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April 19th, 2013, 19:52
Hi All,

I'm a new poster and I was looking for some input on what would be an average sum of money one would need to comfortably live off of in Thailand for a year. By comfortable I don't mean extravagant or excessive by Western means. Basically covering rent for a year, visa runs and other mandatory expenses. No need for eating out at expensive Western restaurants every night or paying for nights out at boy bars. I am planning to relocate to Thailand for a year to work and I was wondering how much money I should have in the bank if I am not working and drawing a paycheck every month while there. I've probably left out a lot to consider with this post so I am hoping for you guys input to fill in the blanks. I do not have a Thai BF and my focus is not on getting one necessarily so I'll basically be paying for one and not two during my time in Thailand.

Thanks for your time and responses to my post,



April 20th, 2013, 01:48
1750 Bt per day plus the rent.

April 20th, 2013, 02:19
I'm sure christian gets by on 1745 a day :occasion9:

April 20th, 2013, 07:15
I believe you would be fine on 25,000 USD for a year.

April 20th, 2013, 09:00
Monthly costs:

6000-10.000 condo/house rent
1000-3000 electric/water (airconditioning)
6000-15000 food and other needs (soap, ect.) / 200-500 food daily
15.000-30.000 boys/drinks twice a week (8 times a month) :laughing3:
2000-3000 transport (think about rent or BUY motorbike)

That makes between:
25.000 to 61.000 per month :dontknow:

Many retired people live of something like that fulltime here. :pain10:

Add some unexpected costs, which will always happen.

Prices are in Thai Baht

April 20th, 2013, 11:33
Don't forget health insurance. You do not want to be caught away from your home country without adequate medical insurance and allowances for care for those items not covered by health insurance.

April 20th, 2013, 12:51
Health insurance is very important, but since he comes here to work, I suppose he has it from his job, which every company is sending him here.
That is why I did not add that in the list.

April 20th, 2013, 18:04
"what would be an average sum of money one would need to comfortably live off of in Thailand for a year."

the one who said 25,000 US $ is in my opinion more or less correct. Though with exchange rates and possible unforeseen events etc., I would suggest 30,000 US $.

April 20th, 2013, 20:35
$30.000 a year !!! how on earth would you manage to spend that much if you where working ?
you dont have to go to resturants every night nor do you need to drink beer every night.
how much do you spend at home ? add a bit to that and you would be more or less there.
unless of course you feel the need to go to a go go bar and off a boy every lunch time and same after work, then add plenty more... but id imagine a working man wouldnt be shagging twice a day.

April 21st, 2013, 00:44
timmberty...deleted flaming
at least smoothlegs provided some realistic monthly living costs which add up to just under USD30K per year.
Timmberty deleted flaming

April 21st, 2013, 00:45
an organization only works well if everyone believes they have a fair go...explains why Brazil is a fuck up and the US not.....

April 21st, 2013, 02:36
Hi All,

I'm a new poster and I was looking for some input on what would be an average sum of money one would need to comfortably live off of in Thailand for a year. By comfortable I don't mean extravagant or excessive by Western means. Basically covering rent for a year, visa runs and other mandatory expenses. No need for eating out at expensive Western restaurants every night or paying for nights out at boy bars. I am planning to relocate to Thailand for a year to work and I was wondering how much money I should have in the bank if I am not working and drawing a paycheck every month while there. Wit

Everybody seems to have forgotten that phrase of the OP "If i am not working ...."

30.000 $ seems adequate

Khor tose
April 21st, 2013, 10:59
Everybody seems to have forgotten that phrase of the OP "If i am not working ...."
30.000 $ seems adequate

If you are single you can live on $30,000 a year, but in you have a live in boy friend expect that figure to be at least $40,000. It really is far cheaper to rent then to own, but some of us would not have it any other way.

April 21st, 2013, 16:09
in england i own my house so i pay no rent, but the bills come to about ┬г200 a month.
i have some weetabix or shreddies for brekfast, maybe ┬г20 a month being generous.
lunch time sandwich and a drink monthly say ┬г150
evening meal and another drink same again, im a cheap soul.
add 20 or 30 pound a week for misc payments.. ┬г8000 a year or there abouts.
$13,000 so you see when people talk about $30,000 a year i really dont get it, sure im not going to drink the town dry at weekends or eat in fantastic resturants, as thats not my style, i'd turn it down even if someone offered me a free meal.
oh look no boys in there, well i dont turn them down, but unlike some i dont need drugs to try and be manly.
so 4 shags a day also isnt my thang.

April 22nd, 2013, 08:35
If you are single you can live on $30,000 a year

the one who said 25,000 US $ is in my opinion more or less correct. Though with exchange rates and possible unforeseen events etc., I would suggest 30,000 US $.

That makes between:
25.000 to 61.000 BT per month

As I said 1750 Bt per day plus rent. :banghead:

April 22nd, 2013, 08:40
That makes between:
25.000 to 61.000 BT per month

As I said 1750 Bt per day plus rent. :banghead:

All depends on your life style:
As I said between about 900 to 2000 baht per day, INCLUDING rent

April 22nd, 2013, 10:29
I dunno what you guys find to spend your money on heres my daily budget

Muesli: a weeks supply for brekky under 200 baht so lets say 30 baht a day plus milk probly another 10 baht a day
Street fruit: you know that chopped up pineapple and canaterloop etc about 30 baht a day for lunch
Dinner: if I had my own room I would be making salad or scrambling eggs etc maybe 30 baht.

So whats that 100 baht a day or 3000 baht a month.

Room: well you can get a furnished studio in those soys off Pethburi Rd for well under 10,000 baht a month and utilities say 2,000 a month if that.

Phone and Internet. This is the most expensive really I reckon maybe 1200 a month for 3G to chat to guys on Grindr. Of course this could be optional so a cheap phone with only voice is about 10 baht a day.

Maybe 16,000 baht all up and a boy every 2 or 3 days say 10 a month another 16,000.

There you go 32,000 baht for the month. That's roughly 1,000 baht a day. As my old school teacher used ter write on me school essays "Try harder".

April 22nd, 2013, 14:26
well mister brisbane at least im not alone. why do people think they will spend the same on holiday, as they do when living somewhere ?
i'd love to know how many members on here go out drinking all night every night wether they have work the next day or not.
and do you really all go to resturants nightly ? my guess would be not.. so the ┬г500 you spend a week when on holiday would be cut back very quickly, either that or you would be dead, or even worse a skint bum boring the pants off people whilst trying to blag a beer in a bar.
not a pretty sight.

April 22nd, 2013, 15:34
Timmy I think you are more correct.
OK so I live on the upper end of the scale, big deal. 25,000 a month for rent, 25,000 for transportation, once or twice max eating out a week, the beach maybe once a week and then staff to take care of the cooking and cleaning. Wash, I bought a washer and dryer and the cleaner washes and irons. I have someone who takes care of me so I dont choose to go out and if I want someone extra to come over, well I have plenty of phone numbers and its once a week max.

April 22nd, 2013, 17:43
neal i was thinking when i finally get there for a long stay or to live, i'd rent a 2 bed place. so my friends could come visit for nothing. then i thought want on earth do i need to spend an extra 5 or 10.000 baht a month for so people can get a free'ish holiday. i'd be happy in a 1 bed place, or maybe a studio.. and being as i'd be out most of the day it wouldnt be that much of a big deal living in a small place. also would i want to live close to the action if there all the time, i think i'd prefer to be a bit futher out, so again its cheaper to rent.
as for the sex side of things, spend 1 or 2.000 baht a day on a boy, why not go to sansuk and get plenty for next to nothing..
sure i'd have the odd one over now and again, but not daily. i dont want people hanging round me all the time.
i know its easy to spend a fortune, but its just as easy not to.

April 22nd, 2013, 17:49
I am planning to relocate to Thailand for a year to work

and I was wondering how much money I should have in the bank if I am not working and drawing a paycheck every month while there.

Now what? Working or not working?

That makes quite a difference. I work, so I have an income (more than I can reasonably spend), and work occupies my time so I rarely go out on weekedays.

With work, I think can live comfortably on 20,000 Baht per month, without work, I would need at least 40,000 (because I would have time to fill with activities).

April 22nd, 2013, 22:06
With work, I think can live comfortably on 20,000 Baht per month, without work, I would need at least 40,000 (because I would have time to fill with activities).

Christian, does the 20K include rent? My condo rent with electricity is 20 K/month.
The bf's room with electricity is 7 K/month.

April 22nd, 2013, 22:42
Yes, that includes rent (3000 per month), electricity (400 per month, might rise to 800 when I use aircon every night) and water (about 50 per month). I can live very basic.

April 22nd, 2013, 22:56
Yes, that includes rent (3000 per month),

Just check that, 3000 Bt per month rent??

April 23rd, 2013, 01:58
boys...remember that old saying...if its too good (3000/months...hello!!!)....then its probably NOT.....I shudder to think of the wildlife(roaches)...and flowing raw sewerage that one would have to put up with to enjoy that sort of rent.....

April 23rd, 2013, 02:30
Now this has more to do with survival.
I am sure there is always a way to spend less.
The same way you can always make something cheaper, but it is not as good as the original.
In Uk or the States you could go to the Salvation Army, or the "Resto du Coeur" in France.
And going at the end of the market to buy unsold and scraps.
I know some people have to do that.
And they certainly deserve respect.
But then you are not considering buying a plane ticket of 500/600 тВм to go to live in Asia.
If you CHOOSE to go to Thailand, you need a certain amount to live.
And if you don't have it, you fall foul under Thai law.

April 23rd, 2013, 02:36
yes you need a certain amount to live in thailand, but i dont think ive ever read anywhere that you HAVE to spend it ALL ?
are you telling me i have to spend ┬г18.000 a year or i cant live there?
i can put the money in the bank easy every year, but i'd struggle to spend it all, i just dont feel the need to show off wearing brand names, eating posh dinners, etc etc ... im more than happy to eat in the same places the thai's eat .. or is that not allowed ?

April 23rd, 2013, 02:40
Don't forget health insurance.

I don't want to start a new thread for this but if anyone has experience with what health insurance is
available for an >50 - <70 healthy non smoking male, I would be interested as I need to search this out very soon.

April 23rd, 2013, 02:47
There are so many farangs in Thailand that live of 20000-30000 baht per month.
It is enough to have all the basics you need. Yes, it is not a holiday live style, but then we live here.

Back home that would be impossible for the same amount to even call it living, since all is more expensive.

I spend between 35000-40000 baht a month, incl everything, everything.
If needed I can cut down, about 10000 baht per month, but that would mean leaving my nice 2 bedroom house for an apartment somewhere between 2000-4000 baht (would save me about 6000 baht) and they exist, nice quite area's and clean. Cut of the air-con would save me another 2000 baht per month. cook at home everyday (or eat local Thai food) instead of eating bad food (KFC regular and such), would save me probably about 3000-4000 baht per month.

So I could spend about 10000+ baht less if needed, EASILY, but thank God, I do not need to do that.

My life style is living here. I spend 6 days at home and go out (drinking) once a week. I am happy, on my own, do my stuff at home.

Most people who talk here about $25.000-30.000 per year, live an expensive life style.

One poster mentioned a condo for 20000 baht, wow, must be plated with gold.
My farang style 2 bedroom house, costs me 9500 per month.

April 23rd, 2013, 04:01
Not sure if you were referring to me and rent was 25,000 a month but if you were were it certainly is not plated in gold. It is a comfortable 3 bedroom 3 bath house, ultra small kitchen but wading pool and on this side of Sukhumvit which is not very easy. I may look around for my thirds year but I have to bear in mind that I have 3 dogs and deposits i saw were in the neighborhood of 250,000. Deposit here is one month and I am ok but certainly not like where I was when I was home. Yup maybe I will look around but I am just not in the mood for moving again.

April 23rd, 2013, 06:02
One poster mentioned a condo for 20000 baht, wow, must be plated with gold.
My farang style 2 bedroom house, costs me 9500 per month.

Oh, oh, I think that must be me? Condo rent about 17000 Baht + electric + water but not including Internet. Far from gold plated but in downtown Pattaya; just one bedroom.

Never spent less than 1000 TB/day with average about 2000 TB/day. Enjoy dinner with the bf on a regular basis and never stay cooped up in my room at night and never "cook" food.

April 23rd, 2013, 06:44
$25000 for a year in Thailand? Guys, are you serious?
Well I live in England so I'm going to convert the amount into pounds. That would be ┬г16500 which is ┬г1370 a month. This is statistical average earnings of Brits. Being a student and working part time I earn less and even manage to save some. And I live in pricey London, not in third world country Thailand.
Those living on that mentionned sum are definately enjoying a fairly lavish lifestyle. On the other hand, I don't need to spend money on boys as they line up for me :laughing3: In fact, it's often them who spend money on me. So, if you don't splash on rent boys, I can't see how this sum could reflect a moderate lifestyle.

April 23rd, 2013, 08:29

April 23rd, 2013, 16:57
boys...remember that old saying...if its too good (3000/months...hello!!!)....then its probably NOT.....I shudder to think of the wildlife(roaches)...and flowing raw sewerage that one would have to put up with to enjoy that sort of rent.....

Yes, 3000 Baht per month (in words: three thousand). A room with about 22 sqm plus a small balcony and a bathroom, total about 30 sqm. On fifth floor, there are no cockroaches and no rats (I once saw a rat on first floor, outside there are many). There aren't even mosquitos when the window is open at night and light is on! I sometimes have a gecko in my room, or rather different geckos (different size), but only one at a time.

And there are plenty of small ants. They discovered the muesli I stored in the room, and the bag (originally sealed) had a hole. That will be muesli with dead ants for a while (unless they survive the fridge).

I don't need multiple bedrooms and bathrooms. When I have guests, they sleep with me (in both senses) in the double bed.

This room is larger and nicer than the rooms I had in England and France for 371 GBP and 420 EUR per month.

First there was only a wardrobe, my landlord purchased a double bed that I now use for free and I bought a refrigerator (about 6000 Baht), a bookshelf, a computer table and a chair. But even with these additional costs (that you don't have in a fully furnished apartment), it's cheap.

April 23rd, 2013, 23:59
my landlord purchased a double bed that I now use for free

So you can sleep in the bed in your rented apartment for free?
I bet even the Thais have never thought of that scam!
Is it something Swiss?

April 24th, 2013, 03:36
After reading that post, I really had no idea what I was or wanted to say.

But I have a very VERY good excuse

:alc: :alc: :alc: 3 smilies is maximum

Yesterday 23, Me, I, who cares happy birthday

April 24th, 2013, 08:09
christianspc is absolutely right you can get a comfortable, clean room for that in Bangkok you just need to have a Buddhist approach to life and not want material possessions because we are all Buddhists on this bored arnt we.

June 3rd, 2013, 20:39
Thank you guys for your input and responses. I apologize for the long delay in getting back to my post. Life gets in the way at times when you want to get things done. I admit I am rather alarmed at some of the figures thrown around here. $25,000 to $31,000 ?!? My next question is this - if I'm not working for a US company in Thailand making a US wage against the Thai cost of living (best scenario all around I would think) then what kind of jobs could a farang have in Thailand to make that kind of money? Yes, I know teaching English is the default setting but could that possibly allow someone to make that kind of money for a living? Btw I also turn 50 this year so I dunno how much that may help or hinder employment options. I'm also not quite bilingual yet but I do speak, read and write Thai very well.

Look at it this way - I want to know how can someone survive and thrive in Thailand when they are starting with nothing, from nothing.

June 4th, 2013, 03:50
60 -80 thousand a month.

June 4th, 2013, 03:56
Survive and thrive are two very different states of being. You need to decide which you want to live in first. I recommend you look at this topic on Thaivisa - you'll soon realise there is no rule. But I wish you well in your adventure.

June 12th, 2013, 11:03
One poster mentioned a condo for 20000 baht, wow, must be plated with gold.
My farang style 2 bedroom house, costs me 9500 per month.
Not that outrageous. I have a mate who lives in and works in Bangkok in professional services. I think he said his rent was close to 100,000/month and he's got a two bedder, but a very nice one. Lots of professional, working expats spend those amounts for rent because they expect the same standards they get back home.

The thing about Bangkok is living costs can vary vastly and completely depends HOW you want to live. You can live comfortably enough for 20,000/month yes. You can also have a pretty luxurious lifestyle spend the sort of money you spend back home and live quite luxuriously (more so than you would for the same money at home).

In my backpacking days, I spent $30-$50 a day for accommodation and maybe another $50-$60/day for entertainment, food and living so around $100/day (holiday mode). After a couple of years' of visits that went up to $100-$120/day for accommodation and $100 to $130 a day for entertainment, so $250/day.

Now, my typical accommodation budget is $150-$300/day and another $100-$200/day for entertainment and living. The budget blows out because we go out a lot with friends, try new nice restaurants all the time and can spend quite a fair bit taking his family out to dinner (the favour gets returned). We've both worked hard and he still does work hard so when we take a break, we go all out. I reckon if I was living there normally day to day, I would be spending less, maybe $1,000-$1,500 a week. I'd want a nice apartment right in the centre of the city with a great view and rent on those places can be quite high.

It just comes down to your lifestyle expectations and what you want. Personally, I don't think you can safely, comfrotably and responsibly live by Western standards in Bangkok for under 15,000-20,000 baht/month though. Stuff like healthcare insurance is part of living responsibly by Western standards. Don't skimp out on that.

If you are single you can live on $30,000 a year, but in you have a live in boy friend expect that figure to be at least $40,000. It really is far cheaper to rent then to own, but some of us would not have it any other way.
Huh? A boyfriend who lives with you should really REDUCE your outlay. Because you can SHARE certain fixed costs like rent, utilities etc.... That is unless you are forking out to support them and they're not pitching in at all. In which case, it's either an unbalanced relationship, or not a genuine relationship (more like a prostitute or "kept boy") at all.

June 12th, 2013, 15:27
I'd say about 25-30K per month to live comfortably PLUS rent. So if rent is 20K, that's 45K-50K.
A variable is initial setup costs which can be very high depending.