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May 2nd, 2013, 14:32
Living and working in Bangkok: 3 months

Now I have been living and working in Bangkok for 3 months, and here is a report about my current situation.

ChristianPFC is fit for tropics. I could live and work in Thailand permanently. (Some people on the forums say that holiday is fine for them, but they cannot imagine living here.) After previous stays in England and France, I was prepared for a third world country, and I can cope with tropical weather as well.

I can walk 15 minutes in the full sun without excessive sweating. If I can get in aircon after these 15 minutes, I will be fine. However if I have to climb the stairs to fifth floor (my room), I will sweat significantly. But I prefer too hot to too cold.

By moving to Thailand, I have achieved some of my aims in life:

1. I can wear flip-flops most of the time outside or no shoes at all in my room, I only have to wear closed shoes for work and when I go to immigration/embassy/... No more socks, no more laces, no more bending down to put shoes on and take them off. Wonderful!

2. Never be cold again (in the sense of winter in Europe). Here it is warm (often too warm), or cold in the sense of fresh (aircon).

3. Can eat mangosteen, tom kha gai and other Thai food and fruit every time I want (but on the downside, cheese and chocolate from Europe is very expensive).

4. Sex is available any time and at reasonable prices. But I still have not been able to have someone come to my place in time. I didn't have good sex for a while, and now I am hesitating to spend money in Bangkok bars (that would be drink up to 300 Baht, off fee 500, tip 1500, then taxi to my place 20 minutes and 150 Baht, the boy might be reticent to go that far and/or ask for another 150 Baht for taxi back, simply too much if it starts with expecting poor sex for a lot of money). I have to wait until I'm in a better mood.

5. I don't have to pay TV license. In Germany it's in the range of 800 Baht per month, and nowadays it's a "media fee" that every household has to pay, even if you don't have a TV or computer or radio (except if you are blind and deaf, then you are exempt).

I mainly eat Thai food, about 90%. Once or twice a week, I treat myself to Italian food or expensive Thai seafood or have some cake. I now need 3 meals per day, when I came for holiday 2 or sometimes even just 1 was enough (plus some snacks). Unfortunately, I have to take most meals alone. In France, we went eating in a group and had many interesting conversations during lunch, which I miss very much. In addition, the pizza with goat cheese and the salmon were to die for.

I lost a few kg (I was slim before, now even more) and now all my trousers are too wide, so I had to buy a belt. My physical condition is excellent, I reached or excelled results from 12 years ago. The only problem is that there is no place where I can run for 2 hours or more to prepare for possible participation in the Pattaya Marathon.

I now use aircon (25 degree Celsius) every night. Last month I experimented with fan, I can sleep with fan, but why suffer at 30 C or more when I can have aircon every night for about 800 Baht per month. My room heats up during day, when I come home it's 33 C inside, and even after hours of using fan, inside still 32 C and outside 30 C or less.

My Thai improved slightly. Still serious problems with listening and understanding spoken Thai, especially on the phone or with background noises. But I can sometimes get the gist, and I guess it will take just some more months until I get useful information by listening to Thai people talking about me assuming I don't understand what they are saying.

Thai people in my area are friendly, I sometimes get an invitation for drinking or eating. They have genuine interest in me, are happy that I can speak Thai. Unfortunately, there is a mismatch: those interested in me are either too old, too young, not my type or female. Those I have a sexual interest in show low interest in me, often totally ignoring me. However considering that there are more then 10 who I would like to invite to my room, and some of them live in the slum (no work, no money), there must be one or two who would be happy to go with me for a few hundred Baht, but I don't know who and how to approach the matter!

It's like opening an oyster, you need one point where you start. Some cute boys play basketball, so I can't talk to them while they are playing. After the match, they go home for showering and don't come back. (If there was group showering after the match, I would overcome my aversion to ball games.) When we exchange a few words, there is no subject that I can use to invite them to my room. Except for one, who asked me if I wank and how big my cock is! Unfortunately he is not my type, otherwise I would invite him for a demonstration.

I finally get some calls per week from boys who would like to meet me (for sex for money). I always envied those who complained that they constantly get calls, because I rarely got one when I was in Thailand for holiday. Unfortunately, there is a mismatch: either I am not free or he is not free or traveling would take too long or he is not so much my type that I would like to see him again.

My sex life is going down. Contrary to my expectations, more prostitutes (now over 80%, when I came here on holiday it was 50%), and the last good sex has been a while ago. My idea was to meet two or three boys per week from gayromeo or camfrog or from real life for free or cheap, find a boyfriend or move on or stay fuckbuddy. Complete failure. I still haven't managed to get a single boy from my area in my room (to study English and Thai, and then probe if more is possible), can't use camfrog (no own computer, no webcam in internet cafe, no pro version) and results on gayromeo are disappointing.

I calculate my chances of ever finding a boyfriend very low (details in a separate topic).

Whole series of events go wrong. Last weekend in Pattaya may serve as an example. Friday night was ok (I offed a waiter, so I could not be sure that there are no tattoos and no body hair, back in my room his body was exactly as I like it, but he did not show any activity in bed). For Saturday I had planned to meet one boy during day and one at night (both barboys I know from previous trips). One was away during day and one was not available. At night, I went to the boy's bar, he was there, taking part in contest, so I could not off him. I waited till after 1am when he left the bar, but he had other commitments. Other bars were closed already, so I called another boy. He did not pick up, but why I was holding my phone I heard someone call my name. It was another acquaintance I would love to get in bed with again. While I was chatting with him, the boy I called minutes before called back (vibration, I did not pick up). After some chat (and a lot of drama, this boy has by far the highest drama to sex ratio of all my Thai friends) I realize his plans for the night do not include me. Actually, I think he does not intend to go with me again and is just teasing me and looking for drama. This has been going on for half a year (drama and teasing) in real life, on phone and on skype. I should move on. I tried my best:

He: "When do you go back to Bangkok tomorrow?"
I: "Up to you!",
He: "No, I mean when do you leave Pattaya?",
I: "We can leave whenever you want.".

But he wanted to go to disco with his ladyboy friends from Obsession bar. Nothing for me (too late, too loud, and they would probably present me all the bills, I would still have to go to bed alone, anyway I wasn't invited - I have fallen that low, I am not even invited to pay the bills!)

A stroll through Sunee (about 2 am) shows very little remaining activity. But then I walk past New Sawatdee Boys which is still open and that looked promising earlier that evening (but I prefer gogo bars where I can see the boys in underwear, I rarely go to beer bars). So I went in and a boy sat next to me. I could not find any fault with him in the bar and he caught me in a moment of emotional weakness, so I offed him. Back in my room, hugging, cuddling, kissing, affection exactly as I like it, but seen in light not so much my type. He called me a few times, now I have to prepare him that we will not meet for sex for money again. At New Sawatdee Boys, there is no way I can escape him because I walk past every time I am in Sunee. Fortunately, he will go back to his home province in four weeks so time will solve this problem (a boy who is everything I want, but not my type!). So I won't be lumbered with him for long.

That might be a consolation to others. Getting laid in Thailand is not only about age and looks, even speaking Thai does not improve my current situation, neither does living and working here. It's more about attitude and how much money you are willing to spend. A friend of mine goes to Hua Lampong railway station and kind of says: "You, you and you, want to come with me? Free beer, cigarettes, food, 300 Baht for sex." Two of them say yes, one says no, and 15 minutes later he is in his room with them. Others go to Soi Twilight, Boyztown or Sunee or gay discos, and for a few thousand Baht they spend the night surrounded by Thai boys who tell them they love them and want to become their boyfriend. Both cases are not my style, I make elaborate plans that fail most of the time.

I have a lot to catch up regarding electronics. Not having an own computer is cumbersome (use internet at work or in internet cafe), I will buy one soon. (Update: finally bought a laptop, now I just need internet.) In addition, I will need a new mobile phone, that will be quite a jump from my current one which is from around 2005. Then I will be able to use GPS and googlemaps and access internet from my phone and will try out grindr and similar applications and read and send SMS in Thai. Actually, I would rather study Thai with local boys (really, not just as a pretext!) and have sex with some of them then being in the internet two hours a day or more.

Work is so-so (that's optimistic, work-wise I have quite a low as well, but I won't bore you with details).

Expenses are higher than expected, I spend about 30,000 Baht per month (detailed expenses will follow in a separate post), and that is without saving for retirement or health insurance (I have health insurance from my employer, I don't know how much this covers). Add one-time expenses (my lost passport will cost about 10,000 Baht, I will buy a computer soon), and I spend all money. For flights back to Germany, I will have to use money I saved when I was working in Europe.

Summary: my main objective for my relocation to Thailand was to have sex regularly, for free or cheap (definitely not Soi Twilight prices) and maybe even find a boyfriend. So far, complete failure in all aspects.

Brad the Impala
May 2nd, 2013, 15:47
Hi Christian, thanks for the honesty and detail of your experiences, which will NOT be what those thinking of moving to Bangkok at least will want to hear. I would imagine that the easier availability, and more modest pricing, of sex in Pattaya, would be an improvement on your current situation, despite your disappointing recent trip there. I understand that you can't however live there because your work is in Bangkok.

I can't imagine living in Bangkok, or anywhere, without internet connection and laptop, and I hope that your situation improves when you have that. Beginning to understand your Saran Rom park experiences in a different light after reading of your frustrations above!

May 2nd, 2013, 16:09
A very interesting post, Christian. Quite an eye-opener.

But I'm just a little confused. You say could live permanently in LOS but the describe what a sad life you are having.
If that were my life experience, I'd be out of there in a shot!

And about those young guys- they probably weren't interested in going with you because they were straight. Just a thought.

Your post reminds me why I like to visit. I once in a moment of foolishness considered buying a condo in Pattaya. I'm glad I came to my senses in time.

Anyway, I sure hope things get better for you. It takes time to adjust to a completely new culture, as I'm sure you can attest. Best of luck to you!

Ich w├╝nsche Ihnen alles Gute!

May 2nd, 2013, 16:10
Suggest you dont get too down after only 3 months, give it at least a year. as for the sex /boys/relationships...be upfront...if you dont like someone or the chemistry is not there say so...dont tip toe around the issue...or be pressurized into buying him drinks etcetera.....and being upfront about what you want DOES work...stop being so coy and shy...I take after your friend at the train station....say what you want...even if half turn you down it really doesnt matter...I've had no's that turned into a yes an hour later.....be assertive.....average Thai boy likes being told what to do...

May 2nd, 2013, 16:34
i have just been offered a 2 year employment chance with my company in bangkok, which i instigated. on tuesday i went and meet with the manager and he wants me to work there ,,
i have no idea if i am going to take it up or not .. so far ive been here a week and have felt like sleeping 24/7 its to hot to do anything .. so from a week ago being 100% sure i would be living in thailand at the end of this year, i now am 100% unsure.

May 2nd, 2013, 16:44
if the money is good...and it helps your career...go for it...2 years is nothing

May 2nd, 2013, 16:59
the money is shite and it will be the end of my career but other than that thanks ...i can stay there for 4 years if i want to as they will extend the contract on a 2 yearly basis i dont need to work anymore .. but to earn a few dollars for a few years whilst living there seemed like a good idea at the time ... now im here im not so sure .. this is the first time i been here this time of the year ... its just so darn hot !

May 2nd, 2013, 19:35
Tim, I strongly agree with you about the heat and humidity round this time of the year in Thailand. I usually take my one month holiday right after Songkran and go visit home and/or some other interesting destination. So, I'm home at the moment. Overall, though, I still prefer the tropical weather in Thailand to that of the harsh winters here at home.

I have no regrets about having decided to live and work in Thailand. My life there is honestly very good. Unlike Christian, I did not move there to get easy access to sex or have a boyfriend (nothing wrong with that), I was just greatly in need of a change. Fortunately, I have made some vey good friends, who are excellent sources of support. I feel very much at home in Pattaya. I do visit Boyz Town every now and then, but it is not central in my social life. As I have said before, I really prefer going to one of the late night clubs, i.e., straight or gay. But my greatest joy is derived from hanging out with friends at dinner parties, visiting different sites round Thailand at weekends and on public holidays, spending lazy afternoons at the beach, and so on.

Life in Pattaya is imperfect for sure, but I'm happier here than I ever was back home. We each experience things differently and so what works for one will not necessarily work for another. Hence, the advice shared by many a wise members to try it out and rent initially is sound advice.

Christian, I do hope your sex life improves exponentially for the better soon. Although, I truly enjoy reading your many (mis)adventures. By the way, interestingly, your monthly expenses work out almost the same as mine in Pattaya. My employer, though, provides accommodation (I pay for utilities.) and basic medical insurance (I top up out of pocket.). And I'm able to save monthly towards what will hopefully be my retirement fund when that time comes. Note that besides my monthly salary, I also have income from rentals.

I'm looking forward to reading your other reports and thank you for your honesty and willingness to share your life experiences with us.

May 3rd, 2013, 03:02
Thanks for a very interesting and informative post.
I hope things look up for you. (pun intended)

May 3rd, 2013, 04:24
Thanks for the interesting account Christian.

Personally i think i would have made a greater effort to stay somewhere a bit more central if I were you.

I think getting the new phone that you can use for internet based applications is a good idea for meeting Thai guys

All the Thai guys I have chatted to online on Facebook seem to be connected on a mobile phone, and with Grindr and the area-search applications on gayromeo you will probably find out that there are plenty of guys who live in your immediate area (even though you havent seen them around yet) who might be very interested in some Thai-English lessons.

May 4th, 2013, 07:12
Location-location-location-I would never live outside central Bangkok unless it was on the beach in a populated area. It is hard enough being an outsider in Thailand, but living outside the activities of Sukumvit or Silom or similar makes you feel even further isolated. With a 20+ minute taxi ride from the bars, you should not be surprised a boy may not want to visit you, especially if you're not offering extra for the taxi. Travel time is likely to put off the boy's interest and apparently does according to some of what you have written. Go where the boys are, don't expect them to come to where you are if it is not convenient. Or find out where the barboys live, and go live there and try it. I would buy a big or double room and I am sure you will be amazed how many friends you will meet when they can't make the rent that month. Or see if there is University housing near you and consider that.
You may want to reorder your goals in life. Wear flip flops all the time indicates you haven't set sufficiently enjoyable goals. But at least you can achieve your meager goals wherever you choose to live, so that may work in your favor.
Not having internet service is also going to block you out of many opportunities and further isolate you.
Do you have any gyms you could join locally? If not, go back to my comment on location and consider the gyms you could access in central Bangkok or how your chances might improve if you exercised or ran in Lumphini Park. then you could also achieve your training goal.
IF your main objective in moving to Thailand was to have sex as you state, you made a critical mistake by living outside the active areas and expecting it to come to you or that you could bring it to you. MOVE. So I agree with Ronan the Barbarian.
I would suggest you do it asap and then you will have many more interesting experiences to report. Best of luck.

May 4th, 2013, 12:11
If you want to meet guys and save money at the same time, why not offer free English/German/French lessons to the boys, in exchange for free Thai lessons?

Who knows, you may even get some good oral practice.

May 4th, 2013, 13:10
Enjoyed reading your report Christian and the advice to you from a447 sounds good.

In my opinion and after reading your report it once again brings me to the conclusion that for most people(not all) who live in Thailand if they really want to have a good time they must be financially sound,with an income of at least 80-100,000 baht per month.

May 5th, 2013, 09:34
hemmm. Your main objective in moving to Thailand is free or cheap sex? You sound like exactly the type of farang I would want to avoid!!!! From your ramblings you sound like an unhappy person with whom it would be a challenge to have a drink with, let alone spend the night with. Except FOR money. I have traveled in Thailand for many years and have always had wonderful relationships with Thai guys. I have had the pleasure of traveling to hometowns, going to quiet spots they know, for the day, just to see what Thais do on their days off, treating them to travel and hotels in Thailand and the neighboring countries; having them take me to their favorite Thai restaurants and alternatively going to an upscale Thai restaurant. I suppose for all the money spent on hotels, plane tickets, and meals over the years, I could have spent those weeks in morning-to-night paid sex- and still have come out ahead. IF that was all I wanted. WE ALL PAY FOR SEX-straight or gay, married or in relationships. The most basic relationship would be a simple exchange of baht for sex. You are the customer; he is the seller. He sets the value of the merchandise. Pay the price or shut up.
If you don't want to pay cash for sex, you had better have something irresistible to offer in exchange-a body to die for, a very winning personality that may hide less desirable traits, financial and social status. That's it. It has been that way since people discovered the pleasures of sex and the importance of aligning one's self with an appropriate "mate." I spent my professional career giving advice. "Giving" is incorrect. I was well paid for the advice. It wasn't cheap and it wasn't free. BUT it was and has proved to have been sound advice. It wasn't sex, and it was neither cheap or free. The customer always made the decision whether to write the check or not, but he didn't decide the amount! I did.
Perhaps Thailand will not meet your dream as the Walmart of Sex. (And I hope it doesn't: I expect more of my peers, even on this topic). And perhaps you should look to the other things Thailand has to offer in abundance.

May 5th, 2013, 11:39
And perhaps you should look to the other things Thailand has to offer in abundance.

I believe he does.

May 5th, 2013, 12:40
And perhaps you should look to the other things Thailand has to offer in abundance.I believe he does.Can we get a list?

May 5th, 2013, 14:57
I don't know. Ask him.

May 5th, 2013, 22:06
ay the price or shut up.
. And perhaps you should look to the other things Thailand has to offer in abundance.

Actually Christian has posted much about his travels and experiences in Thailand, much more than most posters on the forums. It does seem that he is constrained by limited financial resources.

May 5th, 2013, 22:30
Location-location-location-I would never live outside central Bangkok unless it was on the beach in a populated area. It is hard enough being an outsider in Thailand, but living outside the activities of Sukumvit or Silom or similar makes you feel even further isolated.

Go where the boys are

Or see if there is University housing near you and consider that.

You may want to reorder your goals in life. Wear flip flops all the time indicates you haven't set sufficiently enjoyable goals. But at least you can achieve your meager goals wherever you choose to live, so that may work in your favor.

Not having internet service is also going to block you out of many opportunities and further isolate you.

Do you have any gyms you could join locally? If not, go back to my comment on location and consider the gyms you could access in central Bangkok or how your chances might improve if you exercised or ran in Lumphini Park. then you could also achieve your training goal.

These are all excellent ideas, most of which I've tried myself with excellent results. It's important to get a hang of "lifestyle design", and even more so when in a foreign country. I highly recommend going to a gym on a regular basis. It will give you some structure, get you fit, and put you in social situations. Also, I'd highly suggest ditching the flip-flops unless out at the beach. Shoes are very important.


May 5th, 2013, 22:49
Dboy- Thanks for the compliment. I wanted to make some constructive suggestions to Christian as he seems to put a lot of effort, honesty, and reality into his reports. I always enjoy when someone does that. It also reminds me that we all have different goals, views, and financial means.

When you recommend him to ditch the flip flops, is that because how Thai guys are likely to view Farangs who dress too casually? My experience is that they expect Farangs to be reasonably well dressed and upscale to be attracted to them in a serious way. I will start a new thread on this topic as it might be useful to get a variety of input for all of us to remind ourselves how the Thai mind views such things.

Brad the Impala
May 6th, 2013, 00:32
When you recommend him to ditch the flip flops, is that because how Thai guys are likely to view Farangs who dress too casually? .

Wearing flip flops most of the time would suggest that you are either a slob or a khee nok backpacker, in any country. If you want the airy feel around your feet at least wear decent sandals. But exposed feet really aren't acceptable unless you are at the beach or up country, or popping out to the local shops. Even then it's best to switch in the evening for practical reasons like mosquitoes.


May 8th, 2013, 16:44
Thanks for all comments, I will reply in full when I have time. Every absence from the forum is a good sign, I was busy enjoying life in Bangkok for the last few days so I had no time for internet and things are looking better now.

May 18th, 2013, 00:37

Some recent encounters show that my situation (sex-wise) is improving.

On a trip to Singapore (former ICK, Ramkhamhaeng), I saw several cute boys and hooked up with one of the. He was there with two friends, I came alone. It didnтАЩt run optimal, but I still count it as success. He and his friends stay in Lamlukka, Phatumthani province, about 20 km taxi ride from Ramkhamhaeng. So we went there (I paid for taxi) to his hairdresser shop, where his friends slept on the floor in their street clothes, whereas we slept on the couch that could be converted into a bed. There was no bed linen and the fabric was rough, of course I hadnтАЩt planned for this. We used a very basic piece of cloth as a cover. The bathroom was very basic as well. Luckily, I had condoms stored in a place where I could find them blind, so we did not have to switch on the light and interrupt his friendsтАЩ sleep.

We plan to meet again, but I am forseeing travel times, expenses and misunderstandings regarding place and time of meeting. It will probably be easier, faster and cheaper to go to the disco again and meet someone else. Several phone calls followed, but heтАЩs so difficult to understand on the phone, I will postpone it until I have phone that can send and receive SMS in Thai.

Another trip to Saranrom park was successful, now the fifth trip there in a row, unprecedented! On average, I have to go three gogo bars to find one boy.
A weekday trip to DJ-station showed that there are enough customers and that I can get to bed at 4am and work normally the next day without problems (at least if I donтАЩt do it every day). There was one boy who quickly revealed that he works at X-Boys, I took him home (1000 Baht for long time is reasonable).

On one day I met the two cute fishing boys (see Songkran report) on my way home from work and tried to invite them to my room, no way! So I made an appointment for 8-9pm to come back to study Thai and talk. I was there at 9:02, they were nowhere to be seen, doors were closed, then I asked around and was told that they were already sleeping. CouldnтАЩt make it up! But it gets better. Diagonally opposite lives a Burmes women who can speak Thai, but not read and write and who works in the area. She invited herself to my room and even asked if she could stay overnight (if I understood correctly). We met at 7pm (on a different day, 10.05.2013) and I told her she can come to see me at 8pm. 8:10 I call her, no communication possible, only background noises, TV, kids. 8:30 she calls back, we agree to meet in 10 minutes at the 7-11. I have to go there anyway. She is not there, no further phone calls.

I can generalize this for many of my Thai acquaintances: absolutely no management of time and place, meetings by appointment are almost impossible. Even one hour later and 1 km away is beyond their ability to manage place and time!

Had some more phone calls with Ice (the boy from the Saranrom threesome and foresome with the older transvestites). Someone will have to travel, next time it will be he, not me, even if I pay the taxi fare for him. We got close to meeting one evening for cinema (and sex later), but then he called again and asked for 600 Baht. Here I am again in a situation that is cheaper and faster and easier to look for someone else on Saranrom park than meeting him again on appointment.

Generalisation for phone calls with my Thai friends: they are conducted in Thai and I have serious difficulties to understand, usually there is significant background noise. I shall get a phone that can SMS in Thai, so I can write SMS instead of calling, that should make communication much easier.

And there was the boy from gayromeo. He lives in Sathorn, so I took taxi to his place. The taxi driver advised me that it would be faster and cheaper to go to Mor Chit and take BTS from there instead of going by taxi all the way to Saphan Thaksin. I never had this before, I followed his advice. The boy called me exactly one hour after I messaged him on gr that it would take me one hour. I was on the BTS near Surasak. This time the phone call was easy to understand. Then near his place I called again, we met at 7-11 and went for dinner. Management of place and time is possible! The pictures on gr were looking fine, but on meeting him I found he was not so much my type. Back in his room, we talked about Thailand, Thai language, his studies and homosexuality. He has sex about once per month, usually with boys from gayromeo. I was thinking I was the only one who does not get laid as often as he would like to, and all others have regular orgies to which I am not invited! He was finally begging me for sex ( I donтАЩt have this often), but he was not my type, so I said goodbye.

A few days ago, one of the fishing boys asked me for 20 Baht which I gave him. The following day, he asked for 30 Baht, which I gave him. Now this turns interesting, I finally have a point where I can approach the matter and maybe finally get his father/uncle/other male relative/older friend to pimp him and his brother/cousin/friend/whatever out to me (because the situation was so that I could not give him the money without others seeing it, but he was aware of it).

I could update every few days, but I will stop here, you get the gist.

Sometimes I think I am in a тАЬRadio YerevanтАЭ joke like this:
(Yerevan тАУ capital of Armenia. These jokes were popular in Eastern Germany and the Soviet Union.)

Question to Radio Yerevan: "Is it correct that Grigori Grigorievich Grigoriev won a luxury car at the All-Union Championship in Moscow?"
Radio Yerevan answered: "In principle, yes. But first of all it was not Grigori Grigorievich Grigoriev, but Vassili Vassilievich Vassiliev; second, it was not at the All-Union Championship in Moscow, but at a Collective Farm Sports Festival in Smolensk; third, it was not a car, but a bicycle; and fourth he didn't win it, but rather it was stolen from him."

Is it true that ChristianPFC met a handsome Thai boy and they had great sex and no money changed hands? In principle yes, butтАж

May 18th, 2013, 06:46
Christian-thank you for posting your adventures. Since I could not visit Thailand this year, it is fun to read someone else's adventures. I think with your persistence and determination, over time, you will find a growing number of opportunities. I am sure you will learn from your experiences and things will go better and better for you. I give you a lot of credit for just living whatever situation that comes your way.

May 19th, 2013, 07:02
and no mention of the handsom young man you met in dicks cafe on thursday night christian ???

May 20th, 2013, 09:07
I could be wrong, but it seems as though you may need to take a step back, and ask yourself what you're looking for. You say you're looking for a long-term boyfriend, but it seems as though the first and foremost thing on your mind is sex, with hopes / expectations of getting anyone you meet into bed within hours. They also have to have the perfect physical characteristics for you, not ask for any money, and due to your budget and spending habits, almost guaranteed be from a poorer background. Plus you're looking for this person in places like the bars, cruising areas, and saunas.

I don't know, it just seems somewhat self defeating, and you'll always be left disappointed. Maybe join a cooking class, or if you're into some type of arts (painting, pottery, whatever), join a class for that, or maybe volunteer at an AIDS awareness organization, or even something like Habitat for Humanity. You're bound to meet some gay people along the way, and they'll probably be better relationship material than what you find in the bars and parks.

Or if you're just looking to get your rocks off with cute guys whenever the urge strikes you, that's totally fine too, but don't allow yourself to become disappointed because you haven't found the perfect partner going that route. Trust me, take it from someone who has learned the lesson the hard way.

May 20th, 2013, 12:36
I wish this board had a "Like" button, because I would just have pressed it for Matt's post. I agree with what he says.

May 20th, 2013, 15:21
I too think Matt's post is excellent - well done

May 20th, 2013, 15:30
Cdnmatt makes some salient points - but Christian is also to be commended for the honesty that shines through in his posts.

Christian does not embellish or invent his encounters like certain others on SGT - he posts his experiences warts and all and is well aware he will be criticised for being cheap or expecting too much. He seems to follow the old adage of "hope for the best, expect the worst" and so far it seems to have worked out exactly that way!

Sure he could take his so far fruitless search in other directions but maybe he is just not the type who enjoys clubs or volunteering or other social activities like that.

I'd bet most of us spend our entire lives not finding exactly what we are looking for - so why should Christian need corrected by us?

May 20th, 2013, 16:29
I agree scottish-guy - ChrisItian's honesty is refreshing and his adventures are a joy to read. I hope one day we get to read of a true happey ending

May 20th, 2013, 17:39
To timmberty: Sorry, I don't know whom you are referring to, I was the only handsome young man in Dick's cafe on the night you are referring to. Anyway, this report was written a day or two before Thursday.

To all others: The above is an insider joke between timmberty and me.

To cdnmatt: In the long run, I am looking for a boyfriend, in the short run, fuck-buddy would be fine. I am well aware that I won't find a boyfriend in gogo bars, but in these places I am only looking for sex. I am not that much of a team player, so I will not join cooking class/gym/whatever. But I like travelling, that might bring me in contact with others. I noticed that cultural events (although I'm not that much interested in arts) like BACC and the European Union Film Festival have plenty of handsome Thai boys, the right age range (18-25) and probably closer to my level of education and sophistication than what you find in gogo bars.

You did a very good summation of my situation.

May 20th, 2013, 22:39
Yesterday, 19.05.2013, I met the Burmese woman again. Her house was on the way back from the shopping centre to my room, so I told her I would pop in on my way. Everything reported further is translated from Thai, she seems to be fluent, but canтАЩt read and write.

The room is in the slum, but the rent per square meter is about the same as for my room. She earns 12,000 Baht per month and sends back 2-3,000 to her parents. I asked to see her passport: valid only for Thailand, T-L visa, permit to stay for 2 years, born 1987, and sex M. Face and voice did not allow me to determine his sex, but now the passport shows itтАЩs a man.

We chat (often requires repetition, still I can only follow half of it, with Thais I could resort to writing, but here I have to do with the spoken word) and then he asks to see my room, so I invite him to follow me. In my room the chat turns to boyfriend/girlfriend, it turns out he is gay. I show him some pictures of my Thai friends (or boys I had offed) on my laptop, then he asks if I have тАЬgay clipтАЭ (Thai euphemism for gay porn). I have that as well and show him some videos with Japanese, Philippines and Thai. He is very interested.

Finally, the conversations turns to what I like (sexually). I have to decline offers to get sucked, fuck him or get a handjob. He is absolutely not my type. It would be shorter to list reasons why elephants canтАЩt fly than to explain why he is not my type. Life in Thailand has plenty of twists. If I wasnтАЩt an atheist already, I could lose my faith over this.

But he knows about a gay disco or other kind of venue (entry is 160 Baht) in Lam Sip (?) I havenтАЩt heard of or I just canтАЩt match the spoken word with a name I read somewhere. So we will go there some day, he knows how to get there by bus 554.

May 20th, 2013, 23:12
Christian visions of you and a Burmese woman/now transvestite heading off together to a gay disco in (not sure name yet lol) ON
the number 554 bus is making me laugh tonite!!!

Keep it up!!! -from all your other posts lately it seems you are living an adventourous life here in Thailand - making me think I need to get out more LOL

May 21st, 2013, 01:03
[b]Christianpfc said: In the long run, I am looking for a boyfriend, in the short run, fuck-buddy would be fine.

You use the word "again" when speaking about the Burmese lady, did I miss one of your adventures? Out of curiosity, why did you stop in to see a Burmese lady that lives in the slum that you can't understand 50% of what they say who is a man that is not your type and invite them back to your room to watch porn but not have sex? Are you on Yaba or has something else pickled your brain? If your goal is as stated above, you are taking all the wrong roads. If all this is true, please post pictures next time as this would make a nice storybook of wierd misadventures in Thailand.

May 21st, 2013, 01:22
...You use the word "again" when speaking about the Burmese lady, did I miss one of your adventures....


Update.......Diagonally opposite lives a Burmes women who can speak Thai, but not read and write and who works in the area. She invited herself to my room and even asked if she could stay overnight (if I understood correctly). We met at 7pm (on a different day, 10.05.2013) and I told her she can come to see me at 8pm. 8:10 I call her, no communication possible, only background noises, TV, kids. 8:30 she calls back, we agree to meet in 10 minutes at the 7-11. I have to go there anyway. She is not there, no further phone calls. тАж

May 21st, 2013, 01:30
I thought it was the woman/man from the threesome he had from the park? :dontknow:

we definitely need pictures from here on in - I'm losing track

May 21st, 2013, 01:44
...I'm losing track

You could be right - I just looked for Burmese.

If instead of losing track you find yourself losing the will to live, let us know.

Oops, banter.

May 21st, 2013, 03:59
thanks SG.
I thought the same as joe552.
Now I think I have the proper episode and character. Kind of like watching Downington Abbey.
Christianpfc, I appreciate you taking the time to detail your adventures and report back to us. My suggestions are offered with the best of intentions to help you achieve your goals as stated. :glasses7:

May 21st, 2013, 05:21
Kind of like watching Downington Abbey.

forget Downington Abbey or that other famous show, Downton Abbey - it's certainly becoming ""Tales of the Unexpected"

can't wait for the next episode

May 21st, 2013, 06:10

May 21st, 2013, 14:22
Thanks, scotty, for providing the quote from my op regarding the Burmese lady.

At least she excused herself for the missed appoitment at the 7-11 when I asked her/him about it.

Why I invite her/him to my room? Because he asked nicely. Sometimes I spend time with people I have no sexual interest in, in the name of the German-Burmese friendship and world peace, and you never know where it leads.

Actually I am sharing only part of my adventures, what is topical or what I consider of high general interest or high entertainment value. I have been to plenty of interesting places, I will report about them later. I can surely say the the current phase of my live is the most eventful one (apart from my time in the army).

I thought it was the woman/man from the threesome he had from the park?
That's in a separate thread "Plenty of boys at Saranrom park".

May 21st, 2013, 18:19
...I'm losing track

You could be right - I just looked for Burmese.

If instead of losing track you find yourself losing the will to live, let us know.

Oops, banter.

Now I really did laugh out loud at the above Scottish-Guy тАж I thought it was very funny. I do enjoy reading some friendly banter intermixed with topics. I donтАЩt really see any problem with that. Just my opinion.

And thanks for your many stories and topics retelling your adventures, warts and all, Christianpfc. They make me realise what I am missing and IтАЩve only been away for 3 weeks, but sadly, I still have no idea when IтАЩll be back, so keep posting please as there are not too many trip reports on the board at the moment.