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May 2nd, 2013, 02:56
DOUBLE SHOT BAR so after 2 daya its been shut ever since.. so did double shot = open twice then shut down ???? what a waste of money and time ..
but fair enought to the owner if the cheap charlies in sunee dont want to pay my prices they can go else where ... good business idea there !!! only 20 other bars within a 20 meter radious ..
get set for yet another CORNER BAR opening soon ....
why bother to open a bar if you dont care ? and why piss the staff off on the first night ?? ask the boss ... he knows how to make money ..

May 2nd, 2013, 03:48
It could be that they didn't have all their t's crossed before they opened the doors to the general public.

May 2nd, 2013, 16:38
from what i over heard all the staff walked out ... not a great start is it ?

May 3rd, 2013, 12:32
It has always been a mystery to me as to why the Corner Bar, which is seemingly in a prime position, should be forever opening and closing.
Surely it can't be just put down to bad management.
At first, I thought that perhaps it's actually not in a good position, as there are so many beer bars you can choose as you walk up the soi. But then the bar next to it and the ones right across the soi always seem to be busy when the CB is basically empty. Yet it should also be able to trap guys walking between the 2 sois.
Are the staff to blame? Unfriendly? Unattractive? Uninterested in serving the customers?

ask the boss ... he knows how to make money ..

To give credit where credit is due, I agree with you totally on this one. But it would only work if the owner were ready to listen to his customers requests and try a few innovative things.
What separates the CB from its neighbours? There doesn't seem to be anything in particular to make it stand out. It's just another beer bar.

Maybe another owner should be found, but this time one who is willing to take a bolder approach to the business, and perhaps a few risks. That was the key to Happy Place's success.

Oh, and one more thing. As a gay man attractive, friendly guys are the key to everything. I have sat in the bar next to the CB (All of Me??) on a number of occasions and only once or twice has a boy come and sat with me. All us poor farangs are left sitting alone looking into the soi while the boys chat happily amongst themselves. Same with the bars in the other sois. They welcome you with a big smile, deliver your drink and rush back to their friends. Don't the realise they have some horny guys sitting there, many of whom are after an off??

I'm just happy I'm not really a drinker and so do not spend hour after hour in these bars.

May 3rd, 2013, 18:23
hi a447

you ever thing maybe the boys dont want to sit with a old , over weight, ugly boring customer ????????????????'

money or not or off or not, they just dont fancy it :dontknow:

May 3rd, 2013, 19:24
hi a447

you ever thing maybe the boys dont want to sit with a old , over weight, ugly boring customer ????????????????'

money or not or off or not, they just dont fancy it :dontknow:

If that were the case there would be no boys working in the bars.

May 3rd, 2013, 19:48
Yep, paperboy, I'm a realist. I think about that all the time. Why would a handsome fit, young and often straight guy want to spend time with someone like me who is none of those things. I doubt any of the boys in the sex industry in Pattaya "fancy it." They are just good actors, some better than others. They provide us with a fantasy for a period of time and then go back to their normal lives with their true friends. Unlike some on this board, I have no delusions about what is taking place.

I may be wrong, but I thought the boys working in the beer/host bars were supposed to sit with the customers and encourage them to keep buying drinks. Perhaps they aren't, but if I were running a bar, I would expect them to do exactly that.

And I always thought that they were offable (although I've never offed one) and that they were there to find a farang and make some money, just like the gogo boys. And that the bar made money through off fees.

I've heard that beer bar boys can decide if they want to go with a customer, whereas it is more difficult to refuse if you work in a gogo bar.

And of course, manforallseasons is correct.

May 3rd, 2013, 23:38
It has always been a mystery to me as to why the Corner Bar, which is seemingly in a prime position, should be forever opening and closing.
Surely it can't be just put down to bad management.

What separates the CB from its neighbours? There doesn't seem to be anything in particular to make it stand out. It's just another beer bar.

Oh, and one more thing. As a gay man attractive, friendly guys are the key to everything. I have sat in the bar next to the CB (All of Me??) on a number of occasions and only once or twice has a boy come and sat with me.

Forever is a long time! Corner Bar had two American owners over the period of several years, Gary followed by Michael who managed it well and attracted many customers due to their personality and willingness to engage with their clients. That same cannot be said for the next owner, Eddie, a Belgium. Hopefully the new owner (also a Belgium ?) will reverse the decline of CB under it's new name Double Shot. The location of Double Shot/CB with access on two fronts makes it ideal for sitting and enjoying the scenery. Other bars often place their chairs into the soi which is not necessary with Double Shot.

The bar adjacent to Double Shot is Sky Restaurant and Drinks which is quite nice and the owner does make his presence known to his guests.

May 4th, 2013, 03:33
almost empty again tonight ... lets be honest its a loss ... everyone on here knows the corner bar .. most of us still call it the corner bar .. so why change the name ?
i sat in the green chair bar tonight .. a bar with a very unfasionable group of people running it and was far happier in there rather than double shot ..
5 or 6 guys in uniform !! do you need uniform in a beer bar in the slum called sunee plaza ? ( thats a joke for the hi-s0's on here )
it now looks like a hospital waiting room rather than a bar ... the owner has it as a hobby we are told . some people have strange hobbies.

May 5th, 2013, 06:31
5 or 6 guys in uniform !! do you need uniform in a beer bar in the slum called sunee plaza ? ( thats a joke for the hi-s0's on here )
it now looks like a hospital waiting room rather than a bar ...

Maybe that was the plan , to make it the final waiting room for all the old expats in Pattaya ? We can all die peacefully after a double shot....

May 14th, 2013, 15:17
The location of Double Shot/CB with access on two fronts makes it ideal for sitting and enjoying the scenery. Other bars often place their chairs into the soi which is not necessary with Double Shot.
Any updates on Double Shot? As Francois states above it's in a nice situation to sit and take in the to and fro around the area. Mixed reactions on all the gay thailand forums but a few from the same individuals. A favourite early evening venue for me most trips. Like Krazy Dragon irrespective what you think of the bar it's good to see owners prepared to invest in the sunee area.........even if you dont visit it's better to have a bright lively bar than a heap of closed white shutters. It would be good to get an opinion from someone who has actually been in and experienced it. Rather than the miserable 'on passing' negative put-downs from timmberty.

almost empty again tonight ... lets be honest its a loss ... everyone on here knows the corner bar .. most of us still call it the corner bar .. so why change the name ?i sat in the green chair bar tonight .. a bar with a very unfasionable group of people running it and was far happier in there rather than double shot .. 5 or 6 guys in uniform !! do you need uniform in a beer bar in the slum called sunee plaza ? ( thats a joke for the hi-s0's on here ) it now looks like a hospital waiting room rather than a bar ... the owner has it as a hobby we are told . some people have strange hobbies.
not a great start is it ?
what a waste of money and time

For goodness sake give the place a chance, moan, moan, grump, so you would much rather have closed shutters on that busy corner than a 'shiney new bar' to look at from your 'green plastic chairs' timmberty? Every post you have made not just on this thread but others has been trashing this new bar, yet NOT ONE of the 'reports' from you has indicated that you have actually been IN the place. I know paying Bt95 for a drink goes against your miserable glass-half-empty grain but to make any of your 'reports' credible you do need to have at least visited ONCE! Apart from the above moans and groans, in another thread we had timmberty's other remarks...TOO white, TOO loud, TOO bright, TOO HiSo, TOO fancy, TOO upmarket, changing the name! uniforms!.....new fangled things! grump...mump...moan.

Sitting with you at the green plastice chairs spewing out your depressing inferiority complex issues must be like sitting in a shrink's office. Bt40 extra for a boy drink? there should be a mandatory Bt4000 surcharge for any poor lad who makes the mistake of asking "where you from?".........he'll wish he had kept his trap shut! If you talk in the same garbled way as you post the poor guy will probably think you come from the former eastern bloc.

May 16th, 2013, 22:07
What has that got to do with the thread??
Then maybe it's quite in order to ask what any of that has to do with this thread specifically about Double Shot bar. hypocrisy issues? on this thread? on this forum? surely not! German Helmet? tongues in places? Seimen? bullshit? it's more like a glimpse into some rather tawdry Latinpoxxx fantasy, all we need is the 200 baht per hour yaba addict 'cause I cant believe any of his non-bar hook-ups are with sober, drug-free guys.....least for their sakes I hope they're not.

Any recent visits to, or updates on Double Shot bar? I knew one of the waiters who worked there just before the Demolition Party and sometimes keep in touch through Gay Romeo, the only reason I use it nowadays....it's great for that......he had been giving me a few updates just chatting prior to it's opening but he's not been online for a while to catch up with him.

I'll even put up with one of timmberty's classic Double Shot trashings....at least there's some information contained in them somehwere, no matter how one sided, negative and depressing they are and even though he's not been in the place. How long are you in Pattaya timmy? I'm there next month, if you go in to Double Shot and have one of their Bt95 drinks I'll even sponsor the visit and give you the Bt95 with Bt5 interest to 'make it worth your while' when i'm there next month...... We can even discuss scottish-guys non-apology convolution post (It's one of his very best!) over a half-can of Leo outside one of the Soi VC 7-11's or head upmarket to the 'plastic green chair' bar.......Timmy? you on?

May 16th, 2013, 22:52
The off topic posts- call it "banter" to be polite is now split to the Global Forum.

May 17th, 2013, 12:30
I've just sen the pictures and it looks gruesome.

May 18th, 2013, 04:14
A friend did go by Double Shot Bar and related to me that the lighting was well done although the bar, which is red, clashed with the blue lighting. This chap is a producer and director in theater so does have an eye for lighting. However "each to his own taste".
It will be another month before I am able to visit Double Shot and sample the drinks, the decor and the boys after which will post my impressions.

May 18th, 2013, 04:25
francois, I'll beat you by a couple of weeks :alc:

May 18th, 2013, 05:55
I've just sen the pictures and it looks gruesome.
any links to the pics so us guys stuck in farangland can take a peak?

May 19th, 2013, 06:09
any links to the pics so us guys stuck in farangland can take a peak?
Sorry don't know how to set up links, but Nickys Gay Thailand has a couple of pics taken by the guys at Yayas opposite...it's VERY blue!

It will be another month before I am able to visit Double Shot and sample the drinks, the decor and the boys after which will post my impressions.
Me too Francois, I'm in Thailand in about 3 weeks for about a month but not sure when we'll be in Pattaya, but I'll certainly give it a visit along with a few other bars in sunee when we get there.

May 19th, 2013, 07:54
you do not need to go into an open air beer bar to see whats going on as there are no doors or curtains to stop you seeing as you walk past ... i am talking about the double shot bar here .. it used to be called the corner bar*
* i point this out just in case my post is not considered to be about the double shot/ex corner bar by our fair minded mod .
i walked past it most nights for 2 weeks and saw no reason to venture inside .. if i want to listen to crappy german umpa music i can go to germany .. if i want to see a few fat blokes sat on there own i can go to any bar in the world ..
it is totally uninspiring and has nothing to offer me .. so why would i go in ?
to sit in a light i dont like listening to music i dont like being ignored by staff i wont like ??
i can sit in the green chair bar and listen to shit music blaring out from anyone of 10 other bars, but be far enough away from it its just back ground music ..
thanks for the offer of half a leo but im home now .. i look forward to your report tho .. im sure you will like it just because i didnt ... but then again .. we will have to wait and see.

May 19th, 2013, 08:38
Cribbed from Nickys site.

May 19th, 2013, 08:57
IтАЩll be there in June, will let you know if I get blue balls or not. :idea1:

May 19th, 2013, 14:38
I had recently read with a little interest about the re-opening of CB as Double Shot. On previous trips to Sunee I had only seen CB with any patronage worth mentioning on an auction night they had., I have yet to see it revamped as Double Shot
I have never bothered with the old CB as in my opinion there was nothing to entice me into it's dark interior.. The few boys I did espy while passing were too interested in playing pool to bother with customers. I thought maybe new owners would dispose of the pool table and utilise the space more productively. (Maybe they did, I didn't see for myself as I will be returning to LOS next month.); I will see soon,assuming of course it's not shuttered when I'm there
Reading about it re-opening under new management after being refurbished my first thought was it might possibly be a new option which might add to my Sunee experience. I suspect many were hoping for a new/revamped fresh bar possibly with a newish selection of interested and interesting boys for company etc.
Instead I read that the boys walked out en-mass on opening night. I cannot fathom a reason for this unusual situation.
I have seen in previous bar re-openings a festive atmosphere with hundreds of the obligatory balloons and boys partying with gusto. Was this not the case with Double Shot?? Was the "eye candy" fresh and new or just a mish mash of the same disenfranchised , tired boys from other Sunee establishments. ?
Did any of the posters here go in for peek or simply observe it's opening night woes from a distance?

May 19th, 2013, 17:25
i arrive in bkk 30th may
should get to pataya about the 5th june
so looking foward in seeing the new bar, looks great and fresh and young
will report back while im there

May 19th, 2013, 18:12
thanks for the offer of half a leo but im home now .. i look forward to your report tho .. im sure you will like it just because i didnt ... but then again .. we will have to wait and see.
Timmy, I never do or say anything to just to please, agree or disagree with anyone including you. I only honestly post my opinions and reports as they affect me. If I dont like the new set up that's what I will be reporting and why, but I will go in first so that any report I give will be credible in that i've actually been in the place. How can you tell if their drinks are strong or if a member of staff takes care of your needs if you dont go in to find out? If you dont like the garish blue colour, just say that you are not going in because you dont like blue, dont go on to trash the place and comment on things you've yet to experience, that's not very fair.

But how about a bit more on your trip, maybe a report or two? Recent experiences and updated info are great for those who are heading to Thailand in the not too distant future....whets the apetite. Your comments, while often leaning towards the negative aspects of places and people, are usually pretty honest and informative.

so why would i go in ? to sit in a light i dont like listening to music i dont like being ignored by staff i wont like ??
Why go in?..........Well maybe to see what it's actually like? That way you will be able to say for sure if the staff ignored you, how can you possiby tell if the staff is going to ignore you if you have'nt been in to find out? That's absurd.

if i want to listen to crappy german umpa music i can go to germany
Yes, definitely a bit too 'upbeat' for you, but you dont need to go as far as Germany........La Dolce Vita in Jomtien has a great catalogue of oopah 'music'.

never bothered with the old CB as in my opinion there was nothing to entice me into it's dark interior.. The few boys I did espy while passing were too interested in playing pool to bother with customers. I thought maybe new owners would dispose of the pool table and utilise the space more productively. I will see soon,assuming of course it's not shuttered I suspect many were hoping for a new/revamped fresh bar possibly with a newish selection of interested boys for company etc....Instead I read that the boys walked out en-mass on opening night. I cannot fathom a reason
That's the thing krazy4thai........everyone goes to bars for different reasons. When i visit sunee it's normally for an early evening bar hop while my beloved gets himself together before venturing out for a night-out, or if he's invited round friends, so it's a laid back venture (especially if we've been tearing around the area during the day) rather than a boy chasing one. It's also a good relaxing time before hitting clubs, or catching up with sms's, missed calls, things back home...... so i'm often not bothered if i have company or not. While I have seen boys playing pool there, it's very often with customers and I can say that I've never, ever been ignored by staff in any of the various incarnations of Corner bar.

It's the negative implications I dont get......why would you assume the place might be shuttered up when you come? what has the first night 'walkout' got to do with a future visit? if you can't 'fathom it' why mention it.........what is the relevance? Where has timmy and now you, got your "you get ignored in Corner Bar/Double Shot" from? But on that subject.......do you prefer to be pestered by staff who approach uninvited with the usual "where you from" etc.. or prefer to ask someone you are actually interested in first to approach.......seems to me these boys and owners REALLY can't win can they? Customers moan if they get approached too much, and moan if they dont!

May 20th, 2013, 00:04
I agree with what Newalaan posted above. We all go to bars for different reasons. For me the old Corner Bar was my late night hangout after the restaurants, beer bars and go go bars. Just somewhere I could sit, not be bothered and enjoy the sights of the Plaza and a double shot of cognac. I hope that will be the case when I return in July and will make my judgements first hand. Regarding the German music it can't be any worse than the Country Western music favored by Thomas, a previous partner when Crabby owned CB.

May 20th, 2013, 07:14
I have never bothered with the old CB as in my opinion there was nothing to entice me into it's dark interior..
Actually the dark interior was one of its best features. Did you really want to look at the Balmy army in bright lights?

Khor tose
May 20th, 2013, 08:32
I have never bothered with the old CB as in my opinion there was nothing to entice me into it's dark interior..
Actually the dark interior was one of its best features. Did you really want to look at the Balmy army in bright lights?


May 21st, 2013, 17:58
It has always been a mystery to me as to why the Corner Bar, which is seemingly in a prime position, should be forever opening and closing.
Surely it can't be just put down to bad management.

What separates the CB from its neighbours? There doesn't seem to be anything in particular to make it stand out. It's just another beer bar.

Oh, and one more thing. As a gay man attractive, friendly guys are the key to everything. I have sat in the bar next to the CB (All of Me??) on a number of occasions and only once or twice has a boy come and sat with me.

Forever is a long time! Corner Bar had two American owners over the period of several years, Gary followed by Michael who managed it well and attracted many customers due to their personality and willingness to engage with their clients. That same cannot be said for the next owner, Eddie, a Belgium. Hopefully the new owner (also a Belgium ?) will reverse the decline of CB under it's new name Double Shot. The location of Double Shot/CB with access on two fronts makes it ideal for sitting and enjoying the scenery. Other bars often place their chairs into the soi which is not necessary with Double Shot.

The bar adjacent to Double Shot is Sky Restaurant and Drinks which is quite nice and the owner does make his presence known to his guests.
the bar has been badly managed since gary left hence the changes of owners. now it's over-managed perhaps. michael was far too nice a guy to handle the thieving management and eddie put a predatory lady front of house. this new guy has gone over the top a little bit- sunnee likes a little mayhem like russia is said to like the lash...i hope it comes right for him.

May 22nd, 2013, 00:22
Not wearing my glasses but isn't this bar owned by a Belgium guy? and isn't it managed by another Belgium guy. Isn't this the owner who passed out on one of the sofas Sunday a week ago with (probably another Belgium guy) standing in front of him as his bodyguard. Didn't that "bodyguard" walk up to the staff at closing, telling them to do something, but got completely ignored?

I do like the bar and I had a great time. Too bad I couldn't take off the waiter that I liked.

Ow, and NO German music when I was there. Only Dutch.

May 28th, 2013, 17:27
just read this on the cfs site.

Re Corner Bar Sunneee (now "Double Shot") one of my guys tells me the new owners want to change the image and the waiters (who are reportedly all 100% straight,) are no longer allowed to sit with the customers- who must now drink alone! The waiters also cannot be offed until after the bar closes !! Maybe that's why last night there were about 10 waiters and no customers .We'll see how long this policy lasts - I suspect not long!

May 28th, 2013, 18:09
If that's the case Timmberty, I can't see that being very popular.

Might as well stay in the hotel bar and have the same thing going for you :dontknow:

May 28th, 2013, 19:59
just read this on the cfs site.

Re Corner Bar Sunneee (now "Double Shot") one of my guys tells me the new owners want to change the image and the waiters (who are reportedly all 100% straight,) are no longer allowed to sit with the customers- who must now drink alone! The waiters also cannot be offed until after the bar closes !! Maybe that's why last night there were about 10 waiters and no customers .We'll see how long this policy lasts - I suspect not long!

Are you talking about our old friend Icon?

You seem to like his daily column/blog. Was it him that was saying that?????????

May 28th, 2013, 21:04
no it was biggles69.. hes no friend of mine ... he deletes my messages now as its easier than to make up new lies :evil4:
anyhow he's not a fan of pattaya is he .. as a non prevert he much prefers to spend him money in the sex dens of bangkok.