View Full Version : thai baht

April 17th, 2013, 16:00
i notice so for this morning the baht seems to be tied to a north korean rocket, that has just been fired ! against the pound and the dollar its going straight up ..
when im in thailand i normally change 10,000 baht at a time, so my last trip that was about ┬г200 a pop, today the same 10,000 costs me ┬г227, now i know ┬г27 isnt a lot, but say i want to buy a condo for 2 million baht, then the money starts to get quiet significant.
how much longer does it go on i wonder? and surely it has to come back down ?
or will i be back to spending my hoildays in my back garden before much longer.

Khor tose
April 17th, 2013, 18:51
I think it would be best to visit less often so you do not have to pinch farthings when you are here and can really enjoy yourself. Hmmm, unless you back yard is filled with young and willing boys. If that is the case, where do you live? :hello2:

April 17th, 2013, 21:58
You can thank Ben Bernanke of the US Federal Reserve and Haruhiko Kuroda of the Bank of Japan for part of this. With slashed interest rates in much of the developed world and central banks flooding the markets with liquidity, foreign capital is pouring into Thailand and driving up the value of the baht. It's probably a safe bet that it will continue to appreciate this year. I imagine Thai exporters are getting pretty nervous now. With Thailand taking on more and more debt, I'd also keep my eyes peeled for an asset bubble.

April 18th, 2013, 16:29
bty there are no sexy young men hiding at the bottom of my garden, if only ...
back on topic tho, i see the bahts still heading for the stars today. will it ever come back down?