View Full Version : A few words to those considering moving to Thailand

April 21st, 2013, 08:13
Before you move lock, stock and barrel to Thailand I would strongly suggest that you come here with a plan to rent and not buy a place to live. Give yourself some time to decide if you really like the place. My reasons for suggesting this are several.
1. Thailand is becoming more expensive, literally, by the day.
2. Properties are becoming more expensive and the condo situation is very sad in that there are too many of them. If you ever get even most of your money back you will be lucky.
3. Thais, IN MY OPINION, are not the nice people you have been led to believe. This is not really a land of smiles. This is not to say that they are not nice people, just don't expect them to be any nicer than the people are where you now live.
4. Unless you settle in an expat community, you are less likely to be happy. The Thai language is very difficult to learn and this makes communication difficult.
5. My wish to you is happiness if you decide to come to live in Thailand. Just don't expect the land of milk and honey.

April 21st, 2013, 09:22
While I agree with Kjun's main point about taking it slow before making the decision to move permanently to Thailand, I disagree with his supporting points.
1. Thailand is becoming more expensive, but at a rate no faster than any place else. Economic woes are global. While I would not choose to do so, it is still quite possible to live here on the cheap. I have friends who are quite happy and spend less than $1000 each month.
2. Property values are not declining in spite of all the new condos going up like weeds. It's a mystery to me why this is so, but existing condo prices are rising and, surprise surprise, selling.
3. Boy, I sure disagree with this one. Thais ARE nice, warm people. I can't speak for Bangkok which may be suffering the depersonalization common to all big cities, but in Pattaya shop keepers, folks in the street, and people in general are always ready with a smile and eager to befriend (without any expectation of money) passers by.
4. The first part of this point makes sense to me. One does need folks who share a common background when in a foreign country. I do disagree, though, with Thai being a difficult language to learn. I'm certainly no wizard, and I don't speak it particularly well, but it is a simple language at a rudimentary level. There are no real tense or stem changing words, the verb "to be" is rarely used, and Thais quickly look past the quirky issue of tone use. It is NOT that difficult to learn.
5. And the final point, and the most important one, is spot on. Chances are if you are unhappy where you are at home, you won't be happy here. Somehow, grouchy people seem to bring their negativity with them. But, if you are an adventurous soul, love learning and getting to know ways of living different from what you are used to, and accept the Thailand is not your home country you will love the country and its people.

April 22nd, 2013, 04:20
3. Boy, I sure disagree with this one. Thais ARE nice, warm people. I can't speak for Bangkok which may be suffering the depersonalization common to all big cities, but in Pattaya shop keepers, folks in the street, and people in general are always ready with a smile and eager to befriend (without any expectation of money) passers by.
Perhaps I failed to make my point clearly in this one. I don't think Thais are less nice than other some other countries but, by contrast, I feel that Burmese are at least as nice as Thais and, in my opinion, actually more kind and generous people. Also, I definitely made a terrible mistake in investing my life in Bangkok since it is such an unpleasant place to live. The traffic congestion is completely unacceptable primarily due to government corruption. If you live out of the heart of Bangkok, you're screwed.

April 22nd, 2013, 10:07
Corruption causes traffic congestion?? That's an interesting theory.

April 22nd, 2013, 17:41
2. Properties are becoming more expensive and the condo situation is very sad in that there are too many of them. If you ever get even most of your money back you will be lucky.

Accommodation-wise, Thailand is a renter's heaven. You can get accommodation from cheap to luxury at reasonable prices everywhere.

"the condo situation is very sad in that there are too many of them" if you want to rent or to buy, this is paradise!

(Comparison to England and France, where I lived and work before, where accommodation for rent starts at high prices for crappy rooms. I would estimate you can get the same standard in Thailand for one tenth of the cost, from central Bangkok to the boondocks.)

Brad the Impala
April 23rd, 2013, 07:25
The OP paints an extremely negative picture of living in Thailand. Why does he stay? Could it be that he personally can't adapt/and or it sounds like he's surprised by the traffic in the capital.

Of course he is right that if you are thinking of completely relocating to a country, it's advisable to spend a little more time there first, than you would if you were just on holiday.

April 23rd, 2013, 08:27
The OP paints an extremely negative picture of living in Thailand. Why does he stay? Could it be that he personally can't adapt/and or it sounds like he's surprised by the traffic in the capital.It's fairly clear he moved his capital here, bought a few condos and now can't sell them. That's an almost unambiguous reading of his posts.

April 23rd, 2013, 14:36
my main reason for wanting to live in thailand is to get away from briton, i could go to spain but probably wont.
now if i rent in thailand and after a year or two decide i no longer feel the same way for it, i can go elsewhere, no problem.
if i buy a condo or a house there then i'm some what stuck !!
i dont think it would take a genius to work out to live somewhere before making up your mind about the place.
i know i could never handle living in bangkok as its just to manic, so i will start in pattaya, see how long i last there, and whilst i'm there i shall visit other parts of thailand and other countries to see if there's anywhere else i'd fancy pitching up.

April 23rd, 2013, 15:34
It's fairly clear he moved his capital here, bought a few condos and now can't sell them. That's an almost unambiguous reading of his posts.
Do you now live in Thailand?

April 23rd, 2013, 18:45
Do you now live in Thailand?[/quote]Want to be my boyfriend?

April 23rd, 2013, 20:52
Do you now live in Thailand?Want to be my boyfriend?[/quote]

The question was so simple that I thought that even someone with your mental capacity could understand it.

April 24th, 2013, 08:14
Do you now live in Thailand?Want to be my boyfriend?The question was so simple that I thought that even someone with your mental capacity could understand it.[/quote]When you respond to my earlier post commenting on your somewhat inane statement that corruption is the cause of the traffic congestion in Bangkok I'll answer your rather impertinent question.