View Full Version : Boston Marathon... Bombings

April 16th, 2013, 07:24
Today in the great city of Boston Mass. USA..an attack of historic proportion was instituted during the infamous running of our Boston Marathon. This took place at 3PM as our State celebrated Patriots Day, the beginning of our country's independence fight. Thus far 2 are dead and 100 injured from 2 explosions. Nothing so far has been divulged as to the organization responsible but rest assured I see retribution ahead. This I feel will be done in a clandestine manner because WE in the USA are fed up with all the crap that is spewed our way. Our country's politics is not the most popular but be sure our that since 1775 WE have been in the forefront to lead its people and the world forward. I am pissed off like I have never been. I have to go cool off and relax

April 20th, 2013, 08:03
And so after 5 days of terror the people of Boston and vicinity can relax somewhat knowing that the murdering duo have been taken down. America Lives once again! :salute:

April 20th, 2013, 15:04
the great american machine that rides rough shot across the world.
my heart goes out to people who get killed by bombs, shooting, any form of terror.
but when you arm half the world and help them kill in the name of freedom, this is always going to happen.
vietnam is a nice friendly country, maybe it would have been a hell hole like many other places the yanks had helped to liberate, who could ever tell.

April 21st, 2013, 12:33
Yes a bit like Northern Ireland, Argentina and many other places. What about the French, Spanish.

All too well to be anti US, but the UK has little to brag about when comparisons are made

April 21st, 2013, 16:53
who said i was being anti u.s. ? i am anti war, it normally solves nothing.
should the falklands be given back to argentina.... well they have never been argentinian, so it would be hard to give them back. that one was a war they started, as i said it solved nothing other than killing lots of people.
but when does it become small enough to start getting silly?
when parts of spain want to break up.. northern ireland will never be peaceful as to many people make to much money from the troubles there.
im all for giving people there liberty, but when you have 10 generals in an army that want freedom from their rulers against the wishes of millions of people, then the chances are it wont happen, but people will die.