2800 last nite ( from 14 coytee drinks ) !!!! - many Dave and idol guys now want work in nab at present The late nite spots mc2 (soi bunkot ) and mc2 (Bali hi ) are busy Bunkot just reopened after a small refurb and I don't know if they will keep Bali hi open as well Bali hi has live bands /dj which is popular with a younger crowd Bali hi tends to close earlier 7 ish , bunkot will stay open till 11 or 12 if has any type of crowd !!!Both the mc2 venues are mixed crowd , with lots and lots of cute Poochai boys And plenty of eye contact with them , even an odd tel number exchanging hands as the morning progresses towards afternoon So plenty of fun to be had for all
Thanks for the update Martin. My last visit I enjoyed NAB, but many were saying IDOL and Dave just HAD to be the 'places to go', but I quite liked NAB so I'm glad it's still popular, it's easy to get to and a short walk to beach road with an easy baht-bus back to Wat-chai., so no motocys at 3am!

I forgot about Mc2, but in truth none of bf's friends or other guys I know around Pattaya suggest it as a place to go. Our crowd do like venues with live bands, like Step Up lower floor, Tam Nan Chon/Hollywood/Stardice so it just might be worth a night there to try it out....but it won't last till 11 friggin am! That's only for the 'diehards' eh Colmx??

Your comment about 'the odd tel number exchanging hands' is one of the great things about the clubs. Many westerners dont like the clubs because they think they are useless places for picking up guys. But the amount of slips of paper you can get with phone numbers and notes, usually on those useless pink tissue things, can be surprising. Before I met up with my bf that was the main way I hooked-up with guys in Pattaya as opposed to the bars, at the small clubs like 7th Hole or karaokes etc.. I would go with a poochai friend, usually someone where we had a common interest in music, like M the owner of Happy Place, set up a bottle for our own fun, but it wasn't long before the gay lads would slip over or we would invite them to share our bottle. Often i would get a slip of paper shoved into a pocket or hand on the way back from the rest rooms with a number and I would just phone during that evening to see where their table was, the further into the evening it went, the further down the bottle the level went, the more the shyer types would appear.

You just had to get your digs in before you let go, huh? Pitiful.
You may not have noticed "Neal" but this thread is about "Pattaya clubs". Your ill-advised reply is OFF TOPIC! I authored this thread so it's my playground (a phrase you may be familiar with). If you wish to discuss something other than "Pattaya clubs" in my thread please do it elsewhere. Thank you.

There is no point in previous owners setting up guidelines if you are not going to follow them "Neal"! If you are going to continue to de-rail my threads I may be forced to "fire-off" a 'strongly worded' PM complaining to the moderator. So unless you have something positive to add regarding Pattaya clubs and ON TOPIC please start a new thread!

The reason I say 'ill-advised' is because who said I had 'let go'? If i wish to reply to your specific point and trade 'digs' I will open a new thread.

May 4th, 2013, 03:12
Now that the dark cloud of petty suspensions, bans, censorship and deletion here has drifted off into the homoshpere, hopefully the members who also may have drifted away or more likely just simply stopped reading and bothering to post here as it was neither worthwhile or enjoyable can return to contributing to one of the great positives about this forum, the exchange of information on things gay and Thai. Under Surfcrest hopefully this forum can return to the unique controlfreakless days it enjoyed prior to the previous owner's tenure.

ok now this is what i mean by choosing what threads or posts or posters you want to ban or love ....really was there any need for any of the above ?
if i wanted to know about what clubs where worth going to id ask that question ..
surcrest you choose for what ever reason to hate me ... and if i made a post like newalans im sure you would be happy to quote rules and regs to bar me ... and i have no doubt you will concider to bar me for this one .. but do tell me .. why can someone post total crap and get away with it and others cant ? its amazing how the personas who use big words to slag off others can get away with it .. but the likes of me . who use far less to say the same get fucked over !! do you get it yet ? or if i say same same do i get loved ?
neals moved on. sure i slagged him off on the pbb ... i got hammered on this board by people who are doing the self same thing to him now...
yet im the childish one who never grew up .
what was it you said ? cant be assed to go look .. but something like sticks are sticks and stones are stones .. or do neals feelings not matter as much as our dear beloved nelson.. who couldnt even point out thailand on a map !!

May 4th, 2013, 04:17
Sorry NewAlaan but as far as I am concerned you broke the rule yourself. You titled it Daveman and Idol and then spent a long winded paragraph on something that had absolutely nothing to do with the topic. Let's slag off Neal was not on topic. You tell everyone to go and move on but yet you immeadiately go and don't do it yourself.
Don't do as I do, do as I say? As I said before, you came back OK and then returned to your own pitiful self. And this is ON topic because you brought it up in your post first and you are the OP :occasion9: Now practice what you preach.

May 4th, 2013, 07:08
Oh why don't you two just go ahead and fuck so we can get back to the board :salute:

:: runs out of thread ::

May 6th, 2013, 10:47
MOVING SWIFTLY ALONG!!!!!! -- the gay club scene is quiet at present , even over songkarn it seemed quieter
Than before
Colmx was just here lately so I'm sure he can fill in re straight places :occasion9:
As he and his toot Bf are now Poochai again lol

When my Toot BF hears you call him toot he will be very upset... he may even eat your sausages again!
The gay club scene seems quieter to me than i ever remember it...

As for the late night venues...
We made it to Idol once... it was unbelievably dead... we waited 1.5 hours before leaving and heading to dave... during that time there was nobody on stage (coyote, show etc) just DJ... there were probably only 20 tables occupied and the coyote numbers seemed way down...

NAB is definately at the top of the tree again... we only went there twice on last... it may be flavour of the month... but its still not our flavour!
2 of Martin911s house mates look very manly when they are on stage :-P
Seems to be less russioan than i remember at New Year

We hit hollywood 4 times... they seem to have "stolen" a lot of the Chinese/taiwan/Korean customers from Star dice and its almost impossible to get a table on main floor after 11.30... this unfortunately also means that the show is gone very K-pop and its gt a lot more smokey... but its still good for a change to the normal

Tumnanchon is still getting full houses every night... all the gay boys (and me!) wait for the cute guy to sing "one more night" by marooon 5
Pluang Mai (old Tawan Daeng) is still my BFs favourite... i go there to keep him happy (although it can get very hot with no Air con) and most friends are happy to go there too... as long as we head to a gay club after 2!

We hit dave on all but 3 nights of a 15 night trip... Coyote numbers seem to have halved since New year... and customer numbers are also way down... there was a few nights when i was the only farang there... not much fun when the "sa-moke show" starts (aka. Farang give money show)... when she has no farang to take the piss out of its not half the fun!

There used to be a gang of regular farang that i would see at dave... but they were all conspiculously absent on this trip...
Dave have replaced all the old "toilet boys" with a new gang from vietnam... very friendly and cute boys (but unfortunately all poochai!)

Never made it to Mc2.... always too drunk to make it these days.... bring back T&T!

May 6th, 2013, 22:43
don't know what all the fuss is about. Dave's was boring and loud. The so called coyotes weren't much to look at. The big c... show had imports to do it. I must say that watching a UK man pouring vodka down a young man's throat was hardly edifying. Guess the boys had a good laugh about the fat and stupid farang. Sansuk sauna still had a lot of action. For a 57 yr old, I was quite satisfied (and FREE).
By the way, Pattaya was quiet over the weekend. Don't visit Art in Paradise soi somewhere. I see that most TripAdvisors loved it . Overcrowded, 500 baht for farang and 150 for Thais. I think that got me peeved before entering.

May 9th, 2013, 13:52
Colmx - yes but as this is Thailand , where Poochai doesn't quiet mean what "it says on the box" so to speak lol i( and as Vietnam is a neighbour ) and one (me ) hopes that those Poochai values transfer over when the wind blows towards Saigon - that those cute Dave toilet boys ( Peter :tongue3: ) will have similar Poochai values as their Thai cousins !!!
Look at the way he was most nites !!!!
,,it wasn't a big clock on the back wall so he could know the time to go home that he was looking for ( I'm guessing lol )

NewA - he (peter)was another perfect example of the tel numbers exchanging hands in clubs (when he worked @ mc2 )

gregvc-- that gentleman u referred to was prob Colmx lol
( but G eamon is a vodka man no ??? )

( but prob best to stay out if pattaya gay clubs if the sight of a Farang pouring alcohol into a Thai guy offends you )

and what about us poor Farang !!!!! They never stop pouring alcohol into US at every Opp !!!!
It's us that are the victims ( it's still fun tho )!!!!

May 9th, 2013, 16:50
translation for an old man please - what does Poochai mean? I can get the general sense - kind of jai dee - am I close?

May 9th, 2013, 17:32
translation for an old man please - what does Poochai mean? I can get the general sense - kind of jai dee - am I close?

Technically it means "man", or with how they use it, "straight".

May 9th, 2013, 20:55
thanks matt - I guess martin is kind of saying "straight-acting" as they used to say in the personal ads?

May 10th, 2013, 01:29
thanks matt - I guess martin is kind of saying "straight-acting" as they used to say in the personal ads?
As Matt says Poochai = man or straight....
In terms of poochai working on the gay scene i think "gay-for-pay" might be a closer analogy

May 10th, 2013, 02:09
thanks colmx - always good to get the expert's view :notworthy:

May 15th, 2013, 02:07
The gay club scene seems quieter to me than i ever remember it...As for the late night venues...We made it to Idol once... it was unbelievably dead....NAB is definately at the top of the tree again... we only went there twice on last... it may be flavour of the month... but its still not our flavour! at New YearWe hit hollywood 4 times... they seem to have "stolen" a lot of the Chinese/taiwan/Korean customers from Star dice and its almost impossible to get a table on main floor after 11.30... this unfortunately also means the show is gone very K-pop and a lot more smokey... but its still good for a change to the normalTumnanchon is still getting full houses every night... Pluang Mai (old Tawan Daeng) is still my BFs favourite... i go there to keep him happy and most friends are happy to go there too... as long as we head to a gay club after 2!We hit dave on all but 3 nights of a 15 night trip... Coyote numbers and customer numbers are also way down... there was a few nights when i was the only farang there...Never made it to Mc2.... bring back T&T!
Great update. A few interesting snippets there Colmx. My last visit in Feb, IDOL was still the place to go. I'm afraid I never liked it, the layout or the seemingly hours of parades of coyotes with katoey commentary so utterly boring, but even so a bit surprised at it's quietening down. Also interesting that NAB is 'in' again, I know it's maybe not the fave of hardline clubbers like Colmx, but we visited there last trip against the tide of Dave and Idol recommendations, it did the necessary for the 2-3 hours when we want club sanook. As I have mentioned before I/we tend to be less interested in surrounding tables (although still enjoy the eye candy) just mostly having our own fun in our company and that's why also we are just as happy in Stardice, Hollywood, pluang Mai or where-ever.

When the bf gets to hear this his beloved Hollywood is now attracting the Stardice crowd finding enough excuses not to go there will be more difficult. I still like the clubs where the eye candy is part of the vibe, so I prefer NAB/Dave type gay clubs, the bf and friends do not really flirt with other Thai gays and are not that interested in hook-ups as part of the evenings fun so they kinda love the korean/jap vibe and seem somewhat mesmerised at the korean/jap customer antics on little or no alcoholic stimulant as well as their 'traits' like doing everything in packs....one goes and 20 follow! and their ability just to have endless fun and sanuk given the least opportunity.

They also love the K-pop scene which many gay boys in Thailand do, and it's at least a change from my normal scene in Thailand. The only thing which allows me to enjoy Hollywood, since there is very little gay eye candy, is the live band and dancer segments, the same hip-hop & DJ tunes every time we went there i found to be boring. By the time the old DJ really got going after the live band when most are drunk, he could play the Birdy Song and get an over-the-top reaction. Maybe that's changed a bit with the Asian/Stardice crowd colmx?

DaveMan for 12 out of 15 nights? and somewhere else for the other 3, some going! not in your league nowadys, but it's actually something I do like about our crowd/circle in that not being hardline clubbers they can have a great time virtually anywhere, that gives me considerable flexibility as I like different venues each night with maybe one repeat during the 7-10 days in Pattaya. I'm a 'live music' supporter so any excuse for a band venue is ideal. Many live band clubs now mix in more DJ segments during the evening so that suits all.

Martin911.........is mc2-bali as far up as Mixx club at the end of walking St or further on? We have been to Mixx club which we found a bit boring but the bf cannot recall mc2. Always looking to try new places, on the last trip we did a Walking St club night, it was ok just as a people watching exercise, but exactly same tunes in every small club/bar, with same crowd type of farang & middle eastern men with thai girls. Lucifers was almost surreal......some farangs and thai girls dancing with a circle of leering middle eastern/indian men in cheap unmatching apparel with half empty beers, some with no drinks just standing around the edges staring! very weird, a bit creepy.

May 15th, 2013, 02:37
DaveMan for 12 out of 15 nights? and somewhere else for the other 3, some going! not in your league nowadys, but it's actually something I do like about our crowd/circle in that not being hardline clubbers they can have a great time virtually anywhere, that gives me considerable flexibility as I like different venues each night with maybe one repeat during the 7-10 days in Pattaya. I'm a 'live music' supporter so any excuse for a band venue is ideal. Many live band clubs now mix in more DJ segments during the evening so that suits all.

We only hit Dave from 3-5/6... Before that we were either in TumnanChon, Pluang Mai, NAB, Idol or Hollywood... We usually like to hit dave for a Nightcap!

Martin911.........is mc2-bali as far up as Mixx club at the end of walking St or further on?
As far as I know MC2 Bali Hai is in teh same building as Mixx
We never made it to Mixx... made it to Walking st and near there... but the Air hot us after getting out of Dave and we went hoem instead!

May 22nd, 2013, 00:06
All I can say is that Dave's isn't rocking. But, not much choice so we went there 2 times last week. The second time, I offered a Coyote boy a drink (big mistake) that cost me 400 baht. Are you kidding me? I haven't been in Pattaya that much, it might be normal, but I can tell you that Dave is not getting anymore of my business. Actually, Pattaya (gogo/gay scene) as a whole has lost all its charm for me and I'm saving my time for weekends in Bangkok.

I might have missed out by not going to Nab and I might give that a try next week...but I'm thinking that my best bet will be Bangkok.

May I mention that I can't login on this website when in Pattaya. I tried a proxy but that only helps me read the forum, I still can't post.

May 22nd, 2013, 14:04
Actually, Pattaya (gogo/gay scene) as a whole has lost all its charm for me and I'm saving my time for weekends in Bangkok.

I on the contrary, like the Pattaya scene better (cheaper, easier to get around), and look forward to my next visit to Pattaya. Shall we swap places?

May 22nd, 2013, 17:19
Actually, Pattaya (gogo/gay scene) as a whole has lost all its charm for me and I'm saving my time for weekends in Bangkok.

I on the contrary, like the Pattaya scene better (cheaper, easier to get around), and look forward to my next visit to Pattaya. Shall we swap places?

Hahaha Christian, I think you are under the impression that I'm comparing the gogo scene in Pattaya with the one in Bangkok. I'm actually comparing the Pattaya gogo scene with it self in recent times. It's definitely like you say, well, cheaper at least.

I was talking about a place like Dave and its ridiculous prices. I'd rather pick up a guy in DJ or GOD, paid or not.

I'm sorry to say that a trade is not in question :-) I do love Pattaya for many other things than boys.

May 23rd, 2013, 01:58
There's a foam party in Nab tonight thur which should be a bit different and fun :party

from what im told there will be 2 areas -- one for foam (poss outside like the last time ) and the other area foam free apart from the bits of foam that the boys will leave on you as they rub themselves off against you as they come and go from the foam areas lol

vman it sounds like you got stung for 2 coyote drinks @400 -- but they have a habit of doing that there (did it to me a few months back also )
when you agree with one of the dreadful ladyboys that you will buy said boy a coyote drink they then make it a double etc and present you with a sep bill for 400 knowing full that the intoxicated (usually!! ) farang wont either notice or wont refuse to pay the c drink check bin
its one ofthe reasons I dont like dave so much -- the staff there are so so pushy
and they have the strongest regime as regards what. quotas the coyotes have to achieve in drinks and offs per month

I saw one guy that stayed with me a while back in tears over the pressure from his coyte boss - same boy would cry over his shoelaces coming undone. also but mabye ye get the picture

colmx prob can say exactly. what the quotas are - as he aimed to. surpass many of them on his last visit on 15 ? out of 17 nites :alc:

May 23rd, 2013, 04:24
HaHa, well that explains a lot Martin. it was pushy or fake pussy town indeed. Worst thing about the story is that i saw the boy in Boystown earlier that evening. I wanted to talk to him but didn't :-( Could have saved myself a lot of trouble.

I might have said it before but I don't get the whole coyote thing at all. It's like the boys see it as a promotion and act accordingly. Quoting me 1500 for the off fine.

Well if you say that Nab is different I will give it a try.

May 23rd, 2013, 17:51
1500!!!!! :-- my you def were being given special treatment!!! or is that the coyote cost at dave now?? colmx your info pls???

last time I paid an off for a dave coyote it was 700 about 2 years ago :happy7:

Give Nab a try - its a good mix of coyotes (some there a while mind), buff models, 2 very cute and v hung guys :tongue3: do a soapy shower show every nite around 3-4 ( best big cock show) and of course some of the"screechy" shows that the thais love so well

Ask for Park when u go in (blonde bimbo floor manager lol ), tell him you know martin etc and he will "take care " of All your needs :occasion5

May 23rd, 2013, 21:37
Yeah, I kid you not. Yesterday I've sent an email to Daves...They probably don't care but in the off chance that there's someone with half a brain, he will realize that those ridiculous quotes will cost them money in the long run.

What about giving me a heads up next time you go Martin? You might find out what it is about me that makes everything double so expensive. :tongue3:

May 23rd, 2013, 22:15
... You might find out what it is about me that makes everything double so expensive. :tongue3:

We can work that out from your photo dear :evil4:

May 23rd, 2013, 22:16

May 24th, 2013, 01:00
1500!!!!! :-- my you def were being given special treatment!!! or is that the coyote cost at dave now?? colmx your info pls???

No idea what an off fee in Dave is... Not paid it in 3-4 years and back then it was 500B

If i was inclined to off a coyote these days i would probably arrange to meet them in the daytime via facebook... and not at 5am when everybody to mau to perform well!
{hope Neal doesn't see this and accuse me of anything untoward!}

Usually when i buy a coyote a drink they ask me if i want to buy them a single or double drink (200/400B)
And when you offer a double the mamsan always re-iterates that its 400B for the drink before the order is sent for

From memory the boys get paid 9000B and are expected to get 10 offs and 60 coyote drinks per month... Everything under that quota (or not turning up to work) results in a reducton in pay....They get 2 free days per month.

Some of the boys just rely on tips (when dancing) and don't bother with trying to get offed or looking for customer drinks...

So VMans double drink meant that the boy didn't have to hunt for more drinks that night to meet his quota (although most keep searching for more drinks... in order to make up for the barren days!)

May 24th, 2013, 01:04
Yesterday I've sent an email to Daves...They probably don't care but in the off chance that there's someone with half a brain, he will realize that those ridiculous quotes will cost them money in the long run.

I doubt that anyone in Dave will ever respond to your email... you may have a better chance talking to their PR people on FB... but i doubt you would get much satisfaction there either...
Thing is Dave has outlasted all the clubs so far, gets raided the least and seems to be a pretty successful business model (athough they are getting low numbers these days - but who isnt - so obviously some people are willing to pay the prices)

May 24th, 2013, 02:28
i sent a message to a friend whose friend offed a Dave coyote a few times back in april... here is his response

..it is 800 off and a mandatory drink which is 400.
But if you already buy them a drink first before you do the deal you'll be up over 1500.
Even if you already bought a drink for them to talk.
When you off you still must pay for another drink in top.
It's a scam!

So i guess VNmans 1500 off quote was not far wrong!

May 24th, 2013, 02:40
Jeez, I'm glad I'm too old for these places. :old:

At those prices, they'd better be bloody good in bed, and in the living room, and in the shower, and on the balcony, etc., etc.,

May 24th, 2013, 03:00
I'm with you Joe - I don't know what's the matter with these people who want to be out galivanting after midnight.

Running round assorted dens of iniquity- looking for a spot of how's your father, slap & tickle, hanky-panky, sucky-sucky and, lord knows, even rumpy-pumpy

It sounds to me like they have too many hormones and not enough shame.


May 24th, 2013, 03:15
i sent a message to a friend whose friend offed a Dave coyote a few times back in april... here is his response

..it is 800 off and a mandatory drink which is 400.
But if you already buy them a drink first before you do the deal you'll be up over 1500.
Even if you already bought a drink for them to talk.
When you off you still must pay for another drink in top.
It's a scam!

So i guess VNmans 1500 off quote was not far wrong!

They are good at math :notworthy: I bought him a drink first but even then the off would be 800 + another drink because the first didn't count? And of course rounded up to 1500... Blah, I don't even wanna think about it anymore. I'm tired of Vietnam but for those of you who like to know, I've never been seriously quoted more than 800 -ever- in VN. And I'm not talking about an off fee.

Joe - you seem even too old to respond on GR.

Scottish - you start to remind me of Joe

But if you don't get it you don't get it. I remember writing about it two years ago. Going to DJ or GOD has something like a hunting feel to it. Whereas a gogo bar is like shooting fish in a barrel. Real or not real, I like that feeling of hunting and the success at the end. Striking out a couple of times makes those nights you score so much sweeter. I must add that this is much much harder in Dave (because they travel in herds) but from previous experiences possible. But when the only boys in the building are coyote... :kap:

May 24th, 2013, 03:24
vnman, I exaggerate my age here for comic effect (though many apparently don't find my humour funny - jeez, what a shame). I'm 57 for the record. even in my 20s I wasn't a fan of nightclubs or discos as we called them. just not my scene. but I do love reading about peoples' experiences in them. just as well we don't all like doing exactly the same thing on our holidays - otherwise there'd be little to post about on here. actually, my post was more about the cost of offing a coyote - but even if I had the money, the club scene isn't for me (been to a couple just to see what they're like). different strokes and all that.

May 24th, 2013, 03:28
Joe - my remark had nothing to do with your sense of humor. it was a meant snide remark because you really didn't respond to two of my messages to you in GR.

I might have forgotten the ----> :tongue3:

May 24th, 2013, 03:32
I'm genuinely puzzled - you sent me messages on Gay Romeo? when was this and what kind of messages? maybe you want to take this to PM? I really don't know what you're talking about - honest

May 24th, 2013, 03:44
Gladly Joe, I was actually just waiting for the opportunity to say something. Your comment in this thread was perfect for a little sting. However, i should have done it with a smile since I'm not angry or think bad about you in any way.

May 24th, 2013, 12:17
Martin, I'm not familiar with mc2. can you tell me where it is, what kind of venue?
sounds like you guys have fun... take me out with you guys next time ;)

May 24th, 2013, 16:26
I googled mc2 pattaya


i didn't know them either but i assumed they were from the breeding kind. 7am and 12 pm closing time? :alc:

but not for me :-)

May 26th, 2013, 19:12
I was there at mc2 this morning - following a very very full Nab - they moved the foam party to last nite - I havnt seen Nab so packed for years!, although it it smaller floorspace wise than before !!!
really great to see nab back to itss old groove
it had its 4th ann a few weeks back -- so its not doing too bad for the v fickle gay crowd that als seemed to exsist in pattaya
I rem well thinking when it opened about how it would ruin the playground we had called Xray - and it did but moved fun to another level as regards gay clubs in pattaya!!!

But it wasnt the foam party that drew the crowds (because very few, myself included act waded in ,)our table was near the old entrance door which was the entrance point for the foam and v few people played with each other
I was more than happy to observe and raise my glass every now if I caucht a glimpse of familiar flesh -its fun when you are in it but its fucking cold torture once you come out!!!!

police closed up Nab and its sister club Step Up@ 4.30. so a few of decamped to Mc2 @ Soi Bunkot - dont fret about finding the place guys all the mo cy taxis near dave and nab know the way :bounce:
its only 5/6 minaway from nab
arrived into a full house (mainly a young straight crowd )but loads of cute eye candy everywhere
and there is something about cute poochaiguys!!!!
I fell out the door at 8, almost falling ON the cute lad that was pulling me OUT the damm door lol
other guys from my table still are not back yet at 7 pm as I type this -- they obs got waylaid on their way home hehe

May 26th, 2013, 19:54
I have to admire your stamina, martin :notworthy: - I'm just not able for that kind of night anymore

May 27th, 2013, 00:02
I'm with you Joe - I now have a rule that if I'm not in bed by midnight I have to go home!

May 27th, 2013, 00:34
Truth be told Joe im starting to think the same way about myself!! - the fecking hangovers are lasting longer and longer it seems

I said it before -- its not natural to be drinking that early in the day!!

May 27th, 2013, 03:35
martin, to me it's perfectly natural to start drinking once the sun comes up - seems you maybe stop drinking round about that time. different strokes indeed :alc:

May 28th, 2013, 00:25
I too was. In Nab last night and it was buzzing and some very sexy coyotes as well

May 30th, 2013, 13:42
i sent a message to a friend whose friend offed a Dave coyote a few times back in april... here is his response

..it is 800 off and a mandatory drink which is 400.
But if you already buy them a drink first before you do the deal you'll be up over 1500.
Even if you already bought a drink for them to talk.
When you off you still must pay for another drink in top.
It's a scam!
Yeah but it might not be a case of comparing apples and apples when you say these prices are high.

Now this is strictly down to personal preference so not everyone will feel the same way... But I would hypothesise (not assert) that the the higher prices at NAB and Dave are because you're getting a different, more superior OR rarer product.

I've been into a few gogo bars in Sunee Plaza and Boyztown and I found the attractiveness of the gogo boys in those bars to be utterly poor. Would not sleep with 95% of them even if I was desperate. In some bars it felt like they were scraping the bottom of the barrel with hicks. They would've been in the bottom 20% of any normal gay nightclub in Bangkok... sounds derogatory but just trying to be honest here.

Then I went to NAB and most or all of the dancers on stage, which are offable, are actually pretty good looking! Would've been happy to hook up with most of them. Ordinary, handsome, straight looking guys with decent bodies.

I know you guys have more experience in these bars and I admit that the sample size is not large and accept plenty may disagree but this was the impression I got.

Again, this is strictly down to personal preference and everyone's opinion will be different... But maybe they justify their higher prices because they're simply providing what SOME would consider a vastly superior product. Maybe these punters pay because they want a level of "quality" that just isn't available elsewhere in Pattaya.

June 4th, 2013, 08:42
BL many of the coyotes in Nab or DAVE would have started off their " careers " working at those same sunne and boystown gogo bars tho

its down to taste at the end of the day for us all tho is it not - there are plenty of unnactractive (in my eyes ) coyotes working in nab and Dave at present

June 4th, 2013, 21:15
Yep... I'm sure that's true too.

I remember one of these coyote boys down from the stage came up and talked to me. For some reason, without me asking, he mentioned he used to work at some bar in Bangkok, Bangkok Boys or something.

It does come down to taste too... Looks wise, I tend to like handsome, clean cut, straight-acting guys with fit, healthy, good looking bodies, but not overly muscular, and with a cute face. Pretty much the same as myself. Most gogo boys I've seen strike me as being poorly groomed, fresh off the farm, country boys with old style hair cuts. Often, but not always, quite scrawny or odd in body shape. Usually don't look too healthy or fit at all.

June 4th, 2013, 21:54
I tend to like handsome, clean cut, straight-acting guys with fit, healthy, good looking bodies, but not overly muscular, and with a cute face. Pretty much the same as myself.

seems all you're lacking is a bit of self-confidence

June 5th, 2013, 14:20

seems all you're lacking is a bit of self-confidence

making up for that with extra imagination?

June 5th, 2013, 20:08
I'm with Joe on Beachy's post.
It's been a long time since I laughed out loud at a post.